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T3F - Transitional Technical Task Force

Tuesday June 12, 2007 12:00 PM (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)



Beeler, Case, Lorenzi, Parker

Review of Minutes

Reviewed and approved the minutes from May 22 & 29. Noted the items discussed (without quorum) on June 5.

TSC Elections

Discussed some of the items that have caused confusion in the TSC election notices. Agreed to send out a note clarifying that:

  • although the SD representative election votes are cast by committees, nominations may be submitted by any individual Co-Chair of any of the committees or SIGs in that SD; and
  • each Steering Division elects two people - a Representative and an Alternate, and thus each committee will cast two votes.

TSC Convener

The T3F discussed how the initial TSC meetings in Atlanta would be managed. As a result, the T3F adopted the following resolution:

The T3F recommends that a convener be named to host the initial meetings of the "new" TSC in Atlanta, in order to allow the TSC Chair elections to proceed at a reasoned pace following the initial meetings.

Communications plan

The T3F discussed issues of communication, both inward and outward) between the TSC and the members of the HL7 Working Group. The following outline contains a "draft" Communication Plan. This will be subject to review and "finalization" on the June 26 conference call. The June 26 call should also determine how many of these functions should be initiated by the T3F this summer.

Communication to the TSC

Inward communications to the TSC should occur through several paths, including:

  • PIC performs a useful communication path today for individuals and new volunteers and affords the added advantage of a forum for discussing procedural issues before they are added ot the PIC open issues list. This role should be continued with PIC as a TSC-appointed committee, and they should continue to maintain the PIC open issues list.
  • As noted in the broader TSC document, the TSC will have an "open mic" session for Co-chairs at each TSC Retreat (Plenary) Meeting with the issues written, logged and formally tracked
  • Issues list- The TSC should maintain and track a publicly available issues list for topics under TSC consideration. This list will require:
    • Submittal form - the TSC should develop a standard form for documenting issues. This form should allow the submitter to classify the type and severity of the problem, should identify the perspective from which the individual is submitting the issue, a description of the issue, and the submitters desired or recommended action to resolve the issue. This form would be used for both the "open mic" sessions and for e-mail submissions.
    • Issue posting Active issues should be posted and tracked on the TSC Wiki
    • Submissions Issues for the list would be received from:
      • the TSC "open mic" sessions,
      • e-mail submittal (below) or by
      • Referral from Ballot reconciliation (through SDs) to TSC
  • Maintain a list server for internal TSC communications
  • Establish a mail address, like through which new issues (using the form) and questions can be submitted

Communications from the TSC

Outward communications from the TSC should include:

  • e-News - routine contributions from TSC
  • Newsletter articles
  • TSC Report at a WGM General Session
  • Summary of TSC Plenary and copies of presentation posted on web site
  • TSC Wiki (open for reading) like the T3F Wiki to include:
    • Maintain a "message" for TSC at the root of the Wiki
    • Minutes & Agendas
    • TSC issues list
    • TSC action item list
    • Search capability
  • Status reports (central, easily found, well tracked) on:
    • Ballots
    • Projects (scope statements and status)
    • Normative content
    • Architecture/Methodology Issues, etc.
    • Search capability

Future Meeting availability

Agreed to cancel the June 19, 2007 meeting because of the Harmonization Meeting that day.

On June 26, Lorenzi & Parker unavailable. On July 3, Case and Lorenzi unavailable.

Agenda item list (our sand box for future meetings)

Click for T3F Action Item List