2010-08-09 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 124466#
GoToMeeting ID: 165-215-206

Date: 2010-08-09
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator Charlie McCay Note taker(s) Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name Affiliation
x Calvin Beebe HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair
x Woody Beeler HL7 FTSD Co-Chair
x Bob Dolin HL7 Board Chair
x Austin Kreisler HL7 DESD Co-Chair
x Lynn Laakso HL7 staff support
x Ken McCaslin HL7 TSS SD Co-Chair
x Charlie McCay (chair) HL7 TSC Chair, Affiliate Representative
x Charlie Mead HL7 ArB Chair
x Ravi Natarajan HL7 Affiliate Representative
? Ron Parker HL7 ArB Alternate
x John Quinn HL7 CTO
regrets Gregg Seppala HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair
x Helen Stevens HL7 TSS SD Co-Chair
x Ed Tripp HL7 DESD Co-Chair
? D. Mead Walker HL7 FTSD Co-Chair

Quorum Requirements (Chair +5 with 2 SD Reps) Met: yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval - Charlie McCay
  3. Approve Minutes of 2010-08-02_TSC_Call_Agenda
  4. Review action items
    • #1581 - Woody: Draft Project Scope Statement for TSC T3F Strategic Initiative Review project
    • #1580 - Ken and John: Draft Project Scope Statement for U.S. Healthcare Readiness Plan; Charlie will follow up with John
    • #1573 - John Quinn: Identify actions needed to be taken by the TSC based on Roadmap subcommittee recommendations. Tabled from last week. See criteria
    • #1573 - From 2010-05-03: John and Charlie Mead will work on a one sheet overview of SAIF vs NIEM, reviewed by ArB with the HL7 position.
    • #1539 - Ron to pull the elevator pitch out for TSC review.
  5. HL7 Chair or CEO Report – if available
  6. CTO Report - John Quinn
  7. ArB Report – Charlie Mead/Ron Parker
  8. Affiliates Report – Ravi Natarajan/ Charlie McCay
  9. Domain Experts Report– Austin Kreisler/Ed Tripp
  10. Foundation & Technology Report– Woody Beeler/Mead Walker
  11. Structure & Semantic Design Report– Calvin Beebe
  12. Technical & Support Services Report- Ken McCaslin/ Helen Stevens
  13. Membership Comments on Steering Division Reports
  14. WGM Planning -
    • Marketing and promotion - update from HQ -
    • TSC preparations -
      • Helen was asked to discuss with the TSC on whether they felt they needed to survey the co-chairs of the work groups that did not meet in Rio to learn their reasons. Helen also agreed to reach out to the TSC and WG co-chairs to discuss the idea of appointing interim co-chairs for all WGs who are having difficulty confirming co-chair attendance at the Sydney WGM.
    • Working Group preparations - agendas
  15. Organizational Relations Committee update (semiweekly) - Helen Stevens
  16. Discussion Topics:
    • 2010September Ballot Cycle - Name Change Requests.
      • HL7 EHR-S Vital Records Functional Profile, Release 1 - US Realm (1st Informative Ballot) EHR – Original Title: "HL7 EHR Vital Records Functional Profile, Release 1"; Unique Ballot ID: EHR_VRFP_R1_I1_2010SEP
      • HL7 Version 3 Implementation Guide: Context-Aware Knowledge Retrieval (Infobutton) – Decision Support Service (DSS) Implementation Guide, Release 1 (1st DSTU Ballot) CDS – Original Title: "HL7 Version 3 Implementation Guide: Context-Aware Knowledge Retrieval (Infobutton) – Decision Support Service (DSS) Implementation Guide, Release 1"; Unique Ballot ID: V3_IG_DSS_KM_INFOBUTTON_R1_D1_2010SEP
      • HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy; Medication Knowledge-Base Query, Release 1 (4th Normative Ballot); RX – Original Title: "HL7 Version 3 Standard: Medication; Drug Knowledge-Base Query, Release 1" – Note that name change reflects that this material is being moved out of the Medication Domain (which is being eliminated) and into the Pharmacy Domain. Publishing has no issues with this request. Unique Ballot ID: V3_ME_DKBQ_R1_N4_2010SEP
      • HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy; Medication Administration Event and Medication Statement, Release 1 (2nd Normative Ballot); RX – Original Title: "HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy; Medication Statement, Release 1". Unique Ballot ID: V3_RX_MSSEVNT_R1_N3_2010SEP
    • Open Issues List

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Introduction of visitors - none
  2. Agenda review and approval - Charlie McCay – approved by general consent
  3. Approve Minutes of 2010-08-02_TSC_Call_Agenda –John abstain; Ken votes for T3SD – vote 5/0/1; approved.
  4. Review action items
    • #1581 - Woody: Draft Project Scope Statement for TSC T3F Strategic Initiative Review project
      • nothing yet
    • #1580 - Ken and John: Draft Project Scope Statement for U.S. Healthcare Readiness Plan; Charlie will follow up with John on the Board call today.
      • John notes that Fridsma was at meeting in Baltimore last week and John feels he’s indicating that soon ONC will be ready to move forward on promoting NIEM (not sure what transactions to start, NHIN or IHE). RFPs issued never awarded, three of nine have been awarded but not announced.
      • carry forward to next week.
    • #1573 - John Quinn: Identify actions needed to be taken by the TSC based on Roadmap subcommittee recommendations. Tabled from last week. See criteria
      • sent to TSC admins list last week. Folks have not reviewed. Will be introduced to the Board today but have some time for feedback before requesting Board approval. TSC members also on Roadmap committee have had input to this document in its formation. Criteria will be used for breaking down into measurable items for the strategic initiative ‘dashboard’ as a shared sense of priorities across the TSC and Board. Please review with the mindset of looking to see anything that is missing that is key to the organization. Next step is to identify the key contacts for the criteria and develop a dashboard to track progress.
      • Ravi asks if this has been sent to the international affiliates, and are we seeking input from them? Bob notes we’d be happy to accept feedback from the whole membership; if Ravi can collect some input and let us know. Ravi will address with his exploratory group.
      • Austin suggests a comment-only ballot?
      • send any comments to the list or to Bob by end of August. Lynn will coordinate the TSC response.
      • ACTION ITEM: all TSC Members email Lynn that you’ve looked at the document and include any comments.
    • #1573 - From 2010-05-03: John and Charlie Mead will work on a one sheet overview of SAIF vs NIEM, reviewed by ArB with the HL7 position.
      • Started with a sheet Charlie gave John last week but not yet structured to compare to NIEM.
    • #1539 - Ron to pull the elevator pitch out for TSC review.
  5. HL7 Chair or CEO Report – if available
  6. CTO Report - John Quinn
    • Testimony of NCVHS includes Attachments within the document on ’Meaningless identifiers’ which have no intrinsic embedded meaning, and Operating rules for attachments.
    • Tooling projects expect reduced budget and increased contribution from NHS/VA etc and OHT. However, the more we create, the more budget strain we carry for maintenance.
  7. ArB Report – Charlie Mead piped in at this point. We have no report as we didn’t meet this week.
    • Sent the latest drafts – what is the plan? Austin to call the group identified last week (include Calvin Ed and Freida) to work on it.
    • Meeting with I&C tomorrow to hand off ECCF IG development using NCI’s as starting point. John asks if this is the beginning of the structured artifacts repository. Woody feels it’s metadata repository. Clarification that the artifacts would design themselves. Formal project starting now to define that, having a first cut by the end of the year. Need to identify the parts that HL7 needs and work with Tooling to define requirements.
  8. Affiliates Report – Ravi Natarajan notes nothing urgent.
  9. Domain Experts Report– Austin Kreisler/Ed Tripp report nothing to add.
  10. Foundation & Technology Report– Woody Beeler; met in harmonization last week.
    • Scheduled 4 days but completed in 2 days and had excellent attendance. One outstanding item reflecting tension between harmonization and balloting for review this coming Friday. May have to elevate issue to TSC but hopes to resolve without TSC involvement. Calvin asks to have a summary of the resolution described at the TSC.
      • ACTION ITEM: add to Saturday retreat session in Cambridge, there’s a wiki page for reference.
  11. Structure & Semantic Design Report– Calvin Beebe
  12. Technical & Support Services Report- Ken McCaslin/ Helen Stevens
    • Motion: approve (or endorse) Updated Decision Making Practices Template from PIC
      • Template completed, updated with changes to provide e-vote, updated structure and numbering.
      • Deployment plan is endorse by TSC and make available to WG; encourage them to adopt it with customization for their WG or formally acknowledge acceptance of the default. Default will be in place in January 2011.
      • Austin’s concern is for WG that have customized DMP in place; do they just ‘go away’ and replaced by the new one unless they make changes? Helen notes that WGs that have custom DMPs should look at the new one to see if the customizations are reflected in the template. They can search and replace their WG name in the template or accept the default. If they don’t do anything their old DMP goes away? They need to look at the template and let PIC know if they have a customization not in the template? Inaction causing a customized template to be deprecated and replaced by a template is met with resistance. Pressure to keep Work Groups consistent is the impetus. Woody notes that when asked to do a DMP some work groups did them but don’t see the reason to re-do them every two years. Austin notes that if a WG DMP is in conflict with the GOM that the GOM supercedes. Helen asks if we can ask them all to review the template, and if there’s something in conflict to report it to PIC and PIC reviews the updates.
      • Charlie suggests we vote on the motion to approve the DMP and postpone further discussion on the deployment plan and bring a separate motion for deployment.
      • Vote: unanimously approved.
  13. WGM Planning -
    • Marketing and promotion - update from HQ -
    • TSC preparations -
      • Helen was asked to discuss with the TSC on whether they felt they needed to survey the co-chairs of the work groups that did not meet in Rio to learn their reasons. Helen also agreed to reach out to the TSC and WG co-chairs to discuss the idea of appointing interim co-chairs for all WGs who are having difficulty confirming co-chair attendance at the Sydney WGM.
        Reach out to co-chairs to appoint interim co-chairs to allow their WG to meet at a WGM if the elected chairs can not be present. Interim co-chairs are also used to get people to work on certain projects. Woody notes that this should be a general proposition at any WGM, but need to note WGs that only meet with ad-hoc chairs. Ed asks if it is a simple majority vote by WG to appoint an interim co-chair or appointment by the elected co-chairs.
        Sydney WGM to work on this approach. Ravi notes that this should be part of a checklist for every meeting. It’s only been non-U.S. meetings having a problem. In the GOM section 9.2.4 WG Co-chairs it describes interim between WGM not a co-chair at the WGM that will not be balloted for permanence after the WGM. Ravi notes that if a co-chair could participate remotely you might qualify as having a co-chair.
        Postpone discussion to next week. Action Item: Helen will prepare something for next week.
    • Working Group preparations - agendas
  14. Organizational Relations Committee update (semiweekly) - Helen Stevens; meeting this week, update next week.
  15. Discussion Topics:
    • 2010September Ballot Cycle - Name Change Requests.
      • HL7 EHR-S Vital Records Functional Profile, Release 1 - US Realm (1st Informative Ballot) EHR – Original Title: "HL7 EHR Vital Records Functional Profile, Release 1"; Unique Ballot ID: EHR_VRFP_R1_I1_2010SEP
      • HL7 Version 3 Implementation Guide: Context-Aware Knowledge Retrieval (Infobutton) – Decision Support Service (DSS) Implementation Guide, Release 1 (1st DSTU Ballot) CDS – Original Title: "HL7 Version 3 Implementation Guide: Context-Aware Knowledge Retrieval (Infobutton) – Decision Support Service (DSS) Implementation Guide, Release 1"; Unique Ballot ID: V3_IG_DSS_KM_INFOBUTTON_R1_D1_2010SEP
      • HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy; Medication Knowledge-Base Query, Release 1 (4th Normative Ballot); RX – Original Title: "HL7 Version 3 Standard: Medication; Drug Knowledge-Base Query, Release 1" – Note that name change reflects that this material is being moved out of the Medication Domain (which is being eliminated) and into the Pharmacy Domain. Publishing has no issues with this request. Unique Ballot ID: V3_ME_DKBQ_R1_N4_2010SEP
      • HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy; Medication Administration Event and Medication Statement, Release 1 (2nd Normative Ballot); RX – Original Title: "HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy; Medication Statement, Release 1". Unique Ballot ID: V3_RX_MSSEVNT_R1_N3_2010SEP
    • Vote: unanimously approved
    • Open Issues List
  16. Adjourned 11:57 AM EDT.

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • all TSC Members email Lynn that you’ve looked at the Strategic Initiative Criteria document and include any comments.
  • Lynn add Harmonization/Balloting issue resolution review to Saturday retreat session in Cambridge
  • Helen will prepare something for next week on interim Co-Chair appointment for WGMs.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .