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<!--Ken Rubin cannot attend-->
<!--Ken Rubin cannot attend-->
#Review of each JIC-sponsored event having HL7 engagement
#Review of each JIC-sponsored event having HL7 engagement
#*IS 27953 - Health Informatics:Pharmacovigilance - Structure and Data Elements for (HL7 V3) #*Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) - Mead Walker <!-- or Lise Stevens as alternate-->
#*IS 27953 - Health Informatics:Pharmacovigilance - Structure and Data Elements for (HL7 V3)
#*Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) - Mead Walker <!-- or Lise Stevens as alternate-->
#*Health Informatics – Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP)
#*Health Informatics – Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP)
#**ISO TS 11238 - Ingredients/Substances Garry Cruickshank <!--, Guenther Schadow  -->
#**ISO TS 11238 - Ingredients/Substances Garry Cruickshank <!--, Guenther Schadow  -->
Line 116: Line 117:
==Minutes/Conclusions Reached==
==Minutes/Conclusions Reached==
#Agenda – need to add GS1
#HL7 activities with ISO TC215
#*John Quinn
#*John noted this morning the ISO six resolutions passed during the TC215 meeting.  Many are name changes to projects especially related to WG6.
#Adjourned hh:mm am/pm (timezone).
#**Mark Shafarman noted that devices in the EU there are broad regulatory language regarding any program dealing with decision support is considered a device.  IEEE 11073 folks at the meeting were advised to watch this activity. John added that any time the FDA might regulate software the community gets very nervous but it would recognize the electronic patient safety measures software now employs.
#HL7 activities in JWG
#*John Quinn
#HL7 activities with CEN TC 251
#*CEN TC251: Bernd Blobel reports only one meeting since and next meeting cancelled due to volcano.
#*Request to dissolve WG4, related to HL7 since 4 and 1 are related in messaging. No projects currently promoted by the WG. Next meeting is June 18 in Brussels.
#**Mark Shafarman adds that CEN has agreement with ISO so that things are automatically promoted with the Vienna agreement. 13606 and EISA having some new work, interest in harmonization with CDA and SOA in HL7 but that work has not yet found formal support. When CEN develops a new product they will probably start through the ISO Joint Initiative Council. He discussed with Kees Molinar of TC251 and suggested the European affiliates could be more active in the mirror groups of CEN to form an organization with one voice, along with European affiliates of ISO TC215.
#**Bob Dolin asks if there is work on archetypes and templates harmonization.  DCM project had similar interest as well as SMD also crating templates and/or archetypes.  Don’t know yet if formal harmonization will happen but can participate in templates registry project. Bernd adds they started the discussion with OpenEHR and 13606 some time ago. There is interest in Open EHR QRec and certification criteria.  Mark adds the DCM project in ISO is to create quality criteria for DCMs but not to create DCMs themselves. 13606 focus on archetypes is focused not necessarily on interoperability with HL7.
#HL7 activities with CDISC
#*Charlie Mead
#*Charlie Mead not available to present yet on CDISC. Pierre Yves Lastic notes there is a new version of BRIDG released.  Ed Tripp adds it is on this May ballot and is also going though JIC so on ISO ballot.  Consolidated comments and began reconciliation both ISO and HL7 comments started last week in ISO and will continue through RCRIM.
#**Bob Dolin asks if there are activities to reconcile with ODM.  Pierre-Yves is not familiar with specific efforts but they’re involved in Europa project mapping CDA template with ODM.
#**Mark Shafarman asks if the work with RCRIM provides a way to map ODM structures to these structures. Pierre-Yves notes it has not been formally mapped.
#**Ed Tripp adds another project of interest to clinical studies subject of interest use in CDA R3 with study design and participation in V3 message already in DSTU.
#HL7 activities with DICOM
#*no representative.
#HL7 activities with IEEE (11073)
#*Todd Cooper not present so Christof Gessner stated that DCM for Medical Devices the most important thing going on related to DICOM.  11073 work with Continua continues using V2 messages on a WAN
#HL7 activities with IHE
#*no representative.
#HL7 activities with IHTSDO
#*Russ Hamm
#*Russ Hamm summarized activities with IHTSDO; they have appointed chief implementation officer Dr. selmer departed CEO.  Vocab WG evaluate and technical alignment with IHTSDO workbench with vocabulary model in MIF schemas approved by vocab wg.  Goal is to give understanding of how to represent HL7 vocabulary in the IHTSDO work bench.  There is a wiki page for the project. Looking for participants and resources. New release scheduled to be available open source pretty soon, within a couple of weeks.  Another project is to jointly develop policy with HL7 Board and IHTSDO for HL7 members to develop package and submit SNOMED changes directly to IHTSDO. Jim Case has been working on similar project with NLM.  They have set up a wiki site for the effort as well.
#HL7 Activities with NCPDP
#*no representative.
#HL7 activities with OMG
#*John Quinn mentions that the conference calls continue.  OMG – MIF calls in process to work on what are the requirements by HL7 that OMG does not meet, what are the modeling tools for our RIM. Off the shelf OMG tools might take 5 years to be ready. SOA in Healthcare conference in Chicago in July co-sponsored with OMG. Ann Wrightson adds HL7 Italy is doing an implementation of the RLUS DSTU, and picked up by OMG through HSSP.
#*Christian from GS1 reports that many of their members are also members of Hl7. Past have focused on adapting standards for health care. Last March they announced intent on implementation.  MOU with HL7 is part of implementation direction.  Mapping of GS1 structured information into HL7 would assist in this area being understood.  SPL is another area where there is interest. Activities may be suitable to bring to JIC.
#Review of each JIC-sponsored event having HL7 engagement
#*IS 27953 - Health Informatics:Pharmacovigilance - Structure and Data Elements for (HL7 V3)
#*Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) - Mead Walker
#**a. Mead Walker described the ICSR efforts. Developing a joint standard with ISO known as 27953.  Gone out to ballot, created in two parts.  One is the HL7 ICSR specification for reporting adverse events across types, and the ISO is more on reporting requirements across organizations. Ballot last May has gone through reconciliation but recent ISO meeting decided to go for another DIS ballot. Wide range of structural changes to message to ensure consistency between ICSR and SPL as well as product submission specs under development.  Trying to pare down part 2 content and will elevate to a topic at same level as ‘base’ ICSR. How to translate the specification into a schema is problematic; schemas allow a certain latitude in xsi properties in XML.  Some felt the schemas should be more rigid and disallow the xsi properties. Ann Wrightson thought substantive issues outstanding might make DIS premature as it can occur late in the process. Mead notes that the xsi type issues are more philosophical and the content is fairly stable.
#*Health Informatics – Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP)
#*:IDMP update by Tim Buxton -  slide show. 5 ISO work items, renamed 13 May 2010. 11238 Substances; 11239, etc.  Will ballot as DIS in parallel in all JIC members for July 2010.  Mead asks about the comments on the IDMP messages or CPM ballot – not yet reviewed.  Beverly Knight asks if there are lessons learned to be shared with HL7?  Reconciling all comments together was successful, and persuaded ISO to accept a different format with their responses. Mead notes that comments are historically submitted by different countries. 13 ballots almost identical was a chore to go through.  Corporate members in HL7 tend to vote according to and with reference comments made by another voter in their organization.  Lise Stevens notes that as more SDOs join the JIC process we should consider how we are managing work.  We should pick one SDO and go through that process and agree to honor and accept the results from that one SDO with reciprocity to the other SDOs. Travel to all the SDOs is very costly. Christof Gessner adds that as discussed at the ISO meeting the documents need to be more accessible.  The HL7 part of the ISO material is only available 30 days of the 5 months of the ISO ballot.
#*::Mead notes that with ICSR the ballot package goes to ISO, and the HL7 package will go out near ISO close. Lise noted that Patient Safety posted the links to the content in advance even though the ballot site was not open.
#*::Ed Tripp notes that regarding CPM there were only 7 comments against CPM: 6 were minor and one regarding quality assessment.  None related to IDMP.
#*::Charlie McCay notes that the relationship between the SDOs in JIC has to be evaluated
#**ISO TS 11238 - Ingredients/Substances Garry Cruickshank <!--, Guenther Schadow  -->
#** 11239  Dose/Unit/Route <!--Julie James  -->
#**11240 Units of Measure - Beverly Knight will send a report <!--Christof Gessner  -->
#**11615 MPIDs <!-- Gary Meyer -->
#**11616 PhPIDs  <!--Nicolas Canu -->
#*ISO/TS/NWIP# 28379 Health Informatics:Common Glossary for TC215
#**no representative.
#Comment period
#*Bernd discussed ISO and CEN TCs whether they have some overlap.
#*Charlie McCay noted frustration with trying to get written reports from liaisons from the SDOs, need a couple of lines of written report. Then if a presenter can’t be here at least others can get the information. Beverly notes this may not be the best use of our time. The information today was only a little snippet and may not be informative. Grahame Grieve notes this meeting used to be only 4 people. Then they built relationships and procedures and they’re pretty good now and we’re working around problems with the procedures.  This group would be a good one to work on resolving the problems with procedures but if it’s just reporting then we could do this by email.
#*Mark Shafarman notes that a wiki to discuss these issues might be useful to show how the procedures are problematic. If SDO representatives would post what is happening on the wiki, similar to the affiliate presentations being pro forma, then you could use the time to spend on the issues.
#*Charlie asks who are the right people to facilitate the discussion for a future meeting to work on procedures.
#*Ann Wrightson notes she values this session. She doesn’t have opportunity to frequently attend the other SDOs and it’s an opportunity to gain an important perspective.
#*Bernd notes we are not here to do detailed discussions in this session but to establish contact points.  If the contacts between the SDOs are asked to do more like updating a wiki it is too much.  Richard Dixon-Hughes notes that this is valuable but troubled by lack of attendance and the ISO meeting presented a new structure and was a very full agenda.
#*Hugh Glover says it is too hard to depend on an email to get the update.  It’s to do with the nature of the group of people. We don’t have conversations about this on a regular basis.  This is the opportunity to discuss from our virtual community in person as a shared community. Sessions are a bit superficial but give the contact that make the phone calls and emails effective in the interim.
#*Christian says that in JIC the lack of dynamic dialogue was due to lack of preparation.
#*Bob Dolin notes that the session is already valuable but could be more valuable. He would like to see in the presentation the nature of the relationship and what is happening in that relationship.  With OMG the division of what OMG is going versus HDSSP is doing.  Learning about how best to navigate and use these relationships would be helpful.
#*Pierre Yves Lastic feels it would be useful to know what is the collaboration about.  They are not obvious.
#*Charlie notes we will look at the format for the next meeting, and ask for the written reports including a description of the nature of the relationship for the next session.  Have the liaisons stand up to say I’m from xyz and does anyone have any questions for us? 
#*Lise says we need someone from ISO central secretariat for the hard process issues.  Audrey is not the representative for that.  We need a representative empowered to speak on behalf of that SDO to take information back.  
#*Richard DH notes that HIMSS has resigned the secretariat for ISO and ceasing relationship with ANSI and TC215 over a year-long hand-over period.  US TAG responsible for convening the new secretariat. It will be about 12 months before fully effective.
#Adjourned 16:48 PM BZT.
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Revision as of 16:21, 25 May 2010

TSC Sunday Q4 Agenda - 2010MayWGM Rio De Janeiro Brazil

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TSC HL7 activities with other SDOs Meeting


Date: 2010-05-16
Time: Sunday Q4
Facilitator Charlie McCay Note taker(s) Lynn Laakso
Opportunity for HL7 WGM attendees to review activities in collaboration with other SDOs such as IHE, OMG, and the JWG and JIC, and provide comment.


  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval
  3. HL7 activities with ISO TC215
    • John Quinn
  4. HL7 activities in JWG
    • John Quinn
  5. HL7 activities with CEN TC 251
  6. HL7 activities with CDISC
    • Charlie Mead
  7. HL7 activities with DICOM
  8. HL7 activities with IEEE (11073)
  9. HL7 activities with IHE
  10. HL7 activities with IHTSDO
    • Russ Hamm
  11. HL7 Activities with NCPDP
  12. HL7 activities with OMG
  13. Review of each JIC-sponsored event having HL7 engagement
    • IS 27953 - Health Informatics:Pharmacovigilance - Structure and Data Elements for (HL7 V3)
    • Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) - Mead Walker
    • Health Informatics – Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP)
      • ISO TS 11238 - Ingredients/Substances Garry Cruickshank
      • 11239 Dose/Unit/Route
      • 11240 Units of Measure - Beverly Knight will send a report
      • 11615 MPIDs
      • 11616 PhPIDs
    • ISO/TS/NWIP# 28379 Health Informatics:Common Glossary for TC215
  14. Comment period

Supporting Documents

Minutes/Conclusions Reached

  1. Agenda – need to add GS1
  2. HL7 activities with ISO TC215
    • John Quinn
    • John noted this morning the ISO six resolutions passed during the TC215 meeting. Many are name changes to projects especially related to WG6.
      • Mark Shafarman noted that devices in the EU there are broad regulatory language regarding any program dealing with decision support is considered a device. IEEE 11073 folks at the meeting were advised to watch this activity. John added that any time the FDA might regulate software the community gets very nervous but it would recognize the electronic patient safety measures software now employs.
  3. HL7 activities in JWG
    • John Quinn
  4. HL7 activities with CEN TC 251
    • CEN TC251: Bernd Blobel reports only one meeting since and next meeting cancelled due to volcano.
    • Request to dissolve WG4, related to HL7 since 4 and 1 are related in messaging. No projects currently promoted by the WG. Next meeting is June 18 in Brussels.
      • Mark Shafarman adds that CEN has agreement with ISO so that things are automatically promoted with the Vienna agreement. 13606 and EISA having some new work, interest in harmonization with CDA and SOA in HL7 but that work has not yet found formal support. When CEN develops a new product they will probably start through the ISO Joint Initiative Council. He discussed with Kees Molinar of TC251 and suggested the European affiliates could be more active in the mirror groups of CEN to form an organization with one voice, along with European affiliates of ISO TC215.
      • Bob Dolin asks if there is work on archetypes and templates harmonization. DCM project had similar interest as well as SMD also crating templates and/or archetypes. Don’t know yet if formal harmonization will happen but can participate in templates registry project. Bernd adds they started the discussion with OpenEHR and 13606 some time ago. There is interest in Open EHR QRec and certification criteria. Mark adds the DCM project in ISO is to create quality criteria for DCMs but not to create DCMs themselves. 13606 focus on archetypes is focused not necessarily on interoperability with HL7.
  5. HL7 activities with CDISC
    • Charlie Mead
    • Charlie Mead not available to present yet on CDISC. Pierre Yves Lastic notes there is a new version of BRIDG released. Ed Tripp adds it is on this May ballot and is also going though JIC so on ISO ballot. Consolidated comments and began reconciliation both ISO and HL7 comments started last week in ISO and will continue through RCRIM.
      • Bob Dolin asks if there are activities to reconcile with ODM. Pierre-Yves is not familiar with specific efforts but they’re involved in Europa project mapping CDA template with ODM.
      • Mark Shafarman asks if the work with RCRIM provides a way to map ODM structures to these structures. Pierre-Yves notes it has not been formally mapped.
      • Ed Tripp adds another project of interest to clinical studies subject of interest use in CDA R3 with study design and participation in V3 message already in DSTU.
  6. HL7 activities with DICOM
    • no representative.
  7. HL7 activities with IEEE (11073)
    • Todd Cooper not present so Christof Gessner stated that DCM for Medical Devices the most important thing going on related to DICOM. 11073 work with Continua continues using V2 messages on a WAN
  8. HL7 activities with IHE
    • no representative.
  9. HL7 activities with IHTSDO
    • Russ Hamm
    • Russ Hamm summarized activities with IHTSDO; they have appointed chief implementation officer Dr. selmer departed CEO. Vocab WG evaluate and technical alignment with IHTSDO workbench with vocabulary model in MIF schemas approved by vocab wg. Goal is to give understanding of how to represent HL7 vocabulary in the IHTSDO work bench. There is a wiki page for the project. Looking for participants and resources. New release scheduled to be available open source pretty soon, within a couple of weeks. Another project is to jointly develop policy with HL7 Board and IHTSDO for HL7 members to develop package and submit SNOMED changes directly to IHTSDO. Jim Case has been working on similar project with NLM. They have set up a wiki site for the effort as well.
  10. HL7 Activities with NCPDP
    • no representative.
  11. HL7 activities with OMG
    • John Quinn mentions that the conference calls continue. OMG – MIF calls in process to work on what are the requirements by HL7 that OMG does not meet, what are the modeling tools for our RIM. Off the shelf OMG tools might take 5 years to be ready. SOA in Healthcare conference in Chicago in July co-sponsored with OMG. Ann Wrightson adds HL7 Italy is doing an implementation of the RLUS DSTU, and picked up by OMG through HSSP.
  12. GS1
    • Christian from GS1 reports that many of their members are also members of Hl7. Past have focused on adapting standards for health care. Last March they announced intent on implementation. MOU with HL7 is part of implementation direction. Mapping of GS1 structured information into HL7 would assist in this area being understood. SPL is another area where there is interest. Activities may be suitable to bring to JIC.
  13. Review of each JIC-sponsored event having HL7 engagement
    • IS 27953 - Health Informatics:Pharmacovigilance - Structure and Data Elements for (HL7 V3)
    • Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) - Mead Walker
      • a. Mead Walker described the ICSR efforts. Developing a joint standard with ISO known as 27953. Gone out to ballot, created in two parts. One is the HL7 ICSR specification for reporting adverse events across types, and the ISO is more on reporting requirements across organizations. Ballot last May has gone through reconciliation but recent ISO meeting decided to go for another DIS ballot. Wide range of structural changes to message to ensure consistency between ICSR and SPL as well as product submission specs under development. Trying to pare down part 2 content and will elevate to a topic at same level as ‘base’ ICSR. How to translate the specification into a schema is problematic; schemas allow a certain latitude in xsi properties in XML. Some felt the schemas should be more rigid and disallow the xsi properties. Ann Wrightson thought substantive issues outstanding might make DIS premature as it can occur late in the process. Mead notes that the xsi type issues are more philosophical and the content is fairly stable.
    • Health Informatics – Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP)
      IDMP update by Tim Buxton - slide show. 5 ISO work items, renamed 13 May 2010. 11238 Substances; 11239, etc. Will ballot as DIS in parallel in all JIC members for July 2010. Mead asks about the comments on the IDMP messages or CPM ballot – not yet reviewed. Beverly Knight asks if there are lessons learned to be shared with HL7? Reconciling all comments together was successful, and persuaded ISO to accept a different format with their responses. Mead notes that comments are historically submitted by different countries. 13 ballots almost identical was a chore to go through. Corporate members in HL7 tend to vote according to and with reference comments made by another voter in their organization. Lise Stevens notes that as more SDOs join the JIC process we should consider how we are managing work. We should pick one SDO and go through that process and agree to honor and accept the results from that one SDO with reciprocity to the other SDOs. Travel to all the SDOs is very costly. Christof Gessner adds that as discussed at the ISO meeting the documents need to be more accessible. The HL7 part of the ISO material is only available 30 days of the 5 months of the ISO ballot.
      Mead notes that with ICSR the ballot package goes to ISO, and the HL7 package will go out near ISO close. Lise noted that Patient Safety posted the links to the content in advance even though the ballot site was not open.
      Ed Tripp notes that regarding CPM there were only 7 comments against CPM: 6 were minor and one regarding quality assessment. None related to IDMP.
      Charlie McCay notes that the relationship between the SDOs in JIC has to be evaluated
      • ISO TS 11238 - Ingredients/Substances Garry Cruickshank
      • 11239 Dose/Unit/Route
      • 11240 Units of Measure - Beverly Knight will send a report
      • 11615 MPIDs
      • 11616 PhPIDs
    • ISO/TS/NWIP# 28379 Health Informatics:Common Glossary for TC215
      • no representative.
  14. Comment period
    • Bernd discussed ISO and CEN TCs whether they have some overlap.
    • Charlie McCay noted frustration with trying to get written reports from liaisons from the SDOs, need a couple of lines of written report. Then if a presenter can’t be here at least others can get the information. Beverly notes this may not be the best use of our time. The information today was only a little snippet and may not be informative. Grahame Grieve notes this meeting used to be only 4 people. Then they built relationships and procedures and they’re pretty good now and we’re working around problems with the procedures. This group would be a good one to work on resolving the problems with procedures but if it’s just reporting then we could do this by email.
    • Mark Shafarman notes that a wiki to discuss these issues might be useful to show how the procedures are problematic. If SDO representatives would post what is happening on the wiki, similar to the affiliate presentations being pro forma, then you could use the time to spend on the issues.
    • Charlie asks who are the right people to facilitate the discussion for a future meeting to work on procedures.
    • Ann Wrightson notes she values this session. She doesn’t have opportunity to frequently attend the other SDOs and it’s an opportunity to gain an important perspective.
    • Bernd notes we are not here to do detailed discussions in this session but to establish contact points. If the contacts between the SDOs are asked to do more like updating a wiki it is too much. Richard Dixon-Hughes notes that this is valuable but troubled by lack of attendance and the ISO meeting presented a new structure and was a very full agenda.
    • Hugh Glover says it is too hard to depend on an email to get the update. It’s to do with the nature of the group of people. We don’t have conversations about this on a regular basis. This is the opportunity to discuss from our virtual community in person as a shared community. Sessions are a bit superficial but give the contact that make the phone calls and emails effective in the interim.
    • Christian says that in JIC the lack of dynamic dialogue was due to lack of preparation.
    • Bob Dolin notes that the session is already valuable but could be more valuable. He would like to see in the presentation the nature of the relationship and what is happening in that relationship. With OMG the division of what OMG is going versus HDSSP is doing. Learning about how best to navigate and use these relationships would be helpful.
    • Pierre Yves Lastic feels it would be useful to know what is the collaboration about. They are not obvious.
    • Charlie notes we will look at the format for the next meeting, and ask for the written reports including a description of the nature of the relationship for the next session. Have the liaisons stand up to say I’m from xyz and does anyone have any questions for us?
    • Lise says we need someone from ISO central secretariat for the hard process issues. Audrey is not the representative for that. We need a representative empowered to speak on behalf of that SDO to take information back.
    • Richard DH notes that HIMSS has resigned the secretariat for ISO and ceasing relationship with ANSI and TC215 over a year-long hand-over period. US TAG responsible for convening the new secretariat. It will be about 12 months before fully effective.
  15. Adjourned 16:48 PM BZT.

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
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