2009-04-06 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC - Technical Steering Committee

Monday, April 6 2009 11:00 AM (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)
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  • Chair: Charlie McCay
  • CTO: John Quinn
  • Domain Experts: Austin Kreisler (primary), Ed Tripp (alternate)
  • Foundation & Technology: Ioana Singureanu (primary), Woody Beeler (alternate)
  • Structure & Semantic Design: Calvin Beebe (primary), Gregg Seppala (alternate)
  • Technical & Support Services: Ken McCaslin (primary), Helen Stevens Love (alternate)
  • Affiliate: Ravi Natarajan
  • ARB: Charlie Mead (primary), John Koisch (alternate)
  • HQ: Karen Van Hentenryck, Lynn Laakso


  • Charles Jaffe (CEO)
  • Ed Hammond (HL7 Chair); Bob Dolin (HL7 Vice Chair)
  • Marc Koehn (EA IP)


  • Lynn Laakso
  • Ravi Natarajan
  • John Quinn


  1. (5 min) Meeting Admin
    1. Roll Call - The following individuals joined the call: Calvin Beebe, Dave Carlson, Ken Kawamoto, Austin Kreisler, Lynn Laakso, Ken McCaslin (scribe), Charlie McCay, Charlie Mead, Gregg Seppala, Ioana Singureanu, and Ed Tripp
    2. Accept Agenda – agenda accpeted
    3. Approve Minutes from 2009-03-30_TSC_Call_Minutes – no comments, no objections, minutes unanimously approved
  2. (20 min) Standing Committee Reports/Approvals
    1. CEO Report - no report
    2. CTO Report – no report
    3. ArB Report –
      • Having three f2f next week. Several goals: align on next steps for alpha project, next round of SAEAF Document in place; ready to begin the implementation.
      • 4 segments of documents for SAEAF with slide deck to match the document. Status:
        1. Intro is full second version deck and document.
        2. Behavior framework; Comments 1.5 is posted
        3. ECCF – considerable dialogue regarding conformance and consistency requirements and will have a version 2.0 deck with document done by Las Vegas
        4. Governance deck is done, with Jane Curry to have the document ready in time for the Las Vegas OOC meeting.
        5. A 5th document is in development, called examples (not a formal title), including the alpha projects and practical applications.
      • Ken Rubin and Charlie Mead will present in Kyoto on HSSP to clarify issues and position. At the OHT meeting in Chicago this week they expect to formally adopt ECCF as their framework.
      • Tooling presentation from Charlie Mead/ Jane Curry
      • First cut at populating the HL7 version of ECCF in process, aligning SAEAF with HDF remains a problem. Challenge anticipated with identifying artifacts; where the HDF specifies artifacts, but needing guidance on how to publish these new artifacts? Ioana adds that as artifacts change the HDF will need to change too. Initial discussions regarding analysis artifacts; should they be required and how will they change? Adoption process needs to be developed (EA IP) McCay described how processes in HDF already adopted have existed a while, though elements in transition still exist. There are RCRIM elements still in conflict; rollout process still needs work. Seems to be a need to address the role and responsibilities of the process and the impact on other process and work items. Not all projects do analysis artifacts, although this guidance exists. Those that have done DAMs have done so voluntarily. Need to determine whether analysis artifacts are required, and if so, what are they; then get to shared analysis. EA IP should describe the analysis or implementation artifacts and how different from HDF, and are they required. Then how to operationalize the artifacts; the TSC should discuss in Kyoto how to mandate what should be required, balloted, published and approved.
      • Question was raised, Is there sufficient involvement with Tooling and Publishing with the EA IP project for these artifacts once they are defined. Will the ArB define how a DAM is published in Las Vegas?
    4. Affiliates Report – note from Ravi. In terms of updates we are looking for HL7 participants for the MIE 2009 at Sarajevo. I hope there would be some representation from HL7 Organization which I think would make the meeting valuable. I am also thinking of setting up conference calls for IA, which would increase the synergy within the affiliates and increase cross fertilization. Any other valuable suggestion from the TSC members is very welcome.
    5. Domain Experts –
      • Request for extension of DSTU: Patient Care - Care Provision; see request, at TSC Tracker # 1046 includes one change to remove item from DSTU for Observations Assessment Scale that has become a DSTU of its own… Unanimously approved.
      • 3 yr plans – heard back from all work groups; 3 work groups still working on their plans, all but one has provided a target date.
    6. Foundation & Technology - no new report; meeting tomorrow
    7. Structure & Semantic Design -
      • Project Approval: Clinical Genomics - Project Proposal (attachment) on Genetic Testing Reports (tabled from 2009-03-30), see PSS at TSC Tracker # 917. Austin helping move genomics through revision; table one more week
      • Request for extension of DSTU: Clinical Decision Support - Decision Support Services (DSS); see request, at TSC Tracker #996 unanimously approved
      • Project Approval - Structured Documents: Proposal for CDA Modeling and Tooling Project, see PSS, at TSC Tracker #1048
        • SD CDA IG tooling with UML, has many participants, co sponsored with Tooling/ Structured Documents/ Template Registry but question raised if CTO has indicated support? Dave Carlson indicates Rich Rogers spoke with John in January. The Tooling group supports. SMD vs UML notation for static models.
        • Postpone until next week (McCay not available)? For John’s comment. If no meeting next week due to holiday, we’ll arrange email vote with John’s endorsement. Dave can discuss with him at OHT meeting this week.
  3. (30 min) Discussion topics
    • Please email the list on Kyoto topics
      • EA IP,
      • Actionable National Initiative Plan,
      • Technical Plan
      • issues list,
      • more?

Time expired, meeting adjourned 11:59am.