T3SD ConCall-20100301

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  1. Roll Call
    • Attendees: Helen Stevens (co-chair & scribe), John Ritter, Rick Haddorf, Andy Stechishin, Lynn Laakso, Dave Hamill, Mike Henderson (joined late).
    • Regrets: Freida Hall, Ken McCaslin
    • Quorum not achieved for first half of meeting.
  2. TSC Report
    • Helen provided an overview of activities at TSC including approval of projects and update on the Organization Relations Committee. There is also ongoing work streamlining the project approval process (having all TSC members look at project proposals as they go to the SD for SD approval so that they can provide input early in the process). TSC is also working on contributing towards the roadmap project.
  3. Approve 15 February 2010 Minutes
    • Approved (note lack of quorum)
  4. Review Action items from last SD Meeting:
    1. Action item: Tooling should develop education for some of the tools they are promoting.
      • Andy updated that tooling is actively working with Education and has a joint meeting scheduled for Rio.
    2. Action item: Lynn will need to check to see if she can harvest the number of messages over a period of time.
      • No progress yet.
    3. Action item: Ken will send an email out regarding 3/16 at 4:30pm or 3/22.
      • Ken completed the survey and the next meeting will be on March 22nd. Survey results were 7 votes for 3/22 and versus 6 for 3/16). Attendees did not have any concern with this decision.
  5. Steering Division Reports
    1. Electronic Services
      • Dave reported that Es has been working on changes to the web page with the Marketing council as the requested changes are related to the presentation of the WGM on the website. They have scheduled joint discussions on these topics. ES is also working on how they might be able to support videos of presentations as it was suggested that the First Time Attendee presentation could be taped and included on the website.
    2. International Mentoring
      • John reported that IM is working on engagement with the Philippines. This has been hampered by some technical issues (getting Skype working for collaboration) as well as the imminent change in government in the Philippines. However, Doug Del-Prete has recently moved to the Philippines and he is helping engaging the local community. John is hopeful that there will be progress by the next WGM.
    3. Tooling
      • Andy reported that tooling is working on updating its project list and is also working on developing an education strategy with the Education committee. They are also spending a lot of focus on the new tools including the new Static Model Designer.
    4. Education
      • There was no representative from Education present.
    5. Publishing
      • Andy reported that publishing is also working on updating their project list with the PMO and preparing for the next ballot cycle. The Notice of Intent to Ballot deadline was last Sunday so they now have the list of anticipated ballot pools to work with.
    6. Project Services
      • Project Visibility Project from the TSC - Joint project with Electronic Services. [[1]]
      • Dave & Lynn provided an overview - there was no discussion. Helen will hold an e-vote due to lack of quorum.
    7. PIC
  6. Mike Henderson joined call.
  7. Achieving effective WGM meetings for WG - how chairs should evaluate?
    • International WGM Attendee Survey
    • Helen provided an overview of the objective of this initiative which is to prepare a short questionnaire that will be filled out by all co-chairs after every meeting. The questionnaire will seek to establish if the meeting was deemed to be "successful" by the WG co-chairs. Currently the "success" of a WGM is measured in too simplistic terms such as finances, attendee numbers or WG quarters. This work will contribute towards the Board's request to develop success criteria for WGMs (US and international). The information from the questionnaires can also be used to establish critical success criteria and areas for improvement or lessons learned. This SD, whilst minimally impacted (compared to other SDs) by the "success" of a WGM, is most appropriate to propose some ideas to address this question to the TSC.
    • John: Questionnaire needs to be reflective the dynamic nature of this question. For example, the EHR WG may deem one meeting successful because it resolved 1000 ballot comments, whilst another meeting was successful because it engaged a new stakeholder group.
    • Action: Helen will use the post-Kyoto questionnaire as a basis to develop a first draft and will put on agenda for March 22nd SD call.
  8. Continued discussion on WG health measures
    • Did not discuss due to lack of time.
  9. SD SWOT Analysis
    • The SD SWOT needs to be voted upon. Helen will setup an email vote later this week, Please review and submit comments to the list in the next couple of days. SWOT File
  10. Project review for: PIC, Publishing, Tooling
    • Andy is already working with Dave to clean up the Publishing and Tooling projects.
    • Helen is already working to clean up the PIC projects.
  11. DMP review - Voting requirements
    • Currently PIC, PMO and Mentoring do not have a vote in this SD. The principal items that come up for vote at the SD are the selection of the SD co-chairs and approval of projects. Helen and Ken feel that these three committees are equally impacted by these decisions and that their perspectives are important and should be reflected in votes. Consequently they propose that these three committees be given a vote each at the SD table.
    • There was general discussion on the subject with all in attendance expressing support or (in one case) ambivalence to the decision. Pros expressed included: having a wider base of voters and reducing the effect of one member multiple votes (e.g. Andy), help in achieving quorum, formal inclusion of these groups in decisions, representation of all impacted committees. Concerns expressed included having non-elected members having votes; whilst PIC has an elected co-chair (and an appointed one), both the Mentoring co-chairs are appointed and Dave is the only member of PMO.
    • A straw poll of the attendees showed general support for this change.
    • ACTION: Helen to take discussion of making PIC, PMO and Mentoring voting SD members to the TSC and get opinions and bring back on March 22nd to the SD.
  12. Planning Agenda for next meeting
    • Next meeting is March 22nd.
    • Action Items:
      1. Action item: Lynn will need to check to see if she can harvest the number of messages over a period of time.
      2. Action item: Helen to take discussion of making PIC, PMO and Mentoring voting SD members to the TSC and get opinions and bring back on March 22nd to the SD.
      3. Action item: Helen to use the post-Kyoto questionnaire as a basis to develop a first draft of a post-WGM questionnaire and put on agenda for March 22nd SD call.