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TSC - Technical Steering Committee
Monday, November 5th, 2007 11:00 AM (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)
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GoToMeeting ID: 822-618-174
- Chair: Charlie McCay
- CTO: John Quinn
- Domain Experts: Jim Case (primary), Austin Kreisler (alternate)
- Foundation & Technology: Ioana Singureanu (primary), Woody Beeler (alternate)
- Structure & Semantic Design: Calvin Beebe (primary), Gregg Seppala (alternate)
- Technical & Support Services: Ken McCaslin (primary), Helen Stevens Love (alternate)
- Affiliate: Frank Oemig, Charlie McCay
- ARB Chair:
- HQ: Karen Van Hentenryck
- Charles Jaffe (CE); Chuck Meyer (HL7 Chair); Ed Hammond (HL7 Chair Elect)
- ARB Chair: Charlie Mead
- (10 min) Meeting Admin
- Roll Call - Charlie McCay, John Quinn, Ken McCaslin, Ioana Singureanu, Jim Case, Calvin Beebe, Austin Kreisler and Karen Van Hentenryck were in attendance.
- Accept Agenda - Jane Foard’s publishing issues were suggested as an addition to today's agenda. The Project initiation process needs discussion/clarification either today or on a future call. With these changes, the agenda was accepted.
- Approve Minutes ConCall-20071029 - MOTION by Kriesler; seconded by Case: To approve the minutes as printed. Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Minutes ConCall-20071022 - MOTION by McCaslin; seconded by Quinn: To approve the minutes as printed. Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Minutes ConCall-20071015 - MOTION by Case, seconded by McCaslin: To accept the minutes as printed. Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Minutes ConCall-20071008 - MOTION by Kreisler; seconded by McCaslin: To accept minutes as printed. Motion passed unanimously.
- quorum and process for minutes approval - McCay expressed concern regarding the groups' issues with reaching quorum on recent calls. McCay suggests that TSC members review the minutes when they are out, with comments/corrections posted to the list. If you cannot participate in the upcoming call, please let the TSC members know if you've reviewed the minutes and support them, so we can approved them in a timely manner
- (10 min) Standing Committee Reports
- CEO Report - Jaffe
- CTO Report - Quinn reported on progress regarding the ARB. Still need to work out with Charlie Mead the exact slate for ARB. Will resolve this when Charlie returns from vacation. Publication problems – in going over the issues with Jane, the solution is that we don’t support deprecated events. Quinn suggested the policy, but Oemig doesn’t support the policy. The publishing committee support Quinn’s policy, but the publishing committee is hashing out the details with Frank and the other editors. ACTION ITEM: When 2.6 is finalized, we will load to the web site and make an announcement to the membership. Quinn reported that he attended the stakeholders meeting last week at the Cleveland Clinic with Jaffe, Hammond, McDougall and Van Hentenryck. The stakeholders were asked to provide us with their thoughts on what problems HL7 could solve for them; what polices we must change and should adopt, etc,; and what our strategic direction should be for the next 5 years. We received a general comment from many of these stakeholders that they were much more educated as to HL7 when they left and that they would be more supportive of the organization moving forward. Tools initiative- Quinn reported that he spoke with Curry last week. Quinn will attend some of the tooling meetings next week in Toronto. The goal is to understand the OHT and their major stakeholders. Tools for internal development and tools for development of IGs. IG for V2.5.1 – McCaslin reported that three weeks ago at HITSP panel meeting these was a gathering of several interested people. All agreed that UCUM standard would be a pilot and they agreed that this should be recommended rather than required. Quinn suggested that we make this change and propose it back to the committee. This would be a substantive change that would require another ballot. This will be taken up off line. If others on the call have ideas on how we can deal with this, let Quinn and others know.
- ARB report - Mead
- Affiliates Report - McCay/Oemig
- Domain Experts - Case reported that they had their call. Issues around ARB were discussed. Looking to find a domain experts rep to nomination for position on ARB. Is there some description of ARB responsibilities that can be shared with those who are interested. ACTION ITEM: put out a notice that ARB is in process of reforming. C Mead will chair, focus on ARB taking over resp for managing architecture of HL7. Time requirements will likely be an hour/week. Those who are interested can contact Quinn until Charlie Mead returns. Van Hentenryck to send an e-mail out to the co-chairs announcing Charlie Mead’s appointment, time commitment, skills, etc. Other issues from SD: what is the exact process for moving projects forward through he publishing calendar. (capture this as an issue). P&P regarding DSTUs and what is the relationship between DSTU progression and normative. Need process for how this works. Quinn explained the current process. There are some ballot items such as DAMs, etc which don’t make sense to publish a DSTUs. Ballot lifecycle needs some work.
- Foundation & Technology - Singureanu reported there was no quorum. There is a great deal of confusion with project lifecycle. Need to have review/education of the process. Need discussion/form to clarify this issue. Project initiative/approval is going to be simpler than what we’ve had in the past. Need to set time aside as WGM, conference calls, etc. Need more eyes looking at the process. Take this offline and progress it. Regarding tooling they have gotten free enterprise architect licenses from Spark systems for their UML tool. Might try to get some free licenses from IBM. Quinn noted that part of the tooling initiative is to try to get the IBM piece for free.
- Structure & Semanic Design - Beebe reported that the SD met and they have a number of project scope documents being reviewed the group.
- Technical & Support Services - McCaslin
- (5 mins) The SOA TC charter MOTION by McCaslin; seconded by Kreisler”: To approve the SOA TC charter. Motion approved unanimously.
- (10 mins) Project Services Committee - McCaslin reported that the SD did not have a meeting this week. But he reached out to MnM and ARB to ensure that as he is forming mission/charter that he is including the appropriate items. ACTION ITEM: Mccaslin will present this mission/scope to the SD and presnet on the next TSC meeting
- (10 mins) OHF tooling initiative Quinn
- (15 min) issue review and processing - McCay reported that we are getting a Gforge tracker established. The account information has been send to Wilfred Bonney (staff) who is setting up the project. Will hopefully be in place next week. Try to get deadline from Wilfred and publish it to the TSC admin list. Try to get a summary of the Jane Foard issue out to the TSCadmin list
- Status of gForge Implementation - Singureanu
- tsc issue review process
- looking at current issues
- (5 min) Other Business