2010-10-25 TSC Call Minutes
Revision as of 13:36, 3 November 2010 by Llaakso (talk | contribs) (moved 2010-10-25 TSC Call Agenda to 2010-10-25 TSC Call Minutes: minutes approved at 2010-11-01 conference call)
TSC Agenda/Minutes
Meeting Info/Attendees
Standing Conference Calls
TSC will hold a Conference Call at 11AM Eastern time, each Monday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at TSC_Minutes_and_Agendas.
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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes Location: Dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 124466# |
Date: 2010-10-25 Time: 11 am EDT | |
Facilitator: Charlie McCay | Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso | |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation |
x | Calvin Beebe | HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair |
x | Woody Beeler | HL7 FTSD Co-Chair |
x | Bob Dolin | HL7 Board Chair |
. | Tony Julian | invited guest, HL7 FTSD |
x | Austin Kreisler | HL7 DESD Co-Chair |
x | Lynn Laakso | HL7 staff support |
x | Patrick Loyd | invited guest, HL7 T3SD |
regrets | Ken McCaslin | HL7 TSS SD Co-Chair |
x | Charlie McCay (chair) | HL7 TSC Chair, Affiliate Representative |
x | Charlie Mead | HL7 ArB Chair |
x | Ravi Natarajan | HL7 Affiliate Representative |
. | Ron Parker | HL7 ArB Alternate |
x | John Quinn | HL7 CTO |
x | Gregg Seppala | HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair |
x | Helen Stevens | HL7 TSS SD Co-Chair |
x | Ed Tripp | HL7 DESD Co-Chair |
x | D. Mead Walker | HL7 FTSD Co-Chair |
x | Jay Zimmerman | Ad-Hoc member |
Quorum Requirements (Chair +5 with 2 SD Reps) Met: yes |
Agenda Topics
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Agenda review and approval - Charlie McCay
- Approve Minutes
- 2010-10-18_TSC Call Agenda
- 2010-10-06 TSC Enterprise Architecture Alpha Projects Wednesday Q4 convened instead with O&O Joint session with ArB and MnM; see ArB minutes at http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=20101006_arb_minutes_jointw_with_O%26O_and_MnM_on_EA_IP_Transition
- 2010-10-05 TSC WGM Minutes, Tuesday Luncheon Meeting
- 2010-10-04 TSC WGM Minutes, Monday Co-Chairs Meeting
- 2010-10-04 TSC WGM Minutes:Innovations Workshop
- 2010-10-03 TSC WGM Minutes, Sunday Evening Meeting
- 2010-10-03 TSC Minutes, Sunday Q4: HL7 Activities with other SDOs
- 2010-10-02 TSC WGM Minutes, Saturday Meeting
- Review action items –
- EA IP review
- WGM Follow up
- CMET approach for ANSI - Karen working with Woody
- HL7 Chair or CEO Report – if available
- CTO Report - John Quinn
- ArB Report – Charlie Mead/Ron Parker
- ArB proposal for updating Substantive Change language, process, etc.
- ArB's Working Definition: Substantive change is any change in a specification that causes changes to conformant implementations, except in as much the implementation leverages technical publication artifacts directly.
- ArB proposal for updating Substantive Change language, process, etc.
- Affiliates Report – Ravi Natarajan/ Charlie McCay
- Domain Experts Report– Austin Kreisler/Ed Tripp
- Motion: to approve Project Scope Statement for Patient Safety - ICSR IG at TSC Tracker #1676, Project Insight # 703
- Informative announcement: The HL7 Executive Committee has approved an out-of-cycle meeting for GAS (Generation of Anesthesia Standards) WG on February 16 and 17 2011 in London, UK.
- Foundation & Technology Report– Woody Beeler/Mead Walker
- Request to approve Out of Cycle meeting for RIMBAA WG, March 30 and 31, Washington DC (USA) at TSC Tracker #1678
- Structure & Semantic Design Report– Calvin Beebe/Gregg Seppala
- Technical & Support Services Report- Ken McCaslin/ Helen Stevens
- Membership Comments on Steering Division Reports
- WGM Planning -
- Marketing and promotion - update from HQ -
- TSC preparations - Results of TSC Poll on attendance in January: Confirmed representatives from: Affiliate, ArB, Foundation & Technology, Structure & Semantic Design, Tech & Support Services, can achieve quorum if CTO chairs the meeting.
- Working Group preparations - agendas - no new WG identified as not attending in January
- Organizational Relations Committee update (semiweekly) - Helen Stevens
- Discussion Topics:
- Innovations Report: Next Steps, followup - Ed Tripp
- "What are our key projects" decision making process
- DCM projects in ISO - continued discussion, entry level models program management
- Open Issues List
Supporting Documents
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Call to order at 11:10 AM after a brief discussion of sympathy for Jane Curry.
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests) none
- Agenda review and approval - Charlie McCay
- ArB first
- Discussion on Wiki main page to be added at end of agenda
- Austin has an update on Product Quality project. Bring in to discussion topics.
- Agenda approved.
- ArB Report – Charlie Mead
- ArB proposal for updating Substantive Change language, process, etc.
- ArB's Working Definition: Substantive change is any change in a specification that causes changes to conformant implementations, except in as much the implementation leverages technical publication artifacts directly.
- Charlie Mead notes that Jane Curry gave the ArB a good history of how this came to be. Made it through development though did not go through to ballot. It is not a trivial issue. Definition from Grahame. It’s probably not the be-all and end-all definition but a working definition. Will publish to directed audience for feedback to a task force. ArB asks for today is the TSC comfortable with this strategy or if not, what revisions?
- Woody asks if this was documented elsewhere? Charlie Mead sends the four steps to the TSCadmins list.
- Patrick, John join.
- Would be part of the HL7 implementation of SAIF governance. Might sit between governance and conformance.
- Ravi asks what is the timeline? Will this be a task force or will be a project?
- Motion: Approve the tentative approach and ask ArB to draft and bring back to TSC on next week’s call. Vote: unanimously approved. Ron will be here the next two weeks as Charlie Mead will be gone, and Charlie Mead leaves the call.
- ArB proposal for updating Substantive Change language, process, etc.
- Approve Minutes
- 2010-10-18_TSC Call Agenda – unanimously approved
- 2010-10-06 TSC Enterprise Architecture Alpha Projects Wednesday Q4 convened instead with O&O Joint session with ArB and MnM; see ArB minutes at http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=20101006_arb_minutes_jointw_with_O%26O_and_MnM_on_EA_IP_Transition; Ravi abstains (from all WGM minutes); otherwise endorsed (6/0/1)
- 2010-10-05 TSC WGM Minutes, Tuesday Luncheon Meeting; Ravi and Mead abstain Woody’s vote counts in Meads abstainment - approved (6/0/1)
- 2010-10-04 TSC WGM Minutes, Monday Co-Chairs Meeting; no notes as there were no comments during the Open Mic. Ravi abstains, approved (6/0/1)
- 2010-10-04 TSC WGM Minutes:Innovations Workshop. Ravi abstains, approved (6/0/1)
- 2010-10-03 TSC WGM Minutes, Sunday Evening Meeting
- 2010-10-03 TSC Minutes, Sunday Q4: HL7 Activities with other SDOs. Ravi abstains, approved (6/0/1)
- 2010-10-02 TSC WGM Minutes, Saturday Meeting
- Review action items –
- EA IP review – Lynn reports we’ll proceed this week with pursuing closure interviews with the alpha projects. She and Marc are exchanging drafts of the program management approach as best fits in a project scope statement.
- WGM Follow up
- CMET approach for ANSI - Karen working with Woody; Woody submitted NIB last night for reaffirmation ballot for releases 3 through 7 and will continue to refine on wiki page. Total of 62 CMETs in this category.
- HL7 Chair or CEO Report – Bob has nothing to report.
- CTO Report - John Quinn notes the thread of emails on the wiki page going to the cochairs was anticipated for discussion today prompting Bob’s attendance. John is working on MOU, technical scope and effort, with NCPDP regarding mapping SCRIPT to RIM where applicable and identify gaps. Scott Robertson is reviewing the proposed scope and difficulty assessment for John. They are preparing for eligibility of RIM as information model for US Healthcare with NIEM.
- Woody notes that they plan to submit proposal to ISO for continuous adoption of RIM as ISO specification. There is an obligation to define a process for doing so, compatible with HL7 objectives. If anyone is interested please join the MnM effort. Proposals will be developed in coming weeks.
- John notes that there are discussions on EHR-S ballot in ISO as ISO-only or JIC. HL7 has not yet received acknowledgement whether it is JIC. John waiting to get confirmation from ISO secretariat.
- Affiliates Report – Ravi Natarajan has no report. He asks Bob where the latest version of the HL7 Strategic Initiatives document is? Karen will be updating the hyperlink on the home page, but he can email it as well.
- Domain Experts Report– Austin Kreisler/Ed Tripp
- Motion: to approve Project Scope Statement for Patient Safety - ICSR IG at TSC Tracker #1676, Project Insight # 703;
- planning to go to ballot in January, on the heels of the ICSR Normative ballot having passed the JIC process in September. ICSR is going for FDIS in ISO with cosmetic changes. John reported regarding WG6 of ISO meeting in Rotterdam that the feeling prevailed that it was done. The Implementation guide would be US Realm.
- Marked as public document, notes Austin. Is this a decision by the TSC? It is subject to approval by the EC. Mead thought that it was typical of Implementation Guides. This needs to be validated.
- Most of the content has already been developed, so there are not many people on the project team defined.
- Austin moves we approve second Helen, subject to EC endorsement. Vote: Unanimously approved. John will address to the EC. Mead will check with the Work Group to see if it’s their intent.
- Informative announcement: The HL7 Executive Committee has approved an out-of-cycle meeting for GAS (Generation of Anesthesia Standards) WG on February 16 and 17 2011 in London, UK (in lieu of attendance at the regularly scheduled WGM). Lynn passed this directly to the EC; should have the TSC review these in future and provide recommendation and commentary to EC with the request.
- Woody asks if these requests should be seen by the Steering Division? Place on future agenda.
- Motion: to approve Project Scope Statement for Patient Safety - ICSR IG at TSC Tracker #1676, Project Insight # 703;
- Foundation & Technology Report– Woody Beeler/Mead Walker
- Request to approve Out of Cycle meeting for RIMBAA WG, March 30 and 31, Washington DC (USA) at TSC Tracker #1678 – this request is in addition to attendance at the regularly scheduled WGM.
- Vote: Unanimously approved.
- The Steering Division approved two additional projects that are on next week’s agenda.
- Request to approve Out of Cycle meeting for RIMBAA WG, March 30 and 31, Washington DC (USA) at TSC Tracker #1678 – this request is in addition to attendance at the regularly scheduled WGM.
- Structure & Semantic Design Report– Calvin Beebe has nothing this week.
- Technical & Support Services Report- Helen Stevens has nothing this week.
- Membership Comments on Steering Division Reports
- WGM Planning -
- Marketing and promotion - update from HQ -
- TSC preparations - Results of TSC Poll on attendance in January: Confirmed representatives from: Affiliate, ArB, Foundation & Technology, Structure & Semantic Design, Tech & Support Services, can achieve quorum if CTO chairs the meeting. Domain Experts does not currently have confirmation for attendance; may have to exercise ad-hoc
- Working Group preparations - agendas - no new WG identified as not attending in January
- Organizational Relations Committee update (semiweekly) - Helen Stevens – ORC has not met.
- Out of time, Postpone discussion topics to next week.
- Austin asks to answer the scheduling poll for Product Quality. What version of the HL7 wiki landing page shall he put a link from?
- Wiki page discussion should continue on the TSC list. Charlie will send a note to the cochairs list saying that the TSC shall continue the discussion internally.
Adjourned 12:02 PM EDT
Next Steps
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items Discussion Topics: