2011-06-06 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

Standing Conference Calls

TSC will hold a Conference Call at 11AM Eastern time, each Monday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at TSC_Minutes_and_Agendas.

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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 124466#
GoToMeeting ID: 165-215-206

Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name Affiliation
? Calvin Beebe HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair
? Woody Beeler HL7 FTSD Co-Chair
? Bob Dolin HL7 Board Chair
? Tony Julian HL7 FTSD Co-Chair
? Austin Kreisler HL7 TSC Chair, DESD Co-Chair
? Lynn Laakso HL7 staff support
? Patrick Loyd HL7 T3SD Co-Chair
? Ken McCaslin HL7 T3SD Co-Chair
? Charlie Mead HL7 ArB Chair
? Ravi Natarajan HL7 Affiliate Representative
? Ron Parker HL7 ArB Alternate
? John Quinn HL7 CTO
? Gregg Seppala HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair
? Ed Tripp HL7 DESD Co-Chair
? Jay Zimmerman HL7 Affiliate Representative

Quorum Requirements (Chair +5 with 2 SD Reps) Met: (yes/No)


Agenda Topics

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler
  3. Approve Minutes of 2011-05-02_TSC_Call_Agenda, 2011-05-09 TSC Call Agenda,
  4. Review action items
  5. outstanding business from WGM:
    • (May) Review, update, and develop new entries for TSC Three-Year Plan
    • TSC Work Group Visibility Maintenance (See Product Visibility Project ID# 631)
    • Project Health/PBS Health Metrics (Projects, Ballots and Standards) (See Project ID# 765)
    • (May) Review TSC Communications Plan - how are we doing against it?
    • Work Group Health metrics
      • review suggestions
        1. Add metrics to WGH for % of projects having next milestone date in the past (Tracker # 1649)
          Status as of 2010Oct: Evaluate Project Health before tying this to Work Group Health
        2. Add participation in publishing calls to Work Group Health (Tracker # 1659)
        3. Measure ballot progress in terms of overall years and in number of cycles to successful ballot (Tracker # 1660)
        4. Metric to identify whether the WG follows their own DMPs re: posting minutes (Tracker # 1683)
        5. measure coordination between WG co-chairs (Tracker # 1731)
        6. WG has a DMP based on review of the updated template, for 2011May (Tracker # 1732) - in effect this cycle.
        7. Create a Project Report Card (Tracker # 1819)
    • TSC Communication Strategy at Project Insight ID # 696
  6. Approval items:
    • Informative Document Publication Request for O&O of SSD SD: HL7 Version 2 Implementation Guide: Laboratory Test Compendium Framework, Release 1, at Project Insight # 635, TSC Tracker # 1940
    • Request to withdraw two proposed ANS for Financial Management:
      • HL7 Version 3 Standard: Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) Style Guide, Release 1 (September 2008 Ballot Cycle, Draft Standard for Trial Use 1: Request; and
      • HL7 Version 3 Standard: Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) Development Framework, Release 1 (US Realm), from January 2009 Ballot cycle, DSTU2, Request.
      • See Project Insight # 332, TSC Tracker # 1941
    • Request the TSC ratify changes to ArB membership - ArB unanimously voted on 2011-05-19 to make two changes in the ArB membership:
      1. Remove AMS because of inability to participate; and
      2. Add Zoran Milosevic
  7. Discussion topics:
  8. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
  9. Open Issues List

Supporting Documents

  • See links


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

Please don't forget to hang up from the conference call (VOIP users)

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • .
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .