2016-12-05 TSC Call Agenda

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: GoToMeeting ID: 426-505-829

Date: 2016-12-05
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Ken McCaslin Note taker(s): Anne Wizauer
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes/no
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
Regrets Ken McCaslin x Tony Julian x Jean Duteau x Austin Kreisler
x Wayne Kubick Regrets Lorraine Constable . Giorgio Cangioli x Freida Hall, GOM Expert
. . . . Woody Beeler, TSC Member Emeritus
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantic Design Technical and Support Services
x Melva Peters x Russ Hamm Regrets Calvin Beebe x Andy Stechishin
x John Roberts x Paul Knapp x Gora Datta . Sandra Stuart
. . . .
ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Pat Van Dyke (HL7 Chair) w/vote . . obs1 x Anne Wizauer
. Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote . . . obs2 .

. . . . .


  1. Housekeeping
    • Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
    • Agenda review and approval -
    • Approve Minutes of 2016-11-28 TSC Call Agenda
    • Holiday schedules
  2. Review action items
    • Freida will talk to project services about how to manage the issue/add process to indicate when DSTU expiration is intentional
    • Ken to follow up with PIC regarding dynamic location for updates to organizational decisions/principles such as substantive change, separation of concerns, etc.
      • Anne to also add this item as well as the topic of developing requirements for logging issues/comments across standards to January WGM agenda
    • Wayne to get clarity from the Board on HL7 intentions for User Groups
  3. Approval Items for This Call:
    • HL7 FHIR® IG: Data Access Framework (DAF) Research, Release 1 (PI ID: 1265)
      • Approval for ballot awaiting WG approval of ballot material
  4. Approval items for this week:
  5. Discussion topics:
    • Status update on HSI's ability to sponsor ballotable projects
    • V3 Reassessment Effort
    • TSC topics for WGM
      • Developing requirements for logging issues/comments across standards
      • Dynamic location for updates to organizational decisions/principles
    • Continue TSC SWOT Review
    • Identifying and communicating essential rules (Wayne)
  6. Open Issues List


  • Housekeeping
    • Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
      • No visitors
    • Agenda review and approval -
      • No additions or subtractions
    • Approve Minutes of 2016-11-28 TSC Call Agenda
      • Minutes approved via general consent
    • Holiday schedules
      • Cancel the December 26th and January 2 meetings
  • Review action items
    • Freida will talk to project services about how to manage the issue/add process to indicate when DSTU expiration is intentional
      • Discussion not yet complete. Add to future agenda.
    • Ken to follow up with PIC regarding dynamic location for updates to organizational decisions/principles such as substantive change, separation of concerns, etc.
      • The cochair handbook is published every two years. There is a wiki where people can enter change requests. Discussion over why the changes aren't applied more frequently. Melva states it would be better to have the handbook on a wiki with changes continually applied. Wayne agrees but states it would be nice to also have a place to highlight recent changes. Freida states that part of the problem is that PIC owns the handbook but maybe TSC should. Gora asks about co-chair training and refresher training - is it mandatory? Austin notes that we should perhaps resurrect co-chair training updates at the dinner.
        • ACTION: Check with PIC regarding ownership of co-chair handbook updates
        • ACTION: Look at current change request process
      • Anne to also add this item as well as the topic of developing requirements for logging issues/comments across standards to January WGM agenda
    • Wayne to get clarity from the Board on HL7 intentions for User Groups
      • Wayne will bring up on today's call if time allows
  • Approval Items for This Call:
    • HL7 FHIR® IG: Data Access Framework (DAF) Research, Release 1 (PI ID: 1265)
      • Approval for ballot awaiting WG approval of ballot material
      • MOTION to approve item for ballot: Paul/John
      • VOTE: All in favor
  • Approval items for this week:
    • Review and Approval of Updates to the 2017 Project Scope Statement for 2017 (see here for summary of edits)
      • Group reviews
      • Discussion over communicating the changes, specifically the WGH to PBS metrics change in 6.c. Dave will address at co-chair meeting
      • MOTION to approve: Freida/Paul
      • VOTE: all in favor
  • Discussion topics:
    • Status update on HSI's ability to sponsor ballotable projects
      • Andy has been discussing with cochairs. HSI will vote on whether or not they will move steering divisions. When that vote occurs, then T3SD won't stand in their way. Nothing has come to T3SD at this time. There is no blocking going on at the steering division level - not of the project in question or the mission and charter. Jean: Has HSI been asked to clarify their scope? Andy spoke with John about it on a T3SD call. If we don't want them to produce specifications, then we should be clear about that. Paul notes that even when the paperwork arrives, it won't be within their scope. Andy notes that they were put in T3SD to block them from producing specifications. We have these issues because we were trying to ensure they are working within the community properly. Wayne notes that's not an ideal reason to put a group in a steering division. Paul: It was set up to be a liaison body, not a specification producing body. Jean: If they want to change who they are, they need to follow the process to do that.
      • Add for next week and research whether WG voted.
    • V3 Reassessment Effort
      • Jean spearheaded the effort to address vulnerabilities. Will likely be a breakfast or lunch meeting because of scheduling issues. Group notes that all product families are subject to similar vulnerabilities.
    • TSC topics for WGM
      • Developing requirements for logging issues/comments across standards
      • Dynamic location for updates to organizational decisions/principles
      • Others:
        • Grahame will be coming to SGB on the WGM Sunday Q3 to discuss concern about artifacts from one family being rendered in another - whose process do you follow? Has asked for Wayne/Ken to be there.
        • Organizational realignment
        • Introducing new product families
    • Continue TSC SWOT Review
      • Move to WGM agenda
    • Identifying and communicating essential rules (Wayne)
      • Move to WGM agenda
  • Adjourned at 12:00 pm Eastern

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • .
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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