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|regrets||Jay Zimmerman ||HL7 International Council Representative | |regrets||Jay Zimmerman ||HL7 International Council Representative | ||
|- | |- | ||
− | | x||Jane Curry ||Guest/observer | + | |x ||Jane Curry ||Guest/observer |
|- | |- | ||
| || || | | || || | ||
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#Product Strategy Project ([http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=413 Project Insight # 413]) | #Product Strategy Project ([http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=413 Project Insight # 413]) | ||
#T3F Strategic Initiative Review | #T3F Strategic Initiative Review | ||
+ | |||
+ | |||
===Q3 -: Architecture and Tooling: 1:30 pm to 3 pm=== | ===Q3 -: Architecture and Tooling: 1:30 pm to 3 pm=== | ||
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==Minutes/Conclusions Reached:== | ==Minutes/Conclusions Reached:== | ||
+ | Convened at 9:10am | ||
− | < | + | ===Q1 - TSC Planning and [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemBrowse&tracker_id=313 Open Issue Review]: 9 am to 10:30 am=== |
− | # | + | #Roll Call and Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests) – Jane Curry is our guest today. |
− | # | + | #Additions to, and acceptance of, agenda: Agenda reviewed and changes made. Agenda accepted |
− | # | + | #Link to Interim decision review since last WGM (not yet available) |
+ | #(45 mins) Review [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemBrowse&tracker_id=313 Open Issues List] | ||
+ | #*Foster development of Product Strategy (#1364) – Product Quality spun off into its own project. Product & Services Strategy project scope is outstanding task item assigned to Ken. | ||
+ | #**No progress | ||
+ | #*HL7 Security Considerations – Cookbook (#1513) – [see also introducing new processes to HL7 at # 1681], what is the consensus mechanism by which this has been approved for use as an Education tutorial? | ||
+ | #**No update | ||
+ | #*Healthcare Readiness Project Development (#1636) – Government projects held a call on November 23rd; updated scope statement sent to GPWG on 12/09. | ||
+ | #**Bob suggests the Business Plan taskforce would be interested in participating – if this project is not budget-neutral its funding model would be of some importance. The PCAST report response is of urgent need but must be completed this week. The project scope has not gone through the Steering Division so the TSC does not formally have it available to review. Austin’s name should probably replace Charlie’s, and Charlie Mead would like to be included. ACTION ITEM: Austin to follow up on the progress of this project. | ||
+ | #*Neutral Mapping Notation (#1600) – sent followup inquiry to ITS and received response that WG would likely approve a revised scope statement at the January WGM. | ||
+ | #**This will be addressed by ITS this week. An updated scope will return to the TSC under normal processes so this can be closed. | ||
+ | #*How to proceed with NCPDP’s request for mapping to the RIM (#1647) – last update was that John Quinn was to create a proposal for John Klimek to do the NCPDP mapping. | ||
+ | #**John had sent something to them. No response for 5 or 6 weeks. Don Mon has been conversing with NCPDP on SCO. Future of SCO to be discussed. This will come to a head in the next month whether an SCO having meaningful participation in the US TAG holds interest for NCPDP. Klimek is the executive VP for NCPDP for last 2 years. | ||
+ | #*Explore maintaining usage statistics for V3 (pending response by Marketing) # 1661 – extended request to Marketing to accept ownership of the issue but have had no response. | ||
+ | #**Bob suggests we talk to Mark on getting information from the CHIME survey to provide these measures. This would be only U.S., though. Austin feels if we can’t get Marketing to take this up or find a group to run a project it will wither. Keith Boone has a CDA Google map; ACTION ITEM – Calvin will check with Keith. Charlie asks what means V3 if that includes CDA as well as messaging as well as RIM modeling. Calvin suggests separate Google maps. V3 messaging is felt to be under-marketed. | ||
+ | #*Introducing new processes to HL7 (# 1681) – description of “process adoption” process, e.g. alpha vs endorsed vs. encouraged vs mandated i.e. Security Risk Framework Cookbook. | ||
+ | #**Charlie McCay started this on his way out. This is tied to the incubation stuff, innovations work, and will impact the SAIF implementation guide. Austin asks if we need to track this separately. Calvin felt this has to do with the enhancement of our project process to deal with other areas with guidance on how to do it. Ken notes that the project processes should be addressed by Project Services. Jane notes that the processes need to be aligned in the GOM with the defined states. Lynn states that with the Risk Assessment Cookbook this originated as a way to track the possibility of another process for developing work. ACTION ITEM: Ken will take this issue to Project Services. Jane also suggests this needs to be addressed in ArB. Ron agrees. Calvin raises the issue that the ‘big’ thinking requires resourcing and funding and may lose traction. He asks for a narrow, terse description of the process. Austin sees it as a project sponsored by Project Services and ArB. The project proposal will give some oversight over the scope. Project Services has only an acting co-chair for the meeting, and ArB has other major contributions on their agenda so this will be developed after the WGM. | ||
+ | #*Project Approval [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1745/7924/HL7ProjectScopeStatementCDAIGsfromToolingPNG10302010.doc Request] - Publish CDA IGs from Tooling, for SDWG at [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1745&start=0 TSC Tracker # 1745]. | ||
+ | #**Going to use the MIF-based tooling, work with Publishing. Not a standards development project. Jane says this project is a prerequisite to having the MDHT become incorporated into our process. | ||
+ | #**VOTE: Unanimously approved. | ||
+ | #*Bob asks how we track project progress to ensure it’s not shelved. Lynn responds the PMO does some tracking and we’re working on project health dashboards similar to Work Group health. | ||
+ | #*Project Approval [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1746/7925/HL7PSSHSConsolidationSDWGapproved.doc Request] - HL7/IHE Health Story Implementation Guide Consolidation, for SDWG at [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1746 TSC Tracker # 1746]. | ||
+ | #**This has been requested as a Public document. This is being examined as an ONC project to test the S&I (stds and interop) framework. Ron asks what the dialog has been with IHE about how we will play together. CHI is in need of alignment between their HL7 V3 infrastructure investment and the IHE profile. John notes the IHE profiles may need to be subjected to a balloting process. Bob adds that C32 collaboration is in need of that packaging, balloting, and reconciliation process. John recommends we discuss with Chuck in Q4. Bob notes that we should specifically address that we approve the project excluding the issue of the IP. Calvin moves to amend the motion/woody seconds. | ||
+ | #**VOTE: Unanimously approved. | ||
+ | #*Project Approval [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1747/7926/2010-12-22_PA_PSS_Interdependent_Registries.doc Request] - Interdependent Registries, at [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1747 TSC Tracker # 1747], [http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=725 Project Insight ID# 725] | ||
+ | #**Ron notes there is huge interest in this; CHI is prepared to provide substantial requirements input – there was a large meeting on this in Cambridge. Project will include consideration of IHE profiles. It will probably be long-running with a DAM ballot for comment, then DSTU then Normative intent. Target dates are aggressive but it has great energy in PA right now, notes Patrick. This has the coordination efforts of a program management effort. PA will use the same project for all ballot types; Patrick notes that with the Project Health matrices there may be more consistency in future but for now there’s more than one way to run projects through DSTU and normative. | ||
+ | #**VOTE: Unanimously approved. | ||
+ | #*Project Approval [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1748/7927/HL7PSSt-Canonical_Pedigree-FamilyHistory_2010-12-22.doc Request] - Canonical Pedigree (Family History) Interoperability Implementation Guide, at [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1748&start=0 TSC tracker # 1748] | ||
+ | #**This also is requested as public document. Calvin moves to approve with the understanding and exception that the public document issue will be addressed by the EC, second by Ken. Charlie asks if this will analyze and harmonize across the different slices in genomics or to create another slice. References messages and interoperability are part of the scope. It is U.S. Realm specific. | ||
+ | #**VOTE: Unanimously approved. | ||
+ | #*Approve Out of Cycle Meeting Request for Pharmacy, see [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1749&start=0 TSC Tracker # 1749], [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1749/7930/Pharmacyoutofcyclemtg.doc meeting request] | ||
+ | #**Calvin notes that these out of cycle meetings allow standards development without paying a WGM registration fee. It’s generally felt that it reduces productivity. Pharmacy is meeting here at the WGM as well although the TSC has also approved an OOC meeting for a WG that is not meeting here in Sydney as well. | ||
+ | #**VOTE: Unanimously approved. | ||
+ | #'''(January) Review [http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/tsc/overview.cfm TSC Mission and Charter] | ||
+ | #*Efforts of the Working Group – clarified to reflect the WorkING group not the Work Groups. Remove other references where it is spelled out. | ||
+ | #*Woody suggests we don’t reiterate the duties listed by the GOM but point to the GOM instead. Calvin suggests we add a sentence in support of the Strategic Initiative effort. Ron cautions about citing the GOM but providing no insight. TSC will provide input and operationalize the Strategic Initiatives as indicated in GOM section 10.11 in the Mission. The Mandate should be removed, Calvin suggests. It would be a maintenance issue. | ||
+ | #*Calvin moves to add to the Mission the paragraph, seconded by Woody. | ||
+ | #*:TSC will provide input and operationalize the Strategic Initiatives as indicated in GOM section 10.11. The TSC also reviews and provides oversight to projects during the approval process. This allows the TSC to identify gaps and overlaps between projects of the Working Group and the Strategic Initiatives. | ||
+ | #**VOTE: Unanimously approved | ||
+ | #*Ken moves to remove the mandate from the M&C four bullets with a reference to the appropriate section in the GOM. Woody seconds. | ||
+ | #**VOTE: Unanimously approved. | ||
+ | #*Ken moves we replace the TSC composition section with reference to the GOM by section title. Patrick seconds. VOTE: Unanimously approved. | ||
+ | #Lynn asks if we need a new ORC liaison – Helen agreed to continue in that position. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Break at 10:43 am, reconvene at 11am. | ||
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | #'''(January) Review [[TSC Decision Making Practices]]''', and the [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/docmanfileversion/6030/7864/TSC_DMP_v3.0_20101213.doc draft of the updated TSC DMP] | ||
+ | #*Calvin moves to approve with changes, Ken seconds | ||
+ | #*VOTE: unaninmously approved. | ||
+ | #Next WGM Planning - next two WGMs - [[2011-05-14_TSC_WGM_Agenda]], Orlando FL; [[2011-09-10_TSC_WGM_Agenda]], San Diego, CA | ||
+ | #**Austin and Lynn will get these started. | ||
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | ===Q2 - TSC Project Review: 11 am to 12:30 pm=== | ||
+ | <strong>[http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/tsc/projects.cfm TSC Project List]:</strong> | ||
+ | #EA IP [http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=469 Project Insight # 469] | ||
+ | #*ArB will present tomorrow night on real-world expectations of implementing SAIF. Existing EA IP project is not yet closed as only 2 alpha projects have responded to the survey/questionnaire. Postpone until tomorrow. | ||
+ | #Product Visibility [http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=478 PI# 478] | ||
+ | #*John presents the current state of the Martopia development | ||
+ | #*This is part of the annual report. Ken asks if the next 43 product briefs submitted to HQ for review could be sent to the TSC for review as well. Charlie asked about what is considered a product. It was generally felt that it was what was balloted but SAIF is also considered. Bob asked how this will be organized. There was a tree structure on the TSC wiki, but it can be organized any way we see fit. How are new ones identified? Lynn grabs them off the NIBs when new materials are ready to be balloted. | ||
+ | #TSC Work Group Visibility Plan [http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=631 PI#631] (''three-year plan item''). Calvin moves to fold in the next project # 645 into #631. Ken seconds. VOTE: Unanimously approved. | ||
+ | #TSC Communications Plan [http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=645 PI# 645] (''three-year plan item'') | ||
+ | #*Work Group Health metrics - review [http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemBrowse&tracker_id=616 suggestions] | ||
+ | #**Add metrics to WGH for % of projects having next milestone date in the past ([http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1649 Tracker # 1649]) | ||
+ | #**:Status as of 2010Oct: Evaluate Project Health before tying this to Work Group Health | ||
+ | #**Add participation in publishing calls to Work Group Health ([http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1659 Tracker # 1659]) | ||
+ | #**Measure ballot progress in terms of overall years and in number of cycles to successful ballot ([http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1660 Tracker # 1660]) | ||
+ | #** Metric to identify whether the WG follows their own DMPs re: posting minutes ([http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1683 Tracker # 1683]) | ||
+ | #**measure coordination between WG co-chairs ([http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1731 Tracker # 1731]) | ||
+ | #**WG has a DMP based on review of the updated template, for 2011May ([http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=1732 Tracker # 1732]) - already passed by TSC; going into effect next cycle. | ||
+ | #HL7 Product Quality Plan [http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=647 PI# 647] | ||
+ | #*Address in Q3 under Architecture and Tooling | ||
+ | #TSC Continuous Improvement objectives [http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=648 PI# 648] (''three-year plan item'') – WGM Development now a committee, Innovations now a project, two other elements still not started. | ||
+ | #TSC Linkage between Work Group 3-year plans and Strategic Plan [http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=649 PI# 649] (''three-year plan item'') – objective to find committee support for academic members to attend WGMs lacking financial resources of corporate members? This was suggested to get academic members to take minutes, etc at reduced conference fees. Calvin moves to strike the academic effort, Ken seconds. Ken amends motion to close 649, Calvin accepts. This has now been formalized in the GOM. | ||
+ | #*VOTE: unanimously approved. | ||
+ | #TSC Communication Strategy Project [http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=696 PI# 696] – Ravi is transitioning to Jay. | ||
+ | #Innovations Project [http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=701 PI# 701] – Ed reported no progress since Cambridge – no Innovations session at this WGM. | ||
+ | Pending Projects | ||
+ | #Product Strategy Project ([http://www.hl7.org/special/Committees/projman/searchableProjectIndex.cfm?action=edit&ProjectNumber=413 Project Insight # 413]) – nothing to report. | ||
+ | #T3F Strategic Initiative Review – Woody was unable to get a scope statement ready by year-end 2010. He will endeavor to get one soon. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Architecture and Tooling (From Q3 agenda): | ||
+ | #HL7 Quality Plan (15 minutes) | ||
+ | #*Project status – kicked off a couple months ago but had not advanced as we’d hoped. Left off at investigating who HL7 customers are for quality and what are their priorities. We could spend 6 months on that without coming up with a quality plan deliverable. Do we want to survey what our customers find most important in product quality... Survey the membership annually on the quality attributes or survey the customers on what the quality attributes should be. Woody notes not only the elements of quality in a standard but how do you track these? Ease of use – does that mean how many weeks it takes to implement an interface? Ron asks if an implementation of a certain portion conflicts with an existing implementation. Calvin adds how many documents do you have to open on your desktop to get your work done? Charlie notes that this is a governance discussion. NCI noted they didn’t have the bandwidth to govern everything but they are looking along the product development life cycle and do a risk profile then governing artifacts at those risk points. Jane asked what risk points were discovered? Charlie says we’ll go through this in the ArB tomorrow. In the early ArB this cycle, the quality issue was raised that we only evaluate at project initiation and at ballot. Other points along that life cycle need to be evaluated. Calvin notes there is quality as seen through standards development participation, and secondly the quality of the artifacts that are consumed. Ron asserts that the perception of quality in a product is more important from the consumer, rather than from those that are involved in the development of the product. Is the process by which standards are produced as important as the quality of the product of the standards that are published? Jane comments that we currently have quality by inspection – must evaluate the content of the ballot packages but that is generally considered to be inefficient. Bob says you ask the stakeholders about what the elements of quality they find of importance. Woody’s initial presentation includes this perspective and is incorporated by reference in the initial draft of the product quality plan project scope. Bob’s concern is how you measure the quality perception on an ongoing basis as compared to an initial survey to identify the quality components that should be measured. We’ve had no volunteers to assess the ability of evaluating ISO 9000 compliance processes. It’s an expensive process and there’s no resource to evaluate it. It’s more important outside of the US as criteria for evaluation of software systems and services. Calvin cites a recent quality effort at Mayo for finding root causes of errors. Those kinds of perspectives might be helping our evaluation. Woody has concerns that Jane’s perception of the absence of quality in the product but the tooling and publishing mechanisms that have been developed have a quality assurance effect. Calvin offers to provide a human-readable perspective on these deeper quality issues. Ron cites the RIM harmonization process as a governance framework that produces a very high quality product. Some of the tooling and publishing efforts create quality through good architectural representation. Calvin notes the risk of the existing developers that really are building this are aging and need to bring in new developers but still assure the quality of the product that is developed. Bob thinks we need to define our measurement strategy before we do root-cause analysis. Calvin says we need to develop samples that analysts can use not at the granular level at which the standards developers operate. We need to decide which of these ways we should approach the issue and what we’re trying to improve – the experience of the standard developer or the downstream experience of the standard user/implementer. | ||
− | + | Recessed at 12:30 pm for lunch | |
− | |||
− | |||
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Revision as of 02:34, 8 January 2011
TSC Saturday meeting for 2011Jan WGM, Sydney Australia
back to TSC Minutes and Agendas
TSC WGM Agenda/Minutes
HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes Location: |
Date: 2011-01-08 Time: 9 AM - 5 PM local time | |
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler | Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso | |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation |
x | Calvin Beebe | HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair |
x | Woody Beeler | HL7 FTSD Co-Chair |
x | Bob Dolin | HL7 Board Chair (member ex officio w/vote) |
Ed Hammond | HL7 Board Vice-Chair (member ex officio w/o vote) | |
Chuck Jaffe | HL7 CEO (member ex officio w/o vote) | |
x | Tony Julian | HL7 FTSD Co-Chair |
x | Austin Kreisler | HL7 TSC Chair, DESD Co-Chair |
x | Lynn Laakso (scribe, non-voting) | HL7 HQ |
x | Patrick Loyd | HL7 T3SD Co-Chair |
x | Ken McCaslin | HL7 TSS SD Co-Chair |
regrets | Charlie McCay | International Council Representative |
x | Charlie Mead | HL7 ArB Chair |
Don Mon | HL7 Board Chair (member ex officio w/o vote) | |
x | Ron Parker | HL7 ArB Alternate |
x | John Quinn | HL7 CTO (TSC member ex officio w/vote) |
regrets | Gregg Seppala | HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair |
regrets | Ed Tripp | HL7 DESD Co-Chair |
regrets | Jay Zimmerman | HL7 International Council Representative |
x | Jane Curry | Guest/observer |
Quorum Requirements (Co-chair +5 with 2 SD Reps) Met: yes |
Agenda Topics
Q1 - TSC Planning and Open Issue Review: 9 am to 10:30 am
- Roll Call and Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Additions to, and acceptance of, agenda:
- Link to Interim decision review since last WGM
- (45 mins) Review Open Issues List
- Foster development of Product Strategy (#1364) – Product Quality spun off into its own project. Product & Services Strategy project scope is outstanding task item assigned to Ken.
- HL7 Security Considerations – Cookbook (#1513) – [see also introducing new processes to HL7 at # 1681], what is the consensus mechanism by which this has been approved for use as an Education tutorial?
- Healthcare Readiness Project Development (#1636) – Government projects held a call on November 23rd; updated scope statement sent to GPWG on 12/09.
- Neutral Mapping Notation (#1600) – sent followup inquiry to ITS and received response that WG would likely approve a revised scope statement at the January WGM.
- How to proceed with NCPDP’s request for mapping to the RIM (#1647) – last update was that John Quinn was to create a proposal for John Klimek to do the NCPDP mapping.
- Explore maintaining usage statistics for V3 (pending response by Marketing) # 1661 – extended request to Marketing to accept ownership of the issue but have had no response.
- Introducing new processes to HL7 (# 1681) – description of “process adoption” process, e.g. alpha vs endorsed vs. encouraged vs mandated i.e. Security Risk Framework Cookbook
- Project Approval Request - Publish CDA IGs from Tooling, for SDWG at TSC Tracker # 1745.
- Project Approval Request - HL7/IHE Health Story Implementation Guide Consolidation, for SDWG at TSC Tracker # 1746.
- Project Approval Request - Interdependent Registries, at TSC Tracker # 1747, Project Insight ID# 725
- Project Approval Request - Canonical Pedigree (Family History) Interoperability Implementation Guide, at TSC tracker # 1748
- Approve Out of Cycle Meeting Request for Pharmacy, see TSC Tracker # 1749, meeting request
- (January) Review TSC Mission and Charter
- (January) Review TSC Decision Making Practices, and the draft of the updated TSC DMP
- (May) Elect TSC Representative to Nominations Committee (Per GOM Section 10.06.01)
- (May) Review TSC Three-Year Plan
- (May) Review TSC Communications Plan - how are we doing against it?
- Maintenance project: obtain / publish WG updates to M&C, SWOTs and DMPs
- Task: report Work Group Health, and Work Group Visibility
- Task: Report Project Visibility
- Task: Report Product Visibility
- Next WGM Planning - next two WGMs - 2011-05-14_TSC_WGM_Agenda, Orlando FL; 2011-09-10_TSC_WGM_Agenda, San Diego, CA
Q2 - TSC Project Review: 11 am to 12:30 pm
- EA IP Project Insight # 469
- Product Visibility PI# 478
- TSC Work Group Visibility Plan PI#631 (three-year plan item)
- TSC Communications Plan PI# 645 (three-year plan item)
- Work Group Health metrics - review suggestions
- Add metrics to WGH for % of projects having next milestone date in the past (Tracker # 1649)
- Status as of 2010Oct: Evaluate Project Health before tying this to Work Group Health
- Add participation in publishing calls to Work Group Health (Tracker # 1659)
- Measure ballot progress in terms of overall years and in number of cycles to successful ballot (Tracker # 1660)
- Metric to identify whether the WG follows their own DMPs re: posting minutes (Tracker # 1683)
- measure coordination between WG co-chairs (Tracker # 1731)
- WG has a DMP based on review of the updated template, for 2011May (Tracker # 1732) - already passed by TSC; going into effect next cycle.
- Add metrics to WGH for % of projects having next milestone date in the past (Tracker # 1649)
- Work Group Health metrics - review suggestions
- HL7 Product Quality Plan PI# 647
- TSC Continuous Improvement objectives PI# 648 (three-year plan item)
- TSC Linkage between Work Group 3-year plans and Strategic Plan PI# 649 (three-year plan item)
- TSC Communication Strategy Project PI# 696
- Innovations Project PI# 701
Pending Projects
- Product Strategy Project (Project Insight # 413)
- T3F Strategic Initiative Review
Q3 -: Architecture and Tooling: 1:30 pm to 3 pm
- HL7 Quality Plan (15 minutes)
- Project status
- ArB
- Tooling
Q4 - Strategic Initiative and HL7 Strategic Issues Architecture and Tooling: 3:30 pm to 5pm
- Strategic initiative discussion
- Review SI ballot comments (not reconciliation)
- HL7 Business Plan review (30 minutes)
- Plan socialization with TSC
- Fostering leadership in HL7
- SAIF - ArB presentation of SAIF IG initial work during Sunday's meetings: Charlie Mead
Tuesday lunch
- WGM agenda setting
- 2011-05-14_TSC_WGM_Agenda, Orlando FL;
- (May) Review TSC Three-Year Plan
- (May) Review TSC Communications Plan
- 2011-09-10_TSC_WGM_Agenda, San Diego, CA
- (September) Review TSC SWOT
- 2011-05-14_TSC_WGM_Agenda, Orlando FL;
Supporting Documents
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Convened at 9:10am
Q1 - TSC Planning and Open Issue Review: 9 am to 10:30 am
- Roll Call and Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests) – Jane Curry is our guest today.
- Additions to, and acceptance of, agenda: Agenda reviewed and changes made. Agenda accepted
- Link to Interim decision review since last WGM (not yet available)
- (45 mins) Review Open Issues List
- Foster development of Product Strategy (#1364) – Product Quality spun off into its own project. Product & Services Strategy project scope is outstanding task item assigned to Ken.
- No progress
- HL7 Security Considerations – Cookbook (#1513) – [see also introducing new processes to HL7 at # 1681], what is the consensus mechanism by which this has been approved for use as an Education tutorial?
- No update
- Healthcare Readiness Project Development (#1636) – Government projects held a call on November 23rd; updated scope statement sent to GPWG on 12/09.
- Bob suggests the Business Plan taskforce would be interested in participating – if this project is not budget-neutral its funding model would be of some importance. The PCAST report response is of urgent need but must be completed this week. The project scope has not gone through the Steering Division so the TSC does not formally have it available to review. Austin’s name should probably replace Charlie’s, and Charlie Mead would like to be included. ACTION ITEM: Austin to follow up on the progress of this project.
- Neutral Mapping Notation (#1600) – sent followup inquiry to ITS and received response that WG would likely approve a revised scope statement at the January WGM.
- This will be addressed by ITS this week. An updated scope will return to the TSC under normal processes so this can be closed.
- How to proceed with NCPDP’s request for mapping to the RIM (#1647) – last update was that John Quinn was to create a proposal for John Klimek to do the NCPDP mapping.
- John had sent something to them. No response for 5 or 6 weeks. Don Mon has been conversing with NCPDP on SCO. Future of SCO to be discussed. This will come to a head in the next month whether an SCO having meaningful participation in the US TAG holds interest for NCPDP. Klimek is the executive VP for NCPDP for last 2 years.
- Explore maintaining usage statistics for V3 (pending response by Marketing) # 1661 – extended request to Marketing to accept ownership of the issue but have had no response.
- Bob suggests we talk to Mark on getting information from the CHIME survey to provide these measures. This would be only U.S., though. Austin feels if we can’t get Marketing to take this up or find a group to run a project it will wither. Keith Boone has a CDA Google map; ACTION ITEM – Calvin will check with Keith. Charlie asks what means V3 if that includes CDA as well as messaging as well as RIM modeling. Calvin suggests separate Google maps. V3 messaging is felt to be under-marketed.
- Introducing new processes to HL7 (# 1681) – description of “process adoption” process, e.g. alpha vs endorsed vs. encouraged vs mandated i.e. Security Risk Framework Cookbook.
- Charlie McCay started this on his way out. This is tied to the incubation stuff, innovations work, and will impact the SAIF implementation guide. Austin asks if we need to track this separately. Calvin felt this has to do with the enhancement of our project process to deal with other areas with guidance on how to do it. Ken notes that the project processes should be addressed by Project Services. Jane notes that the processes need to be aligned in the GOM with the defined states. Lynn states that with the Risk Assessment Cookbook this originated as a way to track the possibility of another process for developing work. ACTION ITEM: Ken will take this issue to Project Services. Jane also suggests this needs to be addressed in ArB. Ron agrees. Calvin raises the issue that the ‘big’ thinking requires resourcing and funding and may lose traction. He asks for a narrow, terse description of the process. Austin sees it as a project sponsored by Project Services and ArB. The project proposal will give some oversight over the scope. Project Services has only an acting co-chair for the meeting, and ArB has other major contributions on their agenda so this will be developed after the WGM.
- Project Approval Request - Publish CDA IGs from Tooling, for SDWG at TSC Tracker # 1745.
- Going to use the MIF-based tooling, work with Publishing. Not a standards development project. Jane says this project is a prerequisite to having the MDHT become incorporated into our process.
- VOTE: Unanimously approved.
- Bob asks how we track project progress to ensure it’s not shelved. Lynn responds the PMO does some tracking and we’re working on project health dashboards similar to Work Group health.
- Project Approval Request - HL7/IHE Health Story Implementation Guide Consolidation, for SDWG at TSC Tracker # 1746.
- This has been requested as a Public document. This is being examined as an ONC project to test the S&I (stds and interop) framework. Ron asks what the dialog has been with IHE about how we will play together. CHI is in need of alignment between their HL7 V3 infrastructure investment and the IHE profile. John notes the IHE profiles may need to be subjected to a balloting process. Bob adds that C32 collaboration is in need of that packaging, balloting, and reconciliation process. John recommends we discuss with Chuck in Q4. Bob notes that we should specifically address that we approve the project excluding the issue of the IP. Calvin moves to amend the motion/woody seconds.
- VOTE: Unanimously approved.
- Project Approval Request - Interdependent Registries, at TSC Tracker # 1747, Project Insight ID# 725
- Ron notes there is huge interest in this; CHI is prepared to provide substantial requirements input – there was a large meeting on this in Cambridge. Project will include consideration of IHE profiles. It will probably be long-running with a DAM ballot for comment, then DSTU then Normative intent. Target dates are aggressive but it has great energy in PA right now, notes Patrick. This has the coordination efforts of a program management effort. PA will use the same project for all ballot types; Patrick notes that with the Project Health matrices there may be more consistency in future but for now there’s more than one way to run projects through DSTU and normative.
- VOTE: Unanimously approved.
- Project Approval Request - Canonical Pedigree (Family History) Interoperability Implementation Guide, at TSC tracker # 1748
- This also is requested as public document. Calvin moves to approve with the understanding and exception that the public document issue will be addressed by the EC, second by Ken. Charlie asks if this will analyze and harmonize across the different slices in genomics or to create another slice. References messages and interoperability are part of the scope. It is U.S. Realm specific.
- VOTE: Unanimously approved.
- Approve Out of Cycle Meeting Request for Pharmacy, see TSC Tracker # 1749, meeting request
- Calvin notes that these out of cycle meetings allow standards development without paying a WGM registration fee. It’s generally felt that it reduces productivity. Pharmacy is meeting here at the WGM as well although the TSC has also approved an OOC meeting for a WG that is not meeting here in Sydney as well.
- VOTE: Unanimously approved.
- Foster development of Product Strategy (#1364) – Product Quality spun off into its own project. Product & Services Strategy project scope is outstanding task item assigned to Ken.
- (January) Review TSC Mission and Charter
- Efforts of the Working Group – clarified to reflect the WorkING group not the Work Groups. Remove other references where it is spelled out.
- Woody suggests we don’t reiterate the duties listed by the GOM but point to the GOM instead. Calvin suggests we add a sentence in support of the Strategic Initiative effort. Ron cautions about citing the GOM but providing no insight. TSC will provide input and operationalize the Strategic Initiatives as indicated in GOM section 10.11 in the Mission. The Mandate should be removed, Calvin suggests. It would be a maintenance issue.
- Calvin moves to add to the Mission the paragraph, seconded by Woody.
- TSC will provide input and operationalize the Strategic Initiatives as indicated in GOM section 10.11. The TSC also reviews and provides oversight to projects during the approval process. This allows the TSC to identify gaps and overlaps between projects of the Working Group and the Strategic Initiatives.
- VOTE: Unanimously approved
- Ken moves to remove the mandate from the M&C four bullets with a reference to the appropriate section in the GOM. Woody seconds.
- VOTE: Unanimously approved.
- Ken moves we replace the TSC composition section with reference to the GOM by section title. Patrick seconds. VOTE: Unanimously approved.
- Lynn asks if we need a new ORC liaison – Helen agreed to continue in that position.
Break at 10:43 am, reconvene at 11am.
- (January) Review TSC Decision Making Practices, and the draft of the updated TSC DMP
- Calvin moves to approve with changes, Ken seconds
- VOTE: unaninmously approved.
- Next WGM Planning - next two WGMs - 2011-05-14_TSC_WGM_Agenda, Orlando FL; 2011-09-10_TSC_WGM_Agenda, San Diego, CA
- Austin and Lynn will get these started.
Q2 - TSC Project Review: 11 am to 12:30 pm
- EA IP Project Insight # 469
- ArB will present tomorrow night on real-world expectations of implementing SAIF. Existing EA IP project is not yet closed as only 2 alpha projects have responded to the survey/questionnaire. Postpone until tomorrow.
- Product Visibility PI# 478
- John presents the current state of the Martopia development
- This is part of the annual report. Ken asks if the next 43 product briefs submitted to HQ for review could be sent to the TSC for review as well. Charlie asked about what is considered a product. It was generally felt that it was what was balloted but SAIF is also considered. Bob asked how this will be organized. There was a tree structure on the TSC wiki, but it can be organized any way we see fit. How are new ones identified? Lynn grabs them off the NIBs when new materials are ready to be balloted.
- TSC Work Group Visibility Plan PI#631 (three-year plan item). Calvin moves to fold in the next project # 645 into #631. Ken seconds. VOTE: Unanimously approved.
- TSC Communications Plan PI# 645 (three-year plan item)
- Work Group Health metrics - review suggestions
- Add metrics to WGH for % of projects having next milestone date in the past (Tracker # 1649)
- Status as of 2010Oct: Evaluate Project Health before tying this to Work Group Health
- Add participation in publishing calls to Work Group Health (Tracker # 1659)
- Measure ballot progress in terms of overall years and in number of cycles to successful ballot (Tracker # 1660)
- Metric to identify whether the WG follows their own DMPs re: posting minutes (Tracker # 1683)
- measure coordination between WG co-chairs (Tracker # 1731)
- WG has a DMP based on review of the updated template, for 2011May (Tracker # 1732) - already passed by TSC; going into effect next cycle.
- Add metrics to WGH for % of projects having next milestone date in the past (Tracker # 1649)
- Work Group Health metrics - review suggestions
- HL7 Product Quality Plan PI# 647
- Address in Q3 under Architecture and Tooling
- TSC Continuous Improvement objectives PI# 648 (three-year plan item) – WGM Development now a committee, Innovations now a project, two other elements still not started.
- TSC Linkage between Work Group 3-year plans and Strategic Plan PI# 649 (three-year plan item) – objective to find committee support for academic members to attend WGMs lacking financial resources of corporate members? This was suggested to get academic members to take minutes, etc at reduced conference fees. Calvin moves to strike the academic effort, Ken seconds. Ken amends motion to close 649, Calvin accepts. This has now been formalized in the GOM.
- VOTE: unanimously approved.
- TSC Communication Strategy Project PI# 696 – Ravi is transitioning to Jay.
- Innovations Project PI# 701 – Ed reported no progress since Cambridge – no Innovations session at this WGM.
Pending Projects
- Product Strategy Project (Project Insight # 413) – nothing to report.
- T3F Strategic Initiative Review – Woody was unable to get a scope statement ready by year-end 2010. He will endeavor to get one soon.
Architecture and Tooling (From Q3 agenda):
- HL7 Quality Plan (15 minutes)
- Project status – kicked off a couple months ago but had not advanced as we’d hoped. Left off at investigating who HL7 customers are for quality and what are their priorities. We could spend 6 months on that without coming up with a quality plan deliverable. Do we want to survey what our customers find most important in product quality... Survey the membership annually on the quality attributes or survey the customers on what the quality attributes should be. Woody notes not only the elements of quality in a standard but how do you track these? Ease of use – does that mean how many weeks it takes to implement an interface? Ron asks if an implementation of a certain portion conflicts with an existing implementation. Calvin adds how many documents do you have to open on your desktop to get your work done? Charlie notes that this is a governance discussion. NCI noted they didn’t have the bandwidth to govern everything but they are looking along the product development life cycle and do a risk profile then governing artifacts at those risk points. Jane asked what risk points were discovered? Charlie says we’ll go through this in the ArB tomorrow. In the early ArB this cycle, the quality issue was raised that we only evaluate at project initiation and at ballot. Other points along that life cycle need to be evaluated. Calvin notes there is quality as seen through standards development participation, and secondly the quality of the artifacts that are consumed. Ron asserts that the perception of quality in a product is more important from the consumer, rather than from those that are involved in the development of the product. Is the process by which standards are produced as important as the quality of the product of the standards that are published? Jane comments that we currently have quality by inspection – must evaluate the content of the ballot packages but that is generally considered to be inefficient. Bob says you ask the stakeholders about what the elements of quality they find of importance. Woody’s initial presentation includes this perspective and is incorporated by reference in the initial draft of the product quality plan project scope. Bob’s concern is how you measure the quality perception on an ongoing basis as compared to an initial survey to identify the quality components that should be measured. We’ve had no volunteers to assess the ability of evaluating ISO 9000 compliance processes. It’s an expensive process and there’s no resource to evaluate it. It’s more important outside of the US as criteria for evaluation of software systems and services. Calvin cites a recent quality effort at Mayo for finding root causes of errors. Those kinds of perspectives might be helping our evaluation. Woody has concerns that Jane’s perception of the absence of quality in the product but the tooling and publishing mechanisms that have been developed have a quality assurance effect. Calvin offers to provide a human-readable perspective on these deeper quality issues. Ron cites the RIM harmonization process as a governance framework that produces a very high quality product. Some of the tooling and publishing efforts create quality through good architectural representation. Calvin notes the risk of the existing developers that really are building this are aging and need to bring in new developers but still assure the quality of the product that is developed. Bob thinks we need to define our measurement strategy before we do root-cause analysis. Calvin says we need to develop samples that analysts can use not at the granular level at which the standards developers operate. We need to decide which of these ways we should approach the issue and what we’re trying to improve – the experience of the standard developer or the downstream experience of the standard user/implementer.
Recessed at 12:30 pm for lunch
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