
From HL7 TSC
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TSC - Technical Steering Committee

Monday, August 25, 2008 11:00 AM (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)
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back to TSC Minutes and Agendas



  • CTO: John Quinn
  • Domain Experts: Jim Case (primary), Austin Kreisler (alternate)
  • Foundation & Technology: Ioana Singureanu (primary), Woody Beeler (alternate)
  • Structure & Semantic Design: Calvin Beebe (primary), Gregg Seppala (alternate)
  • Technical & Support Services: Ken McCaslin (primary), Helen Stevens Love (alternate)
  • Affiliate: Frank Oemig,
  • ARB Chair: Charlie Mead
  • HQ: Karen Van Hentenryck


  • Charles Jaffe (CEO); Ed Hammond (HL7 Chair); Chuck Meyer (HL7 Vice Chair)


  • Jim Case
  • Austin Kreisler
  • Gregg Seppala


  1. (5 min) Meeting Admin
    1. Roll Call - The following individuals participated on the call: Charlie McCay, John Quinn, Chuck Meyer, Charlie Mead, Frank Oemig, Ioana Singureanu, Ken McCaslin, Woody Beeler, Helen Stevens-Love and Karen Van Hentenryck. Quorum was not achieved and thus these notes document information discussion.
    2. Accept Agenda - Sigureanu suggested that an HDF discussion be added to the Saturday agenda. Charlie requested that people review the Saturday and Monday evening agenda for the WGM. McCay asked if there were other suggestions regarding the Saturday and Monday agendas and noted that we need more than 10 minutes of open mic time. Beeler indicated the plans for getting the last year's of vocabulary changes into the V3 Repository should occur either during the Harmonization discussion are at some point in the agenda.
    3. Approve Minutes from concall-20080818 - No vote was taken as we did not achieve quorum.
  2. (20 min) Standing Committee Reports/Approvals
    1. CEO Report - Nothing was submitted.
    2. CTO Report - Quinn submitted his report via email.[1]
    3. ArB Report - Charlie Mead reported on the ArB jumpstart meeting last week. There is consensus that they have achieved their assigned deliverable strawman proposal for services in HL7 in a SOA enviornment. Charlie won't be available for the Saturday TSC meeting, but John Koisch will be in attendance to report. The ArB plans to finalize the documents by Sept 8 for distribution and review.
    4. Affiliates Report - Nothing to report
    5. Domain Experts - Nothing to report
    6. Foundation & Technology - Nothing to report
    7. Structure & Semantic Design - Nothign to report. The following motions will be addressed on the next call.
      • MOTION by SD: To approve publication of PHR-S Functional Model as a DSTU [2]
      • MOTION by SD: To approve publication of HL7 EHR Lifecycle Model as a DSTU [3]
      • MOTION by SD: To approve publication of HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2: Reference Profile for EHR Interoperability as a DSTU [4]
    8. Technical & Support Services - McCaslin submitted the following report via the TSCadmin listserv:
      • Report - At the WGM, the Project Services Work Group has scheduled a Project Facilitator's Round Table during Wednesday Lunch. This will be the first face to face gathering of Project Facilitator's. The project life cycle has been reconciled with the GOM and the update can be found on gForge for the Project Services Work Group at: [5] This includes the diagram and the narrative. The Project Services Work Group has developed four templates for projects for Normative, Informative, DSTU, and for Comment Only. These templates are consistent with the Project Life Cycle. Default minimum times based on the smallest projects and minimum requirements established in GOM and other documents are used. All times can be adjusted to support the actual timeline for the project. The project outline will be found on gForge shortly.
      • Update on status of recruiting SD facilitators
  3. (30 min) Discussion topics
    1. Sept WGM Agenda
      • Draft agenda for Saturday, Sept 13 [6]
      • Draft agenda for Monday evening, Sept 15 [7]
    2. Roadmap

Agenda item list (our sand box for future meetings)

Click for TSC Action Item List