2009-08-17 TSC Call Agenda

From HL7 TSC
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TSC - Technical Steering Committee

Monday, August 17, 2009 11:00 AM (US Eastern Daylight Time, GMT -5)
To participate, dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 124466#
GoToMeeting at https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/165215206
GoToMeeting ID: 165-215-206 

back to TSC Minutes and Agendas



  • Chair: Charlie McCay
  • CTO: John Quinn
  • Domain Experts: Austin Kreisler (primary), Ed Tripp (alternate)
  • Foundation & Technology: Ioana Singureanu (primary), Woody Beeler (alternate)
  • Structure & Semantic Design: Calvin Beebe (primary), Gregg Seppala (alternate)
  • Technical & Support Services: Ken McCaslin (primary), Helen Stevens Love (alternate)
  • Affiliate: Ravi Natarajan
  • ARB: Charlie Mead (primary), John Koisch (alternate)
  • Ad-Hoc: Jim Case
  • HQ: Lynn Laakso


  • Charles Jaffe (CEO)
  • Ed Hammond (HL7 Chair); Bob Dolin (HL7 Vice Chair)
  • Marc Koehn (EA IP)
  • Karen Van Hentenryck (HQ)



Meeting Admin

  1. Roll Call -
  2. Accept Agenda -
  3. Approve Minutes from 2009-08-10 TSC Call Minutes
  4. Review action items

(20 min) Standing Committee Reports/Approvals

  1. CEO Report -
  2. CTO Report -
  3. ArB Report -
  4. Affiliates Report -
  5. Domain Experts -
    • Please note that recently DSTU and Informative document publication requests have been submitted to the TSC when this requirement (responses to comments received for both Informative and DSTU ballots be posted on the Ballot Desktop) has not been met. Going forward, Don Lloyd advises the TSC that these requests should not be approved until this requirement has been met. Austin proposes (listserv thread) that the relevant work groups be given a few days to get the reconciliation package posted, and if they don't then the TSC instruct HQ to close down the ballots.
    • For TSC approval: withdrawal of HL7 Version 3 Standard: Notifiable Condition Report, R1 by Patient Safety; aka ANSI/HL7 V3 RRNCR, R1-2004

HL7 Version 3 Standard: Public Health Reporting: Case Investigation Topic, Release 1 11/3/2004; TSC Tracker #1100, to be followed by a Normative ballot, based on recent feedback from ANSI (GOM update forthcoming).

  1. Foundation & Technology -
  2. Structure & Semantic Design -
  3. Technical & Support Services -
    • Education's SWOT and three year plans
      Reviewed and provided feedback to the co-chair of Education regarding their SWOT and three year plans. Updated SWOT and three plan to follow the September WGM in Atlanta.
    • Project Approved - for consideration by the TSC
      New Product Consideration and proposal - The Technical and Support Services Steering Division recommends that the TSC consider the develop of a new product category that will support the work that Education is doing.
      • The motion: Create a new product category called Education Services. Courses developed to provide additional delivery methods for delivering education outside of education summits and Work Group Meetings will be included in this category. This will include many formats for eLearning including Computer Based Learning, Pod Casts and partnership with organizations that have already exploited alternative learning methods and delivery processes.
    • Technical and Support Services Steering Division has approved the following project scope statement and makes a motion that the TSC approve the project scope statement called E-Learning Course Program Administration (see TSC Tracker # 1112
    • The Steering Division meets every other week. Some attendees have problems with the on week overlapping with another every other week meeting. The Steering Division met this week and will meet next week to change the off week.

(30 min) Discussion topics

Product Visibility Project

Open Issues List

Future Agenda item list

Click for TSC Action Item List