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Meeting Admin
- Roll Call: Ken McCaslin, Diego Kaminker, Lorraine Constable, John Ritter, Margie Kennedy, Freida Hall, Rick Haddorff, Andy Stechishin, Lynn Laakso. Quorum met.
- Approve Agenda – Process Improvement (PIC) Resource Directory Wiki Project Scope Statement (PSS) sent to T3SD list today.
- Approve Meeting Minutes –
- October 10 - defer approval to next call; Ken will post this week.
- WG updates/Project review
- Education
- (Diego) Running scheduled courses, Education Summit in November.
- Electronic Servcies
- (Lorraine) Reviewing roadmap and results of website survey before/during WGM.
- International Mentoring
- (Ken and John) Still working on PSS for education for potential/new affiliates re: engagement. Diego thinks they handed off to Education WG. John joined call later, did not have additional update.
- PSS URL sent to list today.
- 5 - It was approved during the October 12 PIC call (add approval date to PSS, section 5).
- 2b - removed in 2011 PSS template (could be removed)
- 4a – This project will help Work Groups looking for resources and volunteers looking for work. It provides method to define “Needs” and “Resources”. Woody Beeler has already created a template.
- 4c – do we need to define # of WGs, e.g. if only 1 uses the directory, is the project considered successful? Margie suggested co-chairs acquiring volunteers through this method would be measurable success criteria. PIC could conduct an evaluation (frequency to be determined by PIC); another bullet will be added to cover this.
- Motion by Margie to accept PSS with amendments; second by Diego. John noted Resource is misspelled on the WIKI.
- Project Services
- Tooling
- New Business