2016-01-04 TSC Call Agenda
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TSC Agenda/Minutes
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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371# |
Date: 2016-01-04 Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern | |
Facilitator: Ken McCaslin | Note taker(s): Anne Wizauer |
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented | yes/no | ||||||
Chair/CTO | ArB | International Affiliate Rep | Ad-Hoc | ||||
x | Ken McCaslin | x | Tony Julian | . | Jean Duteau | x | Austin Kreisler |
. | John Quinn | Regrets | Lorraine Constable | . | Giorgio Cangioli | . | |
Domain Experts | Foundation and Technology | Structure and Semantic Design | Technical and Support Services | ||||
. | Melva Peters | . | Woody Beeler | x | Calvin Beebe | x | Freida Hall |
x | John Roberts | x | Paul Knapp | x | Pat van Dyke | Regrets | Andy Stechishin |
. | Russ Hamm | . | . | Sandra Stuart (co-chair elect) | |||
ex officio | Invited Guests | Observers | HL7 Staff | ||||
. | Pat Van Dyke (HL7 Chair) w/vote | . | . | obs1 | x | Anne Wizauer | |
. | Chuck Jaffe (CEO) |
. | . | . | obs2 | . |
. | . | . | . | . | |||
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Agenda review and approval -
- Approve Minutes of 2015-12-21 TSC Call Agenda
- Approval items:
- Discussion topics:
- Update from IHE representative on FHIR DSTU version issue
- Review action items –
- Approval items:
- Project Approval Request from the Structured Docs WG of the SSD-SD for Occupational Data for Health Data Elements and Structure for Consolidated CDA Social History Section at Project Insight 1225 and TSC Tracker 9147
- Project Approval Request by the CDS WG of the SSD-SD for Guideline Appropriate Ordering Profile at Project Insight 1210 and TSC Tracker 9155
- Normative Publication Request by the RCRIM WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 3 Standard: Structured Product Labeling (SPL), Release 7 at Project Insight 1147 and TSC Tracker 9181
- Informative Publication Request by the ECWG of the DESD for HL7 Domain Analysis Model: Emergency Care, Release 1 – US Realm at Project Insight 368 and TSC Tracker 9184
- Discussion topics:
- TSC co-sponsorship request for HL7 Implementation Professional Certification Project
- Update on WGH metrics for WGs contributing to FHIR - Paul, Lorraine
- Status update on HL7's vote on UDI material - John Quinn
- Update on FGB discussion regarding projects being worked on without a formal project scope (FHIR Path) - Lorraine, Calvin
- SGB review of FGB proposal on review and approval process for product family-related projects - Paul
- Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
- Open Issues List
- No additions to the agenda
- Minutes accepted via general consent
- No IHE representatives here to clarify the FHIR DSTU version issue - will postpone issue
- Co-sponsorship request for HL7 Implementation Professional Certification Project:
- Paul: this is an implementation focus - is it specific to FHIR? Austin: this is not specific to any one HL7 standard. This is a general focus on HL7 implementers.
- MOTION by Austin for TSC to co-sponsor. John Roberts seconds. Discussion over specifics of program such as CEUs, fees, recertification. Will be comparable to other types of certifications. Sharon Chaplock at HQ has extensive knowledge of these types of programs and has been very helpful. Intent is to be comparably priced to other certification programs.
- VOTE: all in favor
- One of TSC's roles as a cosponsor will be as a communication channel to WGs. Ken suggests a regular update on the project; Austin states he can do a monthly update. Survey results are expected in late February/early March. Will examine the size of the market.
- Update on WGH metrics and WGs contributing to FHIR:
- Paul went to FMG and suggested some strategies; Lloyd made some alterations but there is now a process for sending the information to Anne (all listed on the FHIR tracking spreadsheet). FMG will review list before released on interim WGH report. Ken: we'll add to May WGM agenda to see how the process worked.
- SGB review of FGB proposal:
- Paul: SGB met two weeks ago. Agreed to take it on as a work item in Orlando. Have not concluded the review as of yet. Discussion over SGB web presence.
- Ken mentions the TSC wiki and cleanup efforts. Working to eliminate the duplication of data that currently exists. Want to avoid having two landing places for the same message - TSC wiki will point to HL7.org.
- FGB discussion regarding projects being worked on without formal project scope (FHIR path):
- There was a non-quorate discussion on FGB. Lorraine and Calvin discussed with Lloyd. FMG had concerns - their feeling was that it was covered under current FHIR scope and had concerns about slowing work down with PSSs. They were advised that the PSS is a communication device, especially when work is going on across multiple WGs. Ken will mention something at the co-chair dinner regarding PSS as a mode of sharing information. FGB will discuss at next quorate meeting and should probably be discussed jointly with SGB. Paul: the discussion is does one need to do PSSs and if so, when? SGB could put together an outline and bring that to TSC for joint consideration.
- Paul: The UDI/Structured Docs project - has that been approved? Austin's understanding is that it's an OO/UDI project. Details will be discussed at the WGM.
- Call adjourned at 11:50 am Eastern
Next Steps
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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