2009-04-20 TSC Call Agenda
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TSC - Technical Steering Committee
Monday, April 20, 2009 11:00 AM (US Eastern Daylight Time, GMT -5) To participate, dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 124466# GoToMeeting at https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/165215206 GoToMeeting ID: 165-215-206
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- Chair: Charlie McCay
- CTO: John Quinn
- Domain Experts: Austin Kreisler (primary), Ed Tripp (alternate)
- Foundation & Technology: Ioana Singureanu (primary), Woody Beeler (alternate)
- Structure & Semantic Design: Calvin Beebe (primary), Gregg Seppala (alternate)
- Technical & Support Services: Ken McCaslin (primary), Helen Stevens Love (alternate)
- Affiliate: Ravi Natarajan
- ARB: Charlie Mead (primary), John Koisch (alternate)
- HQ: Karen Van Hentenryck, Lynn Laakso
- Charles Jaffe (CEO)
- Ed Hammond (HL7 Chair); Bob Dolin (HL7 Vice Chair)
- Marc Koehn (EA IP)
- John Quinn
- Gregg Seppala
- (5 min) Meeting Admin
- Roll Call -
- Accept Agenda -
- Approve Minutes from 2009-04-13 TSC Call Minutes –
- Review action items –
- (20 min) Standing Committee Reports/Approvals
- CEO Report -
- CTO Report - [1]
- I was at the HIMSS meeting Sunday through Wednesday April 5 through 8 in Chicago. We had good booth traffic and several presentations given by myself, Chuck Jaffe, Ed Hammond, Woody Beeler, Bob Dolin, Ken Rubin and others. I gave two presentations: Brief history and current status of HL7 Version 2; and HL7—Supporting Profiling & Enforcing Organizations Other Standards Development Organizations. If anyone has any interest, the slides should be available on the HL7 web site.
- The HIMSS meeting was followed by an Open Health Tools Technical meeting on Wednesday afternoon and an OHT Board meeting on Thursday April 9th. Many individuals and organizations reported progress on various projects. Of note: The NHS reported posting their Static RIM Modeler to the OHT web site; The VA and IBM reported good progress on adding CDA templating capabilities to RUP and making the utilities and add-ons available when complete to the OHT web site.
- Last week V3 Harmonization, the Attachments WG, and the ArB all held out-of-cycle meetings in Las Vegas Nevada. Meetings occurred Tuesday through Friday. The ArB will report on their specific progress on the TSC call on April 20.
- I am on vacation this week and will be attending the ISO TC215 meetings in Edinburgh that start on April 26 and continue through May 1.
- EA IP Update
- ArB Report -
- Affiliates Report -
- Domain Experts -
- Request to Publish Informative document: SPLr4 Implementation Guide request at TSC Tracker #1051
- Foundation & Technology -
- Structure & Semantic Design -
- Dissolution of Work Group request - Scheduling and Logistics, see request at TSC Tracker #878
- Procedural issues with Care Provision: Clinical Documents, see TSC Tracker # 1050
- Technical & Support Services -
- (30 min) Discussion topics
- Proposal for TSC Actionable National Initiative Plan 2009 Scope Statement, at TSC Tracker # 1001
- Agenda for May2009 WGM in Kyoto
- Candidates for Nominations Committee
- Open Issues List