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Fndn&Tech Steering Divn - Conference Call (date above)

Meeting Information

Conference Call is scheduled for 0.5 hour,
Tuesday 12:00 PM to be repeated every other week
Please consult http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock for your local times
HL7 Conference Call Service
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 (Passcode: 943627)
Online Meeting Service - GoToMeeting
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/385800034 (GoToMeeting ID: 385-800-034)

Steering Division Members:

  • Application Integration & Design (AID)
  • Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS)
  • Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing(CGIT)
  • Infrastructure & Messaging (InM)
  • Modeling & Methodology (MnM)
  • Security
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Templates
  • Vocabulary


Facilitator Note taker Quorum = 5 WGs
Woody Tony Yes
Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS) Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing Infrastructure and Messaging (InM)
X Knapp, Paul X Huang, Wendy X Julian, Tony
. Nelson, Dale . Oemig, Frank . Shaver, Dave
. Stechishin, Andy . Singureanu, Ioana . Stuart, Sandy
. Snelick, Robert .
Modeling & Methodology (MnM) Application Architecture & Design (AAD) |colspan="2" align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|Security
X Beeler, Woody . Hendler MD, Peter . Blobel PhD, Bernd
. Duteau, Jean X Stechishin, Andy X Davis, Mike
. Grieve, Grahame . Spronk, Rene . Moehrke, John
. McKenzie, Lloyd Williams, Patricia
. Shakir, AbdulMalik
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Templates Vocabulary
. Jorgenson, Don . Heitmann, Kai . Case, James
. Lotti,Stefano . Roberts , John . Grain, Heather
. Rubin, Ken . Shafarman, Mark . Hamm, Russell
. McCauleu, Vince . Hausam, Rob
. Klein, William Ted
R Laakso, Lynn X Connor,Kathleen
. . = Absent, X = Present, r = Regrets


  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Previous Minutes & Accept Agenda
  3. (01 min) NOTE: Call for candidates for Steering Division co-chair
  4. (01 min) NOTE: AID (formerly RIMBAA) the updated M&C with the new name needs to come to FTSD
  5. Blank
  6. (05 min) InM GSRN PSS Tony
  7. (05 min) CGIT RNCL PSS Wendy
  8. (05 min) Templates R2 PSS Kai
  9. (05 Min)Security PSS Mike
  10. (05 Min)Value Set PSS Rob
  11. (05 min) Other Business


  1. Approve Previous Minutes & Accept Agenda
    1. Motion to approve Approve Previous Minutes & Accept Agenda(Tony/Paul)
    2. Vote (7-0-0)
  2. NOTE: Call for candidates for Steering Division co-chair
    1. Since Tony has been appointed Chair of the ArB, FTSD needs candidates for co-chair to serve the remainder of Tony's term.
    2. This will require an election by FTSD using the Decision Making Practices.
    3. Duties:
      1. Attend TSC Monday Morning conference calls
      2. Attend FTSD bi-weekly conference calls
      3. Attend TSC meeting Saturday before the WGM.
    4. Forward nominations to Woody or Tony by e-mail, or phone.
  3. NOTE: AID (formerly RIMBAA) the updated M&C with the new name needs to come to FTSD
  4. Security PSS Mike##Security - Service Oriented Architecture for the Security Labeling Service
    1. Work Group health was checked.
    2. Motion to approve PSS and forward to TSC(Mike/Ken)
    3. 'Vote (8-0-0)
  5. InM GSRN PSS Tony
    1. Global Service Relation Number
    2. Work group health was checked.
    3. Motion to approve PSS and forward to TSC (Tony/Andy)
    4. Vote (8-0-0)
  6. CGIT RNCL PSS Wendy
    1. Refinements Constraints and Localization (RCnL)
    2. Work group health was checked.
    3. Motion to approve PSS as ammended to spell out acronym and forward to TSC (Wendy/Kai)
    4. Vote (8-0-0)
  7. Templates R2 PSS Kai
    1. Templates DSTU 2 expansion of Templates DSTU 1
    2. Work group health was checked, and although currently yellow, the group has the capacity.
    3. Motion to approve PSS and forward to TSC(Kai/Andy)
    4. Vote (7-0-0)
  8. Value Set PSS Rob
    1. Formalize and consolidate value set definition in one place as a normative specification
    2. Work group health was checked
    3. Motion to approve PSS and forward to TSC(Rob/Tony)
    4. Vote (7-0-0)
  9. Adjourned at 12:42pm U.S. Eastern

--A julian 16:43, 8 October 2013 (UTC)

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