2017-06-26 TSC Call Agenda

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: GoToMeeting ID: 426-505-829

Date: 2017-06-26
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Ken McCaslin Note taker(s): Anne Wizauer
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes/no
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
Regrets Ken McCaslin x Tony Julian x Jean Duteau . Freida Hall, GOM Expert
x Wayne Kubick . Lorraine Constable . Giorgio Cangioli .
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantic Design Technical and Support Services
x Melva Peters . Russ Hamm x Calvin Beebe x Andy Stechishin
x John Roberts x Paul Knapp x Austin Kreisler . Sandra Stuart
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ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Pat Van Dyke (HL7 Chair) w/vote . . obs1 x Anne Wizauer
. Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote . . . obs2 x Lynn Laakso

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  1. Housekeeping
    • Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
    • Agenda review and approval -
    • Approve Minutes of 2017-06-19 TSC Call Agenda
    • Upcoming TSC call - July 3
    • Homework
    1. Review message to WGs regarding getting mission an charters to SD for review
    2. Review and comment on Product Family Management Group Mission and Charter Template
    3. Tony, Lorraine and Freida to develop a checklist for M&C review.
  2. Review action items
    • Melva, Jean, John, Calvin will review existing WGs and report at the 2017-06-26 TSC meeting
    • Ken will follow up with Lynn to find out about out of cycle timelines re: upcoming FHIR ballots
    • Calvin will assist with the FHIR naming issue. Lloyd will provide some examples.
    • Wayne to ask EC what the costs are for Sunday at WGM so that, along with existing Mon – Fri rate, we could offer a similarly discounted Sunday – Friday rate as well
    • Austin to head up a ballot reconciliation sync project to resolve some of these inconsistency issues and determine if a task force is necessary.
    • Wayne to take recommendation regarding extending HL7 CDA R2 Implementation Guide: National Health Care Surveys (NHCS), R1 DSTU Release 1.2 - US Realm for 28 months to the EC for consideration
      • John to notify WG of that action
  3. Approval items from previous weeks referred for discussion:
    • Publication Request Template review and approval at TSC Tracker 13524
      • Referred by Freida:
        • Unless there is a compelling reason, I suggest we should retain the option for the WG to specify the STU length, vs. assuming all will be 24 months. We have two this week that requested a 12 month STU period.
        • Reference to GOM needs to be updated to “ Extending the Trial Use Period or Reopening an STU for Trial Use”
        • As GOC liaison, I submitted attached TSC change request to GOM re: STU extensions, thus we will see a clarification in the September GOM after it clears the Peer Review process. The GOC favored iterative 1 year extensions (when warranted), vs. TSC granting a 2 year or 3 year extension request. Just FYI, I think Lynn’s proposed change is in sync with pending GOM revisions.
    • STU Publication Request by the CQI WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 3 Implementation Guide: Clinical Quality Language (CQL)-based Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF) - Release 1, STU 2 - US Realm at Project Insight 1142 and TSC Tracker 13490
      • Anne sent out updated reconciliation spreadsheet for review/approval and SSD-SD, FTSD, and ARB withdrew their referral. Item passes.
  4. Approval items for this week:
  5. Discussion topics:
    1. Voting Procedures for TSC Chair
    2. Voting Procedures for SD Co-Chair
    3. Electronic Voting Pilot
    4. Potential new addition to publication request approval steps: Management Groups (Paul/Austin)
    5. Alignment between Normative and STU Ballot dispositions
    6. Width/breadth of CIMI project - continued from two weeks ago
    7. Removing co-chair email addresses from www.HL7.org - Wayne
    8. Carryover topics from WGM:
      • EST/Tooling update
      • ARB Recommendations to TSC:
        • Project Scope Statements not include acronyms that are not spelled out. Rationale: outsiders will use the search function to find the project. Example is the LOINC – IVD Test Code (LIVD) Mapping – you can search project insight for LIVD, New members would search "invitro device" it will not show up.
        • CIMI project: Should be reviewed for compliance with HL7 processes. Should be requested to produce an integration strategy.
    9. SGB recommendations regarding ballot level change requests - Calvin
    10. Review of draft SGB recommendation on adding a category of ballot disposition for items under consideration for the future
  6. Open Issues List/Parking Lot
    • Wayne and Freida working on co-chair handbook update process
    • FHIR Ballot level issues - waiting for written explanation from Grahame
    • Calvin/Austin will work on pulling out WG relationships and making a mapping for September meeting


  • Housekeeping
    • Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
      • Lynn here to discuss publication request template
    • Agenda review and approval -
    • Approve Minutes of 2017-06-19 TSC Call Agenda
      • Minutes accepted via general consent
    • Upcoming TSC call - July 3
      • Quorum not expected. Call cancelled.
    • Homework
    • Review message to WGs regarding getting mission an charters to SD for review
      • ACTION: Anne to send out on behalf of Ken
    • Review and comment on Product Family Management Group Mission and Charter Template
      • Anne will send out for e-vote
      • Wayne has received CIMI agreement and will circulate.
    • Tony, Lorraine and Freida to develop a checklist for M&C review.
      • Complete. Wayne taking a pass through the document and will send back to the group.
  • Review action items
    • Melva, Jean, John, Calvin will review existing WGs and report at the 2017-06-26 TSC meeting
      • Reviewed names and charters to see if there was low hanging fruit for essentialism project. Need to put together notes; Melva will do so before next week.
    • Ken will follow up with Lynn to find out about out of cycle timelines re: upcoming FHIR ballots
      • Ken and Lynn discussed basic guidelines. Overall process takes about 10 weeks; there are 16 weeks between ballot cycles. We've also run early or late opening ballots that are tacked on to an existing ballot cycle. Desktop can only have one open ballot cycle at a time.
    • Calvin will assist with the FHIR naming issue. Lloyd will provide some examples.
      • Challenge of dependency change between base and IGs. It's not an easy thing to be simplified. Lorraine: The question is which of the dependencies do we expose in the name? Calvin: Related is what are people going to want to know about the artifact in regards to its conformance to an underlying characteristic? Paul: The problem is that there is an unexpressed aspiration to have all of the relevant data expressed in the name, but at the same time that makes complex names. Calvin: We may have to have another aspect on the title page showing the dependency chain. Wayne: Keeping names simpler would be a better thing in terms of making HL7 specs more accessible and understandable. Perhaps a small triggering subtitle with a table of dependencies at the top of the specification. Lorraine: Integrating it into the product brief could be useful as well.
        • ACTION: Calvin will put the recommendations together and discuss with FHIR.
    • Wayne to ask EC what the costs are for Sunday at WGM so that, along with existing Mon – Fri rate, we could offer a similarly discounted Sunday – Friday rate as well
      • There is a discount already and not much room to discount further. General agreement not to pursue further, although Lorraine notes that Sunday is the only day that went up.
    • Austin to head up a ballot reconciliation sync project to resolve some of these inconsistency issues and determine if a task force is necessary.
      • Austin is reviewing feedback and is not quite ready to report. Will give an update on 2017-07-10.
    • Wayne to take recommendation regarding extending HL7 CDA R2 Implementation Guide: National Health Care Surveys (NHCS), R1 DSTU Release 1.2 - US Realm for 28 months to the EC for consideration
      • John to notify WG of that action
        • Has been submitted to EC for vote. Will update on next call. WG has been notified.
  • Approval items from previous weeks referred for discussion:
    • Publication Request Template review and approval at TSC Tracker 13524
      • Referred by Freida:
        • Unless there is a compelling reason, I suggest we should retain the option for the WG to specify the STU length, vs. assuming all will be 24 months. We have two this week that requested a 12 month STU period.
          • MOTION to approve with the addition of the STU time length options added back to the document: Paul/Lorraine
          • VOTE: All in favor
          • Lynn will complete.
        • Reference to GOM needs to be updated to “ Extending the Trial Use Period or Reopening an STU for Trial Use”
        • As GOC liaison, I submitted attached TSC change request to GOM re: STU extensions, thus we will see a clarification in the September GOM after it clears the Peer Review process. The GOC favored iterative 1 year extensions (when warranted), vs. TSC granting a 2 year or 3 year extension request. Just FYI, I think Lynn’s proposed change is in sync with pending GOM revisions.
    • STU Publication Request by the CQI WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 3 Implementation Guide: Clinical Quality Language (CQL)-based Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF) - Release 1, STU 2 - US Realm at Project Insight 1142 and TSC Tracker 13490
      • Anne sent out updated reconciliation spreadsheet for review/approval and SSD-SD, FTSD, and ARB withdrew their referral. Item passes.
  • Discussion topics:
    • Voting Procedures for TSC Chair
      • Will have one vote for each existing sitting member of the TSC (not one vote per steering division), not including member-elects. Calvin wonders why we didn't do it this way last time. Is there any risk to invalidating the election? Who has the authority to establish the voting method? It is in the GOM and is vague. Paul: We should motion it. There was a proposal to the GOC to change it to one vote per sitting member. There was a separate conversation about steering division elections.
        • ACTION: Vote on new process next time. Freida likely has it written up
    • Voting Procedures for SD Co-Chair
      • Nothing will change in that process.
    • Electronic Voting Pilot
      • Trying out a new electronic polling system for the co-chair election. May consider using it for TSC election as well.
    • Potential new addition to publication request approval steps: Management Groups (Paul/Austin)
      • When they get submitted to TSC, Anne would first direct to management group for approval. Is specifically called out in the management group M&Cs to approve publication requests. Anne notes we should probably also add the other product family management group approvals to the PSS template. Discussion over who makes these changes and how to socialize.
    • Alignment between Normative and STU Ballot dispositions
      • Remove
    • Width/breadth of CIMI project - continued from two weeks ago
      • Remove
    • Removing co-chair email addresses from www.HL7.org - Wayne
      • Remove - will be discussed by EST.
    • Carryover topics from WGM:
      • EST/Tooling update
        • Discussion over tooling inventory updates.
        • Add to San Diego agenda for Saturday
      • ARB Recommendations to TSC:
        • Project Scope Statements not include acronyms that are not spelled out. Rationale: outsiders will use the search function to find the project. Example is the LOINC – IVD Test Code (LIVD) Mapping – you can search project insight for LIVD, New members would search "invitro device" it will not show up.
          • How to communicate this as a part of review? Basically an FYI and Anne will also try to catch them.
        • CIMI project: Should be reviewed for compliance with HL7 processes. Should be requested to produce an integration strategy.
          • In process.
    • SGB recommendations regarding ballot level change requests - Calvin
      • Briefly reviewed slides. Calvin will make recommended adjustments. Discussion over how to communicate/roll out. Is it a GOM change?
        • ACTION: Add communication/roll-out to 2017-07-10 agenda
    • Review of draft SGB recommendation on adding a category of ballot disposition for items under consideration for the future
      • Add to next week.
  • Open Issues List/Parking Lot
    • Wayne and Freida working on co-chair handbook update process
    • FHIR Ballot level issues - waiting for written explanation from Grahame
    • Calvin/Austin will work on pulling out WG relationships and making a mapping for September meeting

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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