T3SD ConCall-20130225

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Quorum Requirements (Chair +4 SD Reps for "decision making") or (Chair +3 SD Reps for "direction setting") Met: Yes
Attendee Name Affiliation
x Andy Stechishin HL7 T3SD Co-Chair
x Freida Hall HL7 T3SD Co-Chair
Diego Kaminker Education
Melva Peters (Board Liaison) Education
Patrick Loyd Education
Bill Braithwaite Electronic Services
Lorraine Constable (Board Liaison) Electronic Services
x Ken McCaslin Electronic Services
Nat Wong Electronic Services
Diego Kaminker International Mentoring
x John Ritter (Board Liaison) International Mentoring
Rita Scichilone Process Improvement
Sandy Stuart (Board Liaison) Process Improvement
x Rick Haddorff (Board Liaison) Project Services
x Freida Hall Project Services
Woody Beeler Publishing
Vacant (Board Liaison) Publishing
Jane Daus Publishing
Brian Pech Publishing
x Andy Stechishin Publishing
Sandy Stuart Publishing
Vacant (Board Liaison) Tooling
Michael van der Zyl Tooling
x Andy Stechishin Tooling
x Dave Hamill (non voting) HL7 PMO Office
x Lynn Laakso (guest) TSC Project Manager

Meeting Admin

  1. Roll Call - Quorum met.
  2. Approve Agenda - approved; delete duplicate agenda item re: FHIR under new business.
  3. Approve Meeting Minutes -
    • Motion to approve the minutes from the February 11 call by Ken McCaslin, seconded by Rick Haddorff. Against-0; Abstain-0; motion carried unanimously.
  4. Work Group Updates
    • Education
      • Not on the call.
    • Electronic Services
      • Ken reported ES is still waiting for feedback from the Board; they have not progressed the new Roadmap. ES is experimenting with Google Hangout, notify Ken by e-mail if you would like to participate in the "Google Hangout" call March 18, 4 pm. No call week of March 4th due to HIMSS. Andy asked about the UCPRS project (945). Mike advised it is on "standby" waiting to hear from NLM/Vocabulary WG. Andy is concerned about the timeframe to receive Vocabulary WG input and does not want to be coordinating input from Vocabulary WG. Andy will try to join the next ES call to discuss, and resend email to Ken for follo up.
    • International Mentoring
      • John stated no updates this call.
    • Process Improvement
      • Not on the call.
    • Project Services
      • Rick reported the Project Management Survey that PS is working on with student Ateeb Chaudhry has closed. PS received 117 responses and are currently in the process of evaluating. Ateeb is conducting an analysis and PS is diving deeper into some of the items to create an action plan. Ateeb will be conducting some interviews after completing his analysis. Preliminary findings are we need better communication and education especially regarding project management tools. PS may sponsor a Birds of Feather session or report during their regular Thursday meeting at the May Working Group Meeting. PS plans to review/update mission charter of the next call.
    • Publishing
      • V2 - Brian reported no updates.
      • V3 - Andy reported the notices of intent to ballot (N IB) are in. Jane Daus may be interested in the Board appointed co-chair position for Publishing; this should be an agenda item for the next call.
    • Tooling
      • Andy reported Tooling hosted a webinar last week for the tooling challenge with only one attendee. Andy is reviewing the DMP for Tooling, specifically how to deal with conflict of interest when Tooling Co-chairs may have a "material interest" in a topic subject to vote. Andy has posted proposed revision to the Tooling list and welcomes comments; once Tooling approves Andy will bring the DMP to the T3SD for review. Tooling has proposed Andy as the Board appointed Co-chair replacing Jane Curry. Freida will submit the request to HL7 Chair, Don Mon.
    • FHIR Management Group (Liaison-Brian Pech)
      • The Group is still making process decisions; intend to ballot profiles with realm specific extensions.
    • Business Architecture Group (Liaison-Brian Pech)
      • The Business Architecture Group had a preliminary organizational meeting last week. They have not yet started the engagement process primarily due to limited bandwidth of ARB members.
  5. Project Review
    • PBS Metrics at http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/frs/?action=FrsReleaseBrowse&frs_package_id=169 - (Updates posted March, July, November and at WGM)
      • Ken asked how to view the metrics, currently they are opened as a word document. Dave reported this is a problem since the last GForge update. You should be able to save the file locally and rename it as an Excel file (.xls). Dave reported that PBS metrics team is trying to be proactive looking at reaffirmation ballots for 2013; there are approximately 12 ballots due for reaffirmation with three scheduled in the May cycle. PBS metrics team is also reviewing the NIBs and forwarding any questions to the TSC. Dave is also working with Andy on CMETs.
  6. TSC meeting Report -
    • Published weekly to Co-Chairs list and in eNews. Any questions?
  7. New Business -
    • Meeting Adjourned 2:44 pm