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Fndn&Tech Steering Divn - Conference Call (date above)

Meeting Information

Conference Call is scheduled for 0.5 hour,
Tuesday 12:00 PM to be repeated every other week
Please consult http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock for your local times
HL7 Conference Call Service
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 (Passcode: 943627)
Online Meeting Service - GoToMeeting
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/385800034 (GoToMeeting ID: 385-800-034)

Steering Division Members:

  • Application Integration & Design (AID)
  • Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS)
  • Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing(CGIT)
  • Infrastructure & Messaging (InM)
  • Modeling & Methodology (MnM)
  • Security
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Templates
  • Vocabulary



  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Previous Minutes & Accept Agenda
  3. (15 min) Change Scheduling of Face-to-Face SD Meeting at WGM Ken Rubin will forward a discussion to the FnTSD list to consider establishing a face-to-face meeting of this Steering Division during a standard "quarter" early in the week of each WGM, rather than Monday night. (See e-mail thread titled - Agenda Item for next Foundations/Technology Call on FnTSD List.)
  4. (5 min) CMET Reaffirmation Project Proposal' (See e-mail titled MnM CMET Reaffirmation Project Proposal - For APPROVAL Today (by SD) and Tomorrow (by MnM) on FnTSD List and [http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?

title=CMET_Reconfirmation_Ballot Wiki List of Affected CMETs]

  1. (5 min) RIMBAA Project Proposal (See e-mail titled Notes from Nov. 1 TSC Conference Call, Unofficial on FnTSD List and TSC Agenda/Minutes
  2. (15 min) ArB Discussion on Substantivity (See e-mail thread titled Notes from Today's TSC Conference Call (Unofficial from Beeler) on FnTSD List and TSC Agenda/Minutes
  3. (5 min) Other Business

Agenda items

Action Item List

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