T3SD ConCall-20100913

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Revision as of 16:08, 14 September 2010 by Dhamill (talk | contribs) (→‎Meeting Admin)
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Back to Agendas and minutes


  1. Roll Call
    • Mike Henderson, Dave Hamill, Ken McCaslin, John Ritter, Rick Haddorff, Lynn Laasko, Jane Curry, Patrick Loyd
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. TSC Report
    • Criteria for Universal Realm Project
      • The DESD has submitted criteria for a project to be considered a Universal Realm. To view the proposed criteria, go to TSC Wiki in today’s TSC Meeting minutes. Ravi also sent it in an email to the International Affiliates listserv asking for feedback. The criteria will be discussed at the International Affiliates Council meeting in Cambridge. DESD will have a discussion on it in their Monday evening DESD meeting in Cambridge.
    • DMP Approval
      • Requirement from the TSC is all Work Groups need to review their DMP, compare their current DMP to the new DMP template, and Work Groups make necessary updates. If the Work Group doesn’t have a DMP, the Work Group’s DMP will follow the HL7 default DMP. The deadline to complete this exercise is the Jan 2011 WGM. After Jan 2011 WGM conformance to the new DMP template will be reflected in the Work Group Health.
    • Acting Co-chair process for the WGM - need to plan at Cambridge for Australia
      • The TSC also endorsed the concept of an Acting Co-Chair for a WG; with all the powers, privileges, and responsibilities of a Co-Chair for a specific period of time with no expectation of election. This is hoped to enable opportunities for WGs who are having difficulty confirming co-chair attendance at WGMs.
  4. Approve Meeting Minutes - 8/30
    • Abstain 1, Objections 0, Favor 6
  5. Project Reviews
    • Project Services – gave updates for each of their projects and 3-Year Plan items
      • PS WG plans on meeting with the ARB next week
    • Tooling - deferred to following meeting
  6. Work Group Health review - Email from Ken just prior to call
    • All T3SD Work Groups are ‘green’, which is good. Jane Curry asked if there’s any work going on to add new indicators. She’d like to have it display the average number of listserv participants on the conference call. Ken and Lynn felt that this would be a tremendous amount of work for Lynn to gather on her own. It would be easier if the Work Groups provide the conference call counts. Dave suggested using the Conference Calling Company’s dial-in figures to see if those can be used in this number. Lynn is familiar with that report; she’ll look into how difficult it is to use those figures. She’ll report back to the T3SD at next meeting (at the earliest) or later, as she’s bogged down with WGM preparation work.
  7. Steering Division Reports
    1. Electronic Services
    2. International Mentoring
      • No Report necessary
    3. Process Improvement
    4. Project Services
    5. Tooling
    6. Education
      • Working on the Education Strategic Plan requested by Board Chair Bob Dolin at the May 2010 WGM in Rio. Abdul Malik and Mike will create a draft of the plan for presentation to the Board at the September 2010 in Cambridge. It will outline the various aspects of Education – the products, the work plan, identify shortcomings and opportunities, and make strategic recommendations. Final document is targeted for end of calendar year 2010. The principle audience of the document is the HL7 Board of Directors so that Education can be funded.
    7. Publishing
  8. New Business
    • Next T3SD meeting: Monday, Sept. 27, 4-5pm ET
  9. Action Items
    • Patrick Loyd: Update the T3SD Wiki with current WebEx info, etc.
    • Ken McCaslin: Email Dave a summary of the Acting Co-chair process for the WGM - need to plan at Cambridge for Australia
    • Lynn Laakso: Look into utilizing the conference call reports to determine the % of listserv members calling into conference calls
    • Patrick Loyd: Look into the listserv count. He’ll find out the particulars ‘behind the number’. ANSWER: It is of all the active email addresses. The system automatically drops people if they bounce too many emails. It does not indicate if they participate at any level however.
  10. Meeting Adjourned at 5:00pm