
From HL7 TSC
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TSC - Technical Steering Committee

Monday, October 15, 2007 11:00 AM (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)

To participate, dial 702-894-2444 and enter pass code 1244667#

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GoToMeeting ID: 822-618-174



  • Charlie McCay (Chair)
  • John Quinn (CTO)
  • Domain Experts: Austin Kreisler (alternate)
  • Foundation & Technology:
  • Structure & Semantic Design: Gregg Seppala (alternate)
  • Technical & Support Services: Ken McCaslin (primary)
  • Affiliate: Frank Oemig
  • Karen Van Hentenryck


  • Foundation & Technology:Ioana Singureanu (primary)
  • Chuck Jaffe (CEO)


  1. (10 min) Meeting Admin
    1. Roll Call - See attendees list above.
    2. Accept Agenda - No modifications to the agenda were suggested.
    3. Approve Minutes ConCall-20071015 - Tabled to 10/29/2007
    4. Approve Minutes ConCall-20071008 - Table to 10/29/2007
  2. (15 min) Standing Committee Reports
    1. CEO Report - Charles Jaffe provided a CEO report the previous week and no updates to that report were provided
    2. CTO Report - Quinn reported that he just returned from a two-week absence from the office and has a number of items to address in the next several days. McCaslin asked whether Quinn had had an opportunity to address the issue with the V2.5.1 ELINCS guide. Quinn will make that one of the first items of business over the next few days.
    3. Affiliates Report - Oemig indicated that there was nothing to report from the affiliates' perspective.
    4. Domain Experts - Kreisler reported that this steering division is still trying to organize their first call. Given the size of their group and the fact that several co-chairs live outside the US, they've found it challenging to find a time that is relative convenient for most participants.
    5. Foundation & Technology - Neither Singureanu nor Beeler were on the call and thus no report was provided.
    6. Structure & Semanic Design - Seppala indicated that there was nothing to report from their steering division.
    7. Technical & Support Services - McCaslin reported that their group has not met since the WGM. He has received very little feedback on the web site migration worksheet he distributed last week and will redistribute that in the next few days.
  3. (5 mins) The SOA TC charter - Even though a representative from the Foundation & Technology steering division was not on the call, the group discussed the proposed changes to the grou's mission/charter. Kreisler reported that he did a file compare between the old and updated mission/charter and noted that the relationship with Eclipse has disappeared from the updated mission/charter. ACTION ITEM: Quinn will contact Ken Rubin, co-chair of the SOA group, to determine whether this omission was intentional. Other than that question, the TSC is comfortable with the updated mission/charter and will entertain a motion to approve on next week's call. Until the updated bylaws are approved, the missions/charters require approval by the Board.
  4. (15 min) ARB composition and role - Quinn directed individuals to the slide deck that he distributed earlier: This slide deck was based on conversations between Quinn, Hammond and Mead Walker, the current ARB chair. The items in red represent the modifications made by Quinn and include making the ARB the keeper of the "goal" architecture. The ARB should montior the organization in terms of where we are with the goal architecture vs where we want to be. Quinn and Hammond feel strongly that the ARB should be appointed by the CTO/TSC. The current plan is that the ARB will fall under the purview of the TSC rather than the Board. In his role as CTO, Quinn will make recommendations on who will fill each of the seats on the ARB, with the TSC ratifiying these recommendations. Quinn/Hammond recommend the following composition:
    • ARB Chair (1)
    • V2 messaging representative (1)
    • V3 messaging representative (1)
    • CDA representative (1)
    • SOA representative (1)
    • Vocabulary representative (1)
    • one representative from each of the four steering divisions (4)
    • CTO (ex officio - voting) (1)
    • Director of PMO (ex officio - non-voting) (1)
    • Associate Executive Director (ex officio - non-voting) (1)

Concern was raised regardin a single ARB chair as that stymies progress when that chair is not able to attend/participate. Quinn suggested two possitioin solutions: (1) the ARB elects a co-chair from the other voting seats on the ARB, or; (2) the CTO assumes the role of ARB chair in tht person's absence. The second solution was the preferred solution to those on the call. ACTION ITEM:Quinn will update the slide deck based on today's conversaation and redistribute to the ARB for further discussion on next week's call. Quinn also noted that he'd spoken with Mead Walker regarding the role of chair. Given Walker's other commitment, both he and Quinn feel is would be benficial to find someone else who can assume this role, although Walker should be seated as one of the ARB members. MOTION by McCaslin: That Quinn formally approach Charlie Mead about assuming the role of ARB chair; seconded byQuinn. The motion passed unanimously. ACTION ITEM: Steering Division co-chairs should make recommendations to Quinn on filling the ARB seat from their steering division.

  1. (15 min) issue review and processing - McCay
    1. tsc issue review process-
      1. issue tracking with version control -
      2. issues must include a recommendation -
      3. Authority of the CTO / Chair of the TSC to close issues
    2. looking at current issues
      1. issue 15 McCay recapped the issue regarding the RBAC ballot. There are four negative votes and they are one vote shy of the required 90% affirmative vote. While our bylaws indicate that we can dispense with "not related" and "not persuasive" vote by a 2/3 affirmative vote of the ballot pool, this is not in keeping with ANSI Essential Requirements, and this is an instance whether our bylaws, policies and procedures, and ANSI ER are out of synch. Since the negative voters are requesting that additional information be added to the ballot document, the TSC recommends that the committee find these votes "not related", which are then treated as negative votes without comment. These votes are reported to ANSI and negatives without comment, but don't impede the progress of ballot and don't require a recirculation ballot. The issues raised in the negative votes should be treated as proposals for additions to the standard in future releases. Seppala suggested that a third party engage in a discussion with the negative voters/committee co-chairs to explain why these votes are out of scope, how they might be resolved in future versions, and limitations to dealing with the issue in the future. The steering division co-chairs should begin these discussions. ACTION ITEM: Charlie McCay will follow up Singureanu regarding next steps as she is the primary representative from that steering division.
      2. issues list:
  2. (5 min) Other Business Seppala asked about the Implementation Note that was drafted a few weeks ago. There are several e-mails discussions on the note taking place on various list serves. Van Hentenryck reported that the PA co-chairs crafted the language for the original Implementation Note and that Joann Larson has submitted alternate wording. ACTION ITEM: Van Hentenryck will distribute the updated wording to the TSC list for review.

McCaslin raised the issue of transitioning from the

Agenda item list (our sand box for future meetings)

Click for TSC Action Item List