2011-05-18 TSC WGM Architecture Program Minutes

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  1. Review the charter
  2. Review status of Projects
    1. Pilot Coordination Project’s work on the SAIF BF WG spreadsheet
    2. Project Services meets Mon Q3 at the May WGM
  3. Begin discussion of governance, and what it should look like
    1. SAIF and Sound White paper part of governance?
    2. Quality Plan - Tracker 1913 (Write a one or two pager about what the Quality Plan is going to be)
  4. Integrating security into the SAIF AP. Does the team want to govern Security? (from John Moehrke's Security Cookbook presenation on April 20, 2011)
  5. Housekeeping
    1. May 25th call -- keep or cancel?
    2. Next WGM Needs
    3. Upcoming vacation schedules/impacts to upcoming calls

Meeting Attendees

X=Present on Call

Facilitator Austin Kreisler Note taker(s) David Hamill
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Austin Kreisler TSC Chair
X Brian Pech Interested Participant
X David Hamill HL7 HQ / Program Manager
Ed Tripp Domain Experts SD \ TSC
X Gregg Seppala Product Quality Plan Project
X Jane Curry Tooling
Jim McClay Emergency Care
John Moehrke Security Cookbook
John Quinn HL7 CTO
X Lloyd McKenzie MnM Work Group / SAIF Implementation Guide Pjt
Lorraine Constable Composite Order Pjt \ OO Behavioral Framework Pjt
Patrick Loyd OO Work Group / Composite Order Pjt
X Rick Haddorff Project Services WG / SAIF Pilot Coordination Pjt
Robert Lario Object Management
Steve Hufnagel ArB / SAIF Book Project / SOA
Wendy Huang Implementation Conformance WG
X Gary Dickinson EHR WG
X Pat Van Dyke EHR WG
X Woody Beeler MnM WG
X Charlie Mead ArB WG
X Lee Coller
X Kent Stevenson
X Thomas Kuhn
X Freida Hall
X Andy Bond
X Larry Reis
X Dale Nelson
X Anil Luthra
X Isabelle Davies
X Ron Parker
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  • Program Listserv: saif_arch_pgm@lists.hl7.org

Review the charter

  • CMead suggested that the Charter may want to be modified to include that one of the core deliverables should be that both of the architectures will emerge.
  • Mission was modified: 18 Approve; 0 Negative; 0 Abstain

Next Conf Call

  • 5/25 – No Call
  • 6/1 – Rick Haddorff chairs
  • 6/8 - Rick Haddorff chairs

Next WGM

  • MnM is scheduling a quarter to focus on their SAIF AP work
  • The team agreed only one quarter in Sept 2011

Pilot Coordination Project Update

  • Need to add Wrappers R2
  • Coordination Item: Will be determined after the PSS is approved.

Security Cookbook Update (Jane Curry)

  • Security attended an architecture definition meeting.
  • The discussion focused on ‘Where should the security work show up in other’s artifacts?’
  • Coordination Item: Security and the SAIF IG project (architecture definition) (Jane is working with them at the enterprise level)

OO (Austin on behalf of Patrick Loyd)

  • Promised to write the Project Scope Statements this week.
  • They’ve got tooling in place and modelers lined up

CDA R3 Project (Kreisler)

  • This Friday, will be determining the current milestones and wrap up the requirements

SAIF Conanical Book (Mead)

  • Completed the Informative Ballot;
  • Have addressed all the negatives
  • Current plan is the ArB will take the current Informative document and determine how to make it into a SAIF IG.
  • Will release SAIF Cononical Version 1.
  • Then will Include Performance Statements and ballot a DSTU of the Canonical.
  • This will be called SAIF Cononical Version 2

SAIF IG (McKenzie)

  • Creating the list of artifacts.
  • Template has been vetted numerous times
  • Still need to find about 10 artifacts
  • Need to assign names to the artifacts
  • Wanted to have all the artifacts defined by this meeting; did not happen.
  • New target is a couple of months from now.
  • Begin thinking about Governance prior to September 2011.
  • CMead: Defining the artifacts is the high priority; Where they go is lower priority

Quality Plan Project (Kreisler)

  • The plan is to bake quality into the processes, and will be the primary driver of quality products.
  • Intimately linked with governance

Governance (Curry)

  • Jane presented her Governance Framework presentation
  • Lloyd: Do we have ways to manage/insure accountability/responsibility for governance within HL7?
  • Not every artifact will have a set of precepts.
  • The plan is to begin with a small set of precepts and build from there.
  • Get one or two up and running to test them out to see if they work.
  • CMead suggests the first ones be on the riskier ones

Gforge Accounts can be requested via: http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/account/?action=UserAdd

Adjourned 5:02 AM Eastern Time

New Action Items

  • Charlie Mead – Send the Dave, Austin, listserv the Precept Template (Include CMead’s specific email address in the minutes for this to be a reminder)
  • Jane – Modify ‘precept’ slide
  • Austin – Submit the Sept WGM request for 1 quarter, Q4 to Lillian
  • Dave – On the Wiki in charter, insert the link to the BoD Strategic Initiatives - DONE
  • Dave – Update the list of projects on the Mission Charter page; just have it go to the Categories page - DONE
  • Dave – Cancel the 5/25 call - DONE
  • Dave – Create a coordination Tracker Item: referenceMultiMediaOngoing and the ongoing need for XML ID/IDREF in CDA R3 and ITS - DONE
  • Dave – Create a coordination Tracker Item for Security and the SAIF IG project (architecture definition) - DONE
  • Dave – Upload Jane’s Governance presentation to GForge. - DONE