T3SD ConCall-20090810

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Every other Monday beginning July 13 at 4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time:
Use HL7 Conference Call service
Phone Number: 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 226122#


  1. (5 min) Meeting Admin
    1. Roll Call
      • Ken McCaslin (Scribe), Mike Henderson, Freida Hall, Helen Stevens (Chair),
    2. Accept Agenda
    3. Approve reports
      1. Approve meeting minutes from July 13 - Approved
    4. TSC meeting Report
      1. Product list – Like to the wiki where the product list is being posted. Lack of implementation guides being listed as a product list. RIM not listed under V3. Lynn will update the list.
      2. ARB- Should DAM be normative or informative? ARB to report back what the appropriate approach should be. If the DAM is to help inform how a domain works so that the group may begin the process of developing a message based on a better understanding of the domain, then the DAM is informative.
      3. SAEAF is progressing but Mark is having difficulty with the ALPHA projects NCI has agreed to do a protype.
  2. Change of Meeting - Some T3SD members have difficulty with meeting on this Monday, however if we moved the call so it was scheduled on our the Monday we would normally be off, it would resolve the conflict. It was recommended that we have our next call next Monday, to resolve the conflict, and then every other Monday after that.
    1. Action item: Ken to cancel other calls and reschedule every other Monday beginning with August 17
  3. Project Approval - Education -
  4. Review and approve Education SWOT and 3 year plan - - SWOT and 3-year-plan
    1. SWOT
      1. This was approved by the group back in April and this seemed to have been very stable since them.
      2. Several concerns regarding Weakness
    2. Strategic Plan
      1. Has details regarding the high-level items and how they break down below the grid. Has some work to do with Dave Hamill to align with how project insight manages projects.
  5. Reminder - Tooling, Project Services and Electronic Services gathering for tooling discusssion in Atlanta Thursday Q3
  6. Reminder - All WG are to update their SWOT and 3 year plans for the September meeting
  7. T3SD cross functional team to evaluate project management and ballot process
    1. Project Scope Statement coming forward in the near future (Likely 8/24)
  8. WG Updates
    1. Education
      1. Project Scope Statement Review - E-Learning project proposal - Vote: all in favor ED.
      2. Recommendation that T3SD recommend to the TSC a new product category called Education Services
    2. Electronic Services
    3. PIC
    4. Project Services
    5. Publishing
    6. Tooling
  9. Insert Agenda items here
  10. (10 min) New Business



  • TBD

Meeting Minutes