2009-05-09 TSC WGM Agenda
Revision as of 13:00, 4 May 2009 by Llaakso (talk | contribs) (→Saturday May 9, 2009 9am-5pm: Room G - ICC Kyoto)
TSC - Technical Steering Committee Meeting Agendas for May 2009 WGM
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This is a draft of the TSC meeting agenda at the May2009 WGM.
Saturday May 9, 2009 9am-5pm: Room G - ICC Kyoto
- No internet access is available in the meeting room
- Q1: 9-10:30am
- Meeting Admin -
- Roll Call
- Accept Agenda
- Approve Minutes
- ArB, EA IP, and SAEAF discussion - John Quinn, Marc Koehn, and Charlie Mead
- EA IP -
- Role of TSC as Transition Task Force, Direction-setting
- RASCI chart review
- Resourcing
- Meeting Admin -
- 10:30-11am Morning Break
- Q2: 11am-12:30pm
- ArB, EA IP, and SAEAF discussion, continued
- 12:30-1:30pm Lunch
- Q3: 1:30-3pm
- 10 mins Appointments to Nominations Committee
- Currently consists of Ann Bossard, Wes Rishel, Calvin Beebe
- One other to be selected by the TSC
- This group should convene immediately following the May WGM
- 10 mins Interim Decision Review since last WGM
- TSC Business - Charlie McCay
- 15 mins Review TSC Mission and Charter
- 15 mins Review TSC Projects
- Product Visibility - product summaries review
- Roadmap update: Charlie McKay, John Quinn
- Review of Roadmap by TSC
- TSC Roadmap Projects
- 10 mins Appointments to Nominations Committee
- 3-3:30 pm Afternoon Break
- Q4: 3:30-5pm
- 60 mins Review open issues list
- TSC Issue # 457- guidelines on work group meeting minutes: convenience of collaborative technology (Skype) versus openness of documents and discussion threads; and TSC Tracker # 735- Need a way to direct readers to alternate locations of WG minutes and documents.
- Tracker # 746: Tooling demonstration policy: recommend draft policy to Board?
- Progress on Work Group Three-Year Plans
- Tooling update: John Quinn
- 60 mins Review open issues list