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Fndn&Tech Steering Divn - Conference Call (date above)

Meeting Information

Conference Call is scheduled for 0.5 hour,
Tuesday 12:00 PM to be repeated every other week
Please consult http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock for your local times
HL7 Conference Call Service
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 (Passcode: 943627)
Online Meeting Service - GoToMeeting
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/385800034 (GoToMeeting ID: 385-800-034)

Steering Division Members:

  • Application Integration & Design (AID)
  • Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS)
  • Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing(CGIT)
  • Infrastructure & Messaging (InM)
  • Modeling & Methodology (MnM)
  • Security
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Templates
  • Vocabulary


Facilitator Note taker Quorum = 5 WGs
Woody Tony Yes
Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS) Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing Infrastructure and Messaging (InM)
X Knapp, Paul X Huang, Wendy X Julian, Tony
X Nelson, Dale X Oemig, Frank . Loyd, Patrick
. . . Shaver, Dave
. Snelick, Robert X Stuart, Sandy
Modeling & Methodology (MnM) RIM-Based Application Architecture (RIMBAA) Security
X Beeler, Woody X Hendler MD, Peter X Blobel PhD, Bernd
. Duteau, Jean . Stechishin, Andy X Davis, Mike
. Grieve, Grahame . Spronk, Rene X Moehrke, John
X McKenzie, Lloyd
. Natarajan , Ravi
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Templates Vocabulary
. Jorgenson, Don . Baird, Douglas X Case, James
. Lotti,Stefano . Roberts , John . Grain, Heather
X Rubin, Ken X Shafarman, Mark X Hamm, Russell
. McCauleu, Vince . Hausam, Rob
. Klein, William Ted
X Laakso, Lynn X Shakir, AbdulMalik
. . = Absent, X = Present, r = Regrets


  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Previous Minutes & Accept Agenda
  3. (05 min) Inclusion of SAIF references in Work group Mission and Charter - Informational
  4. (10 min) Work group health metrics and PBS metrics - Informational
  5. (10 min) Ballot advice - Informational
  6. (10 min) Engagement with Steering Division - Informational
    1. 3.2 Engaging with the Steering Division
      1. In addition to co-chairing the Work Groups, co-chairs are expected to engage with the steering division to which your work group belongs. The co-chairs that comprise each steering division elect the steering division co-chairs and vote on projects, proposed changes to work group missions and charters, the dissolution or addition of new work groups, etc. Co-chairs should view their steering divisions as the first point of contact in resolving any number of issues that they or their work group face and/or would like to escalate to the TSC for discussion and resolution. Likewise, the steering division co-chairs are the conduits of communication from the TSC to the work group co-chairs. Steering divisions typically schedule regularly conference calls and meet immediately following the Monday evening co-chairs’ meeting at each of the three Working Group Meetings. At least one co-chair from each Work Group is expected to attending these calls and meetings.\
  7. (10 min)Request from SOA - Ken Rubin
    1. SOA for CDS
    2. I would like to request that these services be added to the agenda for Phoenix. In short, SOA has been approached, asking if we can/will sponsor projects for the establishment of supportive capabilities to underpin needed CDS capabilities. I believe that these candidates are a good fit for SOA, but want to vet this within the steering division to ensure that there is a consensus on this, or identify a more appropriate workgroup sponsor if that is the case.
  1. (5 min) Other Business


  1. Roll Call (See attendee list)
  2. Minutes and Agenda
    1. Motion to approve Previous Minutes & Accept Agenda (Tony/Russ)
    2. Vote8-0-0
  3. (05 min) Inclusion of SAIF references in Work group Mission and Charter - Informational
    1. SAIF standard language for Mission and Charter Statements
    2. The [workgroup name] will develop specifications using the principles and language of the SAIF CD and the restrictions and specializations of the HL7 SAIF IG to ensure traceability from Conceptual to Logical to Implementable specifications.
  4. Work group health metrics and PBS metrics - Informational
  5. Ballot advice - Informational
  6. Engagement with Steering Division - Informational
    1. 3.2 Engaging with the Steering Division
      1. In addition to co-chairing the Work Groups, co-chairs are expected to engage with the steering division to which your work group belongs. The co-chairs that comprise each steering division elect the steering division co-chairs and vote on projects, proposed changes to work group missions and charters, the dissolution or addition of new work groups, etc. Co-chairs should view their steering divisions as the first point of contact in resolving any number of issues that they or their work group face and/or would like to escalate to the TSC for discussion and resolution. Likewise, the steering division co-chairs are the conduits of communication from the TSC to the work group co-chairs. Steering divisions typically schedule regularly conference calls and meet immediately following the Monday evening co-chairs’ meeting at each of the three Working Group Meetings. At least one co-chair from each Work Group is expected to attending these calls and meetings.\
  7. Request from SOA - Ken Rubin
    1. SOA for CDS
    2. I would like to request that these services be added to the agenda for Phoenix. In short, SOA has been approached, asking if we can/will sponsor projects for the establishment of supportive capabilities to underpin needed CDS capabilities. I believe that these candidates are a good fit for SOA, but want to vet this within the steering division to ensure that there is a consensus on this, or identify a more appropriate workgroup sponsor if that is the case.
    3. Introduced for discussion and volunteers.
    4. Next step is PSS.
    5. Comment: This is a good fit for SOA, and we encourage you to explore further.
    6. MotionAgreement in principle that SOA is an appropriate Home for User communication and Task management services.(Ken/Jean)
    7. Vote(8-0-0)
  8. Adjournment:
    1. Motion to adjourn at 7:20pm Arizona time.. (Tony/Russ)
    2. Vote (8-0-0)

--A julian

Agenda items

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