2010-01-18 TSC Agenda Innovations Workshop notes

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Innovations Workshop – notes:

Meeting Attendance - :

At Name Affiliation Email Address
Q4 Alschuler, Liora AALLC liora@alschulerassociates.com
x Baker, Maureen NHS CFH maureen.baker@nhs.net
x Barnet, D. NHS CFH
x Beebe, Calvin Mayo Clinic cbeebe@mayo.edu
x Behling, Diana Iatric diana.behling@iatric.com
Q4 Bender, Duane Mohawk College duane.bender@mohawkcollege.ca
Q4 Beuchelt, Gerald Mitre gbeuchelt@mitre.org
x Bishop, Charlie HL7 UK charlie.bishop@isofthealth.com
x Boone, Keith GE Healthcare keith.boone@ge.com
x Chronaki, Catherine HL7 Hellas (Greece) chronaki@ics.forth.gr
x Curry, Jane Tooling WG janecurry@healthinfostrategies.com
Q4 Fine, Steve Cerner sfine@cerner.com
x Fischetti, Linda Dept Veterans Affairs U.S. Linda.Fiscetti@VA.gov
Q4 Geimer, Rick AALLC rick@alschulerassociates.com
Q4 Giannone, Kyle McMaster University kyle.giannone@gmail.com
Q4 Giokas, Dennis Infoway dgiokas@infoway-inforoute.ca
x Gutiw, Diane SAIC Canada gutiwd@saic.com
x Hall, Freida VA freida.hall@va.gov
x Hamilton, Kate Alschuler Associates kate@alschulerassociates.com
x Hamm, Russell Apelon rhamm@apelon.com
x Hobbs, Allen Kaiser Perm allen.hobbs@kp.org
x Hsing, Nelson VHA nelson.hsing@va.gov
x Jaffe, Charles HL7 CEO cjaffe@hl7.org
Q4 Jewell, Gaby Cerner gjewell@cerner.com
Q4 Kallem, Crystal AHIMA crystal.kallem@ahima.org
x Kavanagh, R. NHS CFH
x Kreisler, Austin SAIC Canada austin.j.kreisler@saic.com
x Kuhn, Thomson ACP tkuhn@acponline.org
x Lunn, Ken moderator ken.lunn@nhs.net
x Lynch, Cecil ontoreason clynch@ontoreason.com
Q4 Marquard, Brett AALLC brett@alschulerassociates.com
x Maulden, Sarah VA sarah.maulden@va.gov
x May, Karen Iatric karen.may@iatric.com
x McAllister, Bonnie Iatric bonnie.mcallister@iatric.com
x McCay, Charlie TSC Chair, Ramsey Systems charlie@ramseysystems.co.uk
x McGaughey, Skip OHT skip@openhealthtools.org
x Mulrooney, Galen VHA Galen.mulrooney@va.gov
x Natarajan, Ravi TSC Affiliate Rep, NHS CFH ravi.natarajan@nhs.net
x Neel, Lyssa Infoway pneel@infoway.ca
x Parker, Ron Canada Health Infoway Rparker@infoway.ca
x Pratt, Doug Siemens douglas.pratt@siemens.com
Q4 Scott, Ted Mohawk College ted.scott@mohawkcollege.ca
x Smithies, Rik ii4sm rik@nprogram.co.uk
x Ulrich, Brandon B 2i bulrich@b2international.com
Q4 Worden, Robert HL7 UK robert.worden@...

Video 1, NHS static model designer.

  • What will happen next? Address maintenance of V3 legacy material using the tools. Ravi Natarajan, Dave, Brandon (developer) are contacts. Jane Curry is the liaison with Tooling WG.
  • Most successful lessons learned? Lifting knowledge out of existing tools within HL7 and define rationale. Documentation of existing organizational memory is a large benefit.
  • Will SMD and template designer be extended for CDA? Open source will allow people to evaluate strengths and weaknesses for moving forward; Ken notes it will support with a CDA templating methodology.
  • How soon during development did you get feedback from end users? Every six weeks an updated prototype was sent out to users, but at the end came the most feedback, with about 4-10 users.

Model Driven CDA: Design, Publish and Implement: Dave Carlson From prototype the week after Christmas to now.

Brandon – B2I Tooling

  • First, Model to Model Conformance Checker
  • CMcCay notes the RsMIF effort tree-walk was a similar effort.
  • Second, Generating user Interfaces for Healthcare Applications (data entry): Runtime data entry form for validating the instances you’re working with for conformance testing.
  • Third, Semantic Repository for HL7: CDO by Eclipse as repository tool

End of 1st session Q3, tooling and methodology

Q4: Skip McGoyle of OHT: 3 topics -

  • Intellectual Property
  • Information Governance of assets in device software
  • Configuration management

“Packaging and Distribution”

  • Product name is P2, out of Germany for software development bringing into healthcare arena.

NHS Logical Record Architecture (LRA)

  • Archetype and message development

GreenCDA (Alschuler Assoc and Semantically Yours)

Geral beuscheldt: hData

  • Uses greenCDA-based CCD profile
  • Attend Thursday Q4 for further discussion.

Duane Bender – Mohawk College

  • Mohawk Applied Research Centre in Health Informatics (MARC-HI)

Innovations wrap up

  • Collaborative software, like Second Life, Facebook, Twitter
  • Balloting?
  • First conduct a Board meeting, then a working group, incremental process towards Second Life WGM.

Two videos whose presenters are not present, to be viewed offline.

Comments on moving forward?

  • What is the governance model?
  • How many of these ideas are universal or realm-specific?
  • What can HL7 learn from messaging organizations in other industries? Environment scanning…
  • Interoperability is long term game, need to remember to maintain stability and compatibility in the interim.
  • Project process is the way innovation moves through the development process in the organization.
  • Each presentation should clearly state what they’re looking for; participation, beta testers, maybe 5 categories.
  • Tooling group’s rule is you cannot introduce a new tool unless you can bring forward and accommodate existing material from existing tools.
  • Should have a Living Lab in HL7 to QA standards in integration testing; could make MARC-HI tools available to HL7 if they ask. Recommend building a reference implementation to remove risky and expensive adoption barriers.
  • Excellent forum to find out what other people are doing.

Charlie McCay notes that one complaint with the reorg was there were similar efforts happening in different places; to bring them out in a common forum. Differentiating between the ideas that are at various stages of adoption are also a good time. Make more use of the f2f time by identifying the WGs to whom this is interesting to, what is being looked for, etc. Spending the time in the f2f meeting all watching videos together could be repurposed. Outreach for really off the wall ideas versus incremental ideas should be differentiated. How shall we take this forward to be made most efficient and effective. Some ideas may be painful, a breaking change, and should be prepared to look at them and evaluate a business case.

Ken notes it was a bit of a risk to do this; easier to discuss process once you have content to work with. That’s why this was a workshop rather than an attempt at a WG committee meeting; Perhaps by next WGM we’d have 50 ideas instead of 11. We have things we can share as a result of this session. Videos are on a site already now. He will act as broker over the next few months providing normal constraints of decency. Links from HL7 wiki and from Facebook to the video site. (Twitter, too).

Charlie adds the TSC will discuss this on Tuesday, how does it relate to other work in HL7, how to regard the scope of this group as compared to other groups, and the discussion will be published. The Board will also be discussing a similar topic. Need effective management of innovation across the organization to direct project ideas that are appropriate to the working groups.

Bob Dolin notes that process will help alleviate anxiety. Also need to discuss new technology; need strategic and tactical plan for applying new technology on top of existing. Charlie responds with an example of the Eclipse process for integrating new technology should be looked at as a potential model. Need to identify stage of review for the new ideas and voting mechanisms to move forward.

Ken thanks everyone for creating the creative tension today and for contributing significant effort for the video production and contributions.