2010-04-26 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

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Meeting Info/Attendees

HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 124466#
GoToMeeting ID: 165-215-206

Date: 2010-04-26
Time: 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
Facilitator Charlie McCay Note taker(s) <Ken McCaslin
Attendee Name Affiliation Email Address
regrets Calvin Beebe HL7 SSD SD cbeebe@mayo.edu
x Woody Beeler HL7 FTSD woody@beelers.com
x Bob Dolin HL7 Board Chair bobdolin@gmail.com
x Austin Kreisler HL7 DESD austin.j.kreisler@saic.com
regrets Lynn Laakso HL7 staff support lynn@hl7.org
x Ken McCaslin HL7 TSS SD Kenneth.H.McCaslin@QuestDiagnostics.com
x Charlie McCay (chair) HL7 TSC Chair charlie@ramseysystems.co.uk
regrets Charlie Mead HL7 ArB Chair meadch@mail.nih.gov
Ravi Natarajan HL7 Affiliate Ravi.Natarajan@nhs.net
Ron Parker HL7 ArB Alternate rparker@infoway-inforoute.ca
x John Quinn HL7 CTO jquinn@hl7.org
x Gregg Seppala HL7 SSD SD Alternate gregg.seppala@va.gov
Helen Stevens HL7 TSS SD Alternate helen.stevens@shaw.ca
x Ed Tripp HL7 DESD Alternate Edward.tripp@estripp.com
D. Mead Walker HL7 FTSD Alternate dmead@comcast.net
Quorum Requirements (Co-chair +5 with 2 SD Reps) Met: yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval - Charlie McCay
  3. Approve Minutes of 2010-04-19_TSC_Call_Minutes
  4. Review action items
    • Lynn to draft process on project facilitators should be aware of for being present on conference calls to address any issues (TSC To-Do # 1543)
      • Update: This is being documented in the Project Approval Process being revised by the Project Services work group. The PSC tracker for this development is # 778.
  5. CEO Report – if available
  6. CTO Report - John Quinn
  7. ArB Report – Charlie Mead/Ron Parker
  8. Affiliates Report – Ravi Natarajan
  9. Domain Experts – Austin Kreisler
  10. Foundation & Technology – Woody Beeler
  11. Structure & Semantic Design – Calvin Beebe
  12. Technical & Support Services - Ken McCaslin
    • Electronic Services Online Presence Project (Project Insight # 580) draft meeting minutes template for TSC review
    • Publishing committee organization
  13. TSC Preparations for WGM
    • Reconsider Saturday agenda to give more time to impact of ONC requirements
    • Sunday Q4 written reports only for many items...
  14. Working Group preparations - agendas
  15. Organizational Relations Committee update (semiweekly) - Helen Stevens
  16. Discussion Topics:

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Visitors: none
  2. Agenda: approved by general consent
  3. Minutes approved by general consent
  4. Action Items:
    • Lynn to draft process on project facilitators should be aware of for being present on conference calls to address any issues (TSC To-Do # 1543)
      • Will forward this to the next meeting because Lynn was not able to attend this meeting due to jury duty
  5. CEO report - no report
  6. CTO report - John Quinn
    • Just what we have discussed. Charlie Mead, John and Charlie McCay have discussed issues around the billing task force. Do not want to add to the group to separate the current discussion that is going on. The documents do need to be shared and discussed with the TSC. Do want to determine how to socialize the discussion. Will be ready by Rio to discuss this and meeting with the EC today regarding this issue.
    • Do need to have a product strategy and would invite input regarding what others feel should be in the strategy.
  7. ArB report - no report
  8. Affiliates report - no report
  9. DESD - no report
  10. FTSD - no report
  11. SSD SD - no report
  12. Technical & Support Services - Ken McCaslin
    • Electronic Services Online Presence Project (Project Insight # 580) draft meeting minutes template for TSC review
      • Want more instructions around the use of email. Want the parenthetical removed from the Quorum Requirements. Need an adoption plan. Need to determine what the next steps need to be. Please develop the adoption plan. Next step, what is to be communicated on Monday night. Piloted over the summer and begin to develop for work group health. A revised version will be approved a month prior to the October work group meeting. Required for use, it will be measured for work group health.
    • Publishing committee organization
      • The SD is trying to socialize this with the TSC, the split out of the Publishing to V2 and V3. Woody pointed out they really do function as two different WG and the V3 seems to be much more active. Greg pointed out that the methodology of the two groups is very different. John is there any additional over head. Austin pointed out that we would immediately identify an unhealthy WG in V2. There are V2 implementation guides that have been develop and there seems to be a lot more traffic coming down the road with the things happening particularly in the US. Started V3 publishing as part of the Publishing WG at the time rather than just create a new WG at the time they were forming. Open a gForge Task for TSC. Need a V2 interest group. Potentially tied to the board task force regarding V2 and V3.
  13. TSC Preparations for WGM
    • Reconsider Saturday agenda to give more time to impact of ONC requirements
      • More time to discuss ONC Requirements and increased activity from the US initiatives. Currently reluctant to put more items in Q1 and then move more things into Q2 and Q3 and that could leave Q4 for this issues. Want to pull Q2 and Q3 into a single session by having written reports for some of the items. Waiting for more clear direction from the ONC, potentially John will have that cleared up this week at the Policy Committee meeting.
    • Sunday Q4 written reports only for many items...
      • Fairly light on content.
  14. Working Group preparations - agendas
    • Need the agendas filled in. Typically FTSD has not filled in until the WGM so they can deal with the hot topics. The questionnaires indicated that the agenda helped people determine if they were attending the WGM’s particularly for non-US meetings. RCRIM has been publishing a draft rough agenda on the wiki for the next WGM at the current WGM. Publishing the agenda is a work health item. Hot topics would be helpful to be posted as soon as possible.
  15. Organizational Relations Committee update (semiweekly) - Helen Stevens not available
  16. Discussion Topics:
  17. NIST issues
    • Austin received a communication from Lisa Carnahan (NIST). Do we need a coordinated response? Piecemeal response has already started. Please keep John Quinn informed. NIST is hosting a webinar on Tuesday May 4. Need to be on the agenda next week.
  18. Adjourned hh:mm am/pm (timezone).

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Provide feedback on meeting minutes template to Online Presence project - Lynn will incorporate the suggestions
  • All: develop written reports on Q2 and Q3 items for Saturday agenda to accommodate discussion time on other topics.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Review Action Items:
    • Lynn to draft process on project facilitators should be aware of for being present on conference calls to address any issues (TSC To-Do # 1543)
  • Organizational Relations Committee update
  • Issues with V3 Schemas and Instance Validation at TSC Tracker # 1536, see summary
  • NIST Issues