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TSC - Technical Steering Committee

Monday, January 19, 2008 11:00 AM (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)
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  • Chair: Charlie McKay
  • CTO: John Quinn
  • Domain Experts: Austin Kreisler (primary), Ed Tripp(alternate)
  • Foundation & Technology: Ioana Singureanu (primary), Woody Beeler (alternate)
  • Structure & Semantic Design: Calvin Beebe (primary), Gregg Seppala (alternate)
  • Technical & Support Services: Ken McCaslin (primary), Helen Stevens Love (alternate)
  • Affiliate: Ravi Natarajan,
  • ARB Chair: Charlie Mead
  • HQ: Karen Van Hentenryck, Lynn Laakso


  • Charles Jaffe (CEO); Ed Hammond (HL7 Chair); Chuck Meyer (HL7 Vice Chair);



  1. (5 min) Meeting Admin
    1. Roll Call -
    2. Accept Agenda -
    3. Approve Minutes from concall-20081215 - concall-20090105meeting-20090110meeting-20090111meeting-openmic-20090112meeting-20090113meeting-20090114
    4. Review action items -
  2. (20 min) Standing Committee Reports/Approvals
    1. CEO Report -
    2. CTO Report -
    3. ArB Report -
    4. Affiliates Report -
    5. Domain Experts -
      • Laboratory WG Dissolution Request: [1]
      • Project Approval: Healthcare SOA Reference Architecture (H-SOA-RA) and EHR System Design Reference Model (EHR-SD-RM) [2]
    6. Foundation & Technology - We met last week in a face-to-face meeting. The following is a summary of the major items discussed (in addition to our discussion of
      1. The Security work group has put together a "Security cookbook" to help all projects that need to account for security requirements. The work group asked how do we adopt it across HL7? The cookbook for security threat assessment is intended to help committees evaluate their artifacts. It was suggested that the document be distributed to co-chairs for review. What are the TSC recommendations?
      2. Beverly Knight indicated that an ad-hoc "Glossary project" was initiated by Heather Grain who is active both in ISO members and a co-chair of Vocab work group. This informal project is intended to align glossary items between the two SDOs. Publishing work group is currently managing the glossary but the request for collaboration came to Vocabulary work group. Woody Beeler will work with Beverly and Heather to identify the best way to coordinate and publish the resulting artifacts.
      3. Galen Mulrooney asked that the ArB representatives communicate clearly when they are making a request on behalf of the ArB and when they are simply submitting a personal request.
      4. Ken Rubin asked what is the procedure to extend the trial use period for a DSTU. Charlie McCay that this procedure should be documented in the GOM and it will added if it is not included in the GOM already. Publishing would initiate the removal of an expired DSTU by consulting the work group first.
      5. Ken Rubin proposed a RASCI chart to roll out the SAEAF and manage the responsibilities of the various work groups in the steering division. Charlie indicated that the SAEAF is not as fast as expected.

    1. Structure & Semantic Design -
    2. Technical & Support Services -
  1. (30 min) Discussion topics
    • Enterprise Architecture Implementation Plan (EA IP)
      • JanWGM Postscript: Woody reported that MnM passed a formal motion Monday 1/12 to actively engage in process going forward, assigning Woody and Lloyd McKenzie. Goal long term, project proposal forthcoming, to extend the methodology as documented in cap principles and the artifacts in MIF.
    • Review remaining open issues after WGM
    • Technology Plan definition

Future Agenda item list

Submit items for discussion at future meetings

Click for TSC Action Item List