T3SD ConCall-20110307

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Meeting Admin

  1. Roll Call
    • Ken McCaslin, Co-Chair; Dave Hamill; Freida Hall; Jane Curry; John Ritter; Lorraine Constable; Lynn Laakso; Mike Henderson; Rick Haddorff; Woody Beeler
  2. Approve Meeting Minutes - February 7- no vote; meeting cancelled
  3. Approve Meeting Minutes - December 6approved with no changes. Abstain: 4
  4. Approve Meeting Minutes - January WGMapproved. abstain: 4
  5. Approve Agenda
  6. TSC Report
    • T3SD/TSC/Board Proposal - Board/T3SD communication plan: Ken McCaslin; Ken asked if WGs have decided who will be Board Reported liaison. Woody asked if this applies to all WGs in this SD? Ken clarified the intent is for all groups in the Steering Division. Woody needs to check with Publishing and also needs to determine if Publishing has decided re: a separate WG for V2 and V3. Jane asked for clarification on which WGs will have Board Appointed liaison. There are additional groups that aren’t part of T3SD that had Board liaison position in the past (for example Marketing); what is criteria for which groups have Board appointed liaison? Ken indicated he did not want to define outside of the T3SD; Bob Dolin wanted to define in context of this Steering Division (refer to the proposal.) Ken suggested the Board liaison might also be liaison to the TSC when there are issues that need to be communicated to the TSC.
    • Lynn reported the TSC Approved 3 DSTUs from Structured Documents for extension. The TSC would like to know about the extension reason, e.g. first request, second request, etc. Look for a future process definition. Last week some TSC projects were approved in committee that will be for T3F agenda review. SAIF Architecture was approved.
  1. Project Review
    • none identified
  2. Steering Division Reports
    1. Electronic Services
      • The group is focused on web site security and changes to conference call center. Used wrong template for DMP; need to correct. Also discussed their Board appointed liaison. The group is thinking of icons for web pages and plan to expand the wiki use policies to address open source content
    2. International Mentoring
    3. Process Improvement
    4. Project Services
      • 2011 PSS approved; Dave taking suggestions 2010. Working with Dave Hamill on the Project Health dashboard. Working with Lynn Laakso and TSC on Program Management and working with Govt. Projects on US Readiness project. Requested new meeting time for May WGM (earlier in week). Second draft of SAIF & Sound whitepaper out to list for comment. Working Ken McCaslin on introducing new processes to HL7; TSC gForge project id 1681. Working with Lynn Laakso on wiki template for project page. Project Scope Statement (PSS) for SAIF Pilot Coordination Project was distributed to the T3S list today; it is a TSC sponsored project, but if you have comments please send to Rick Haddorff.
    5. Tooling
      • The group is reviewing/clarifying the state of the static model designer. There is discussion on Tooling list for tasks to support tooling (paid and volunteer). Also reviewing the National Cancer Institute (NCI) roadmap for semantic infrastructure; how can tooling be augmented to support HL7’s needs. After completing this task, Tooling plans to work on their strategic plan. Jane asked where to submit DMP; send to Lynn and Ken. Woody asked if Steering Divisions need to review DMPs; Ken replied it is not required but may be helpful to review.
    6. Education
      • [1] – The Mission and Charter statement was reviewed. Motion to approve by Mike Henderson; Woody Beeler seconded. Woody asked if reference is made to Education Summits; it was not, but summits are responsibility of the Education WG. There is a generic statement that covers the Education Summits. Opposed – 0; Abstain – 0. Motion carried.
      • Academia Engagement Project Scope Statement was reviewed. Jane asked about coordination with Open Health Tool (OHT) education effort (Dan Russler is leading). Mike asked Jane to send him info via email. HL7’s Academic Engagement project will likely result in the publication of articles. There is a typo after ‘1’. This project is ‘Universal’. Mike moved adoption of PSS for academic engagement. Jane seconded the motion. Opposed – 0; Abstain – 0. Motion carried. Ken forwarded the PSS to Lynn for the TSC agenda; Lynn will forward to Dave for Project Insight update. Mike Henderson can join the TSC next week (3/21) to respond to question re: PSS.
    7. Publishing
      • Publishing – less than a month away from next ballot. NIB has closed; we have a rich set of ballots in the cycle. Publishing is working to advance XML publishing, e.g. from random XML to MIF prior to publication. Publishing is also working to enhance Glossary functionality to maintain in single locale in future. Publishing is in good shape for this ballot cycle.
  3. New Business