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Fndn&Tech Steering Divn - Conference Call (date above)

Meeting Information

Conference Call is scheduled for 0.5 hour,
Tuesday 12:00 PM to be repeated every other week
Please consult http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock for your local times
HL7 Conference Call Service
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 (Passcode: 943627)
Online Meeting Service - GoToMeeting
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/385800034 (GoToMeeting ID: 385-800-034)

Steering Division Members:

  • Application Integration & Design (AID)
  • Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS)
  • Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing(CGIT)
  • Infrastructure & Messaging (InM)
  • Modeling & Methodology (MnM)
  • Security
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Templates
  • Vocabulary


Facilitator Note taker Quorum = 5 WGs
Paul Paul Yes
Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS) Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing Infrastructure and Messaging (InM)
X Knapp, Paul . Huang, Wendy X Julian, Tony
X Nelson, Dale . Oemig, Frank . Shaver, Dave
. Stechishin, Andy . Singureanu, Ioana . Stuart, Sandy
. Snelick, Robert .
Modeling & Methodology (MnM) Application Integration and Design (AID) Security
. Beeler, Woody . Hendler MD, Peter . Blobel PhD, Bernd
. Duteau, Jean X Stechishin, Andy . Davis, Mike
. Grieve, Grahame . Spronk, Rene . Moehrke, John
X McKenzie, Lloyd . Williams, Patricia
. Shakir, AbdulMalik
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Templates Vocabulary
. Jorgenson, Don . Heitmann, Kai . Case, James
. Lotti,Stefano X Roberts , John . Grain, Heather
. Rubin, Ken . Shafarman, Mark X Hamm, Russell
. McCauley, Vince X Hausam, Rob
. Klein, William Ted
X Laakso, Lynn
. . = Absent, X = Present, r = Regrets


  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (5 min) FHIR Work Group Proposal
  3. (5 min) Other Business

Agenda items

Lloyd presented the proposal for the creation of a FHIR Work Group under this steering division which would be concerned with the core aspects of FHIR. The participants discussed the proposal and the potential overlaps/impacts on other work groups. It was noted that this WG consulting with other work groups is intended to mean that this work group will make the decisions with input from the consulted WG.

The proposal is currently being augmented with additional materials to support requests from other committees, is currently being reviewed at TSC, ARB and in the FTSD WGs, and will come back to FTSD once those materials have been supplied and reviewed.

Action Item List

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