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Fndn&Tech Steering Divn - Conference Call (date above)

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Meeting Information

Foundation and Technology Steering Division Meeting Minutes

Location: Telcon

Date: 20101214
Time: 12:00pm U.S. EDT
Facilitator Woody Beeler Note taker(s) Tony Julian
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS) Paul Knapp
. Implementation/Conformance ??
X Infrastructure & Messaging (InM) Tony Julian
X RIM-Based Application Architecture (RIMBAA) ??
X Modeling & Methodology (MnM) Woody Beeler
. Security ??
X Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Galen Mulrooney
. Templates ??
X Vocabulary Beverly Knight
X Laskso,Lynn HL7 HQ
Quorum Requirements Met: (YES)


Agenda Topics

  1. Approve minutes of Nov30
  2. Planning for Monday night in Sydney
  3. Roll/status/use of datatypes R1-r2
  4. Consideration of how to schedule F-F at WGM
  5. Discussion of why/wherefore of steering division.
  6. DMP - review current against new.


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Approve minutes of Nov30 (Galen/Beverly)
  2. Planning for Monday night in Sydney
    1. Roll/status/use of datatypes R1-r2
    2. Consideration of how to schedule F-F at WGM
    3. Discussion of why/wherefore of steering division.
      1. Beverly: Role of FTSD is to disseminate information to/from the TSC.
      2. Woody: Before SDs where formed,the TSC was all of the co-chairs. Board limited size of TSC. SD's were proposed to allow the exchanged of information ideas. The question is, is it doing any good?
      3. Galen: If function of SD is to report to co-chairs, it has not done well. But direct comunication has been happening. I assumed that issue at TSC would be distributed to co-chairs, to discuss, and advise the TSC.
      4. Woody: TSC minutes are detailed and available after meeting. I have only sumarized and communicated when there was an issue. I do not communicate every thing the TSC discusses. It is not common for items at TSC to be pushed back to all SDs. The primary function of the SD is to be a coordination point. e.g. when three or four groups need to communicate projects shared by multiple steering divisions. We should entertain the idea whether we should create a FTSD summary of each meeting as informal e-mail (TWEET?).
  3. DMP - review current against new.
    1. Beverly: Homepage shows DMP is 2007, and should be updated.
    2. Tony will compare DMP to new DMP and distribute for discussion on Monday night at Sydney.

Supporting Documents

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Tony will compare DMP to new DMP and distribute for discussion on Monday night at Sydney..
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • January 10, 2010/Sydney/.

A julian 17:53, 3 January 2011 (UTC)