2011-12-12 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 124466# new code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 165-215-206

Date: 2011-12-12
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name Affiliation
regrets Calvin Beebe HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair
Regrets Woody Beeler HL7 FTSD Co-Chair
Bob Dolin HL7 Board Chair
x Freida Hall Ad Hoc, HL7 T3SD SD Co-Chair-elect
x Tony Julian HL7 FTSD Co-Chair
x Austin Kreisler HL7 TSC Chair, DESD Co-Chair
x Lynn Laakso HL7 staff support
Patrick Loyd HL7 T3SD Co-Chair
regrets Ken McCaslin HL7 T3SD Co-Chair
Charlie Mead HL7 ArB Chair
regrets Ravi Natarajan HL7 Affiliate Representative
x Ron Parker HL7 ArB Alternate
x John Quinn HL7 CTO
x, 1st half Helen Stevens Ad-Hoc
x Ed Tripp HL7 DESD Co-Chair
x Pat Van Dyke HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair
Mead Walker invited guest, HL7 DESD SD Co-Chair-elect
x Brian Pech observer
x Brett Marquard observer, CDA publication request

Quorum Requirements (Chair +5 with 2 SD Reps) Met: yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler
  3. Approve Minutes
  4. Review action items
    • Process documentation for Work Groups changing steering division (Austin)
    • Update Guidance on ballot levels (Austin and Ron)
  5. Approval items:
  6. Discussion topics:
  7. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
  8. Open Issues List

Supporting Documents

  • See links


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)- Brian Pech and Brett Marquard
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler - no changes noted, approve by general consent
  3. Approve Minutes of 2011-12-05 TSC Call Agenda - 4/0/2, minutes pass with Freida and Helen abstain
  4. Review action items
    • Process documentation for Work Groups changing steering division (Austin) - need to roll forward; not ready
    • Update Guidance on ballot levels (Austin and Ron)- roll forward
  5. Approval items:
    • Motion: Approve DSTU Publication Request for Consolidated CDA Templates by Structured Documents WG of SSD SD, at Project Insight #728, TSC Tracker 2133
      • Collaboration with IHE and Health Story and support from ONC, nine previous documents combined into this document. They have addressed the remaining 7 negatives in a block from GE/Siemens. Draft guide published 4 weeks ago with 2 updates since.
      • Vote: unanimously approved.
      • Helen comments that the links are broken to the guides on the SD wiki; Brett will bring to the SDWG this week to clean up.
  6. Discussion topics:
    • Seeking TSC endorsement of the Product maintenance process (TSC Tracker #2115)
      • Motion: Helen moves and Pat seconds endorsement of the process.
      • Helen requests we tag this in 6 months to review how the process is working.
      • Vote: unanimously approved.
    • Seeking endorsement of updates to Publication Request Template (TSC Tracker #2116)
      • Helen asks if we would have access to review the material that is requested to be published as part of the publication request. Discussion ensued on putting the material somewhere for review but that would expose it to violations of our IP policy. Short of emailing the content to the TSC we must protect it during the review process. ACTION ITEM: Lynn will look into how we make such a link or directory available to the TSC, similar perhaps to the process where the International Affiliate chairs receive links to a private area for the Tutorial presentations after the WGM. Publication material is sent to Don at the same time the request for publication goes to Lynn so it's not always electronically available. The idea is to see certain parts to review how the reconciliation comments are addressed in the material, where possible.
      • Motion: Tony moves and Pat seconds endorsement of the updated Publication Request
      • Vote: Unanimously approved
    • Healthiest Workgroups - Do we count SD co-chair election only in the trimester it occurs, or the entire year?
      • Lynn describes the impact of the election carries through the representation in the Steering Division and TSC for the entire year so previously it was thought it should be measured for the entire year. Helen endorsed that approach as it's an important measure of the health of the Work Group and an action that takes such little time. Ed notes that giving it the importance for the year might give it the level of attention it deserves. Freida and Helen note that it should be called out during his report on the importance of that vote. He might be able to compile a list for those that would have been healthiest if they had voted. John cautions not to do it in the plenary; Freida notes perhaps at the cochair. John notes you could call out those that were one-off, and be more specific in the Steering Division meeting. Austin suggests that each of the cochairs call it out in their Steering Division meetings. John also suggests you could call out by which Steering Division had the highest participation in the election.
      • Austin will compile a list to review before the WGM to talk about the message we want to deliver. We need to talk about Work Groups that have been in the red for over a year and are not responding to efforts by the Steering Division co-chairs. Examples include Government Projects and CCOW. John suggests evaluating the denominator. Austin has a suggestion on aligning WGH with the strategic initiatives. John also notes that at least once a month he gets an inquiry on CCOW, as they're one of the most widely used standards HL7 has. We will have to renew ANSI accreditation at some point and we'll need someone to shepherd the ballot.
    • Helen and Tony have to leave
    • Review 2012JanWGM Agenda for San Antonio (121 registered so far, Child Health withdrawn)
      • 2012-01-18 SAIF AP Mtg at 2012JanWGM Weds Q4
      • 2012-01-17_TSC_WGM_Agenda - Tuesday Luncheon Meeting
      • 2012-01-16_TSC_WGM_Agenda - Monday Co-Chairs Meeting
      • 2012-01-16 TSC Activities with Other SDOs Monday Q2 or Q3 TBD
      • 2012-01-15_TSC_WGM_Agenda - Sunday Evening Meeting
      • 2012-01-15 TSC Activities with Other SDOs Sunday Q4
      • 2012-01-14 TSC WGM Agenda, Saturday Meeting
      • Some metrics like Wiki presence, GForge presence have not changed in over a year and may no longer be good metrics of health. Austin has a discussion topic on Q1 for metrics tied to Strategic Initiatives and the SI Dashboard. Dashboard criteria discussion also in Q1.
      • Q2 has no planning tasks for January - Austin and Lynn will look into that.
      • Q3 is our project review, and Q4 will be SAIF Risk Assessment and Governance. Tooling update is also scheduled for Q4. ArB updates us on their meeting on Sunday evening and CIMI is also meeting Thursday through Saturday so may wish to have an update on Sunday. Ron will be leaving the CIMI meeting in favor of the TSC on Saturday. Q4 Saturday is SAIF, and Q5 Sunday is ArB. Austin notes that some projects under the Architecture Program are floundering and we need to discuss what we need to do about them. MnM project for the Implementation Guide is effectively stalled. O&O Composite Order has ground to a halt. Resource issues make it difficult to address.
    • Ron and Pat have to leave.
    • There is a call next week for December 19th, skip two weeks, then there's only one call left before the WGM on January 9th. Need to email the TSC list to give them a heads-up for those that didn't make the call.

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Lynn will look into how we make such link or directory available to the TSC to review publication material.
  • Austin will compile a list of Work Group Health one-off infractions and extended red-light Work Groups to review before the WGM to talk about the message we want to deliver.
  • WGM Saturday Q2 has no planning tasks for January - Austin and Lynn will look into that
  • Lynn will email the TSC list to give them a heads-up for those that didn't make the call of the meeting schedule approaching the WGM.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items