2009-06-22 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC - Technical Steering Committee

Monday, June 22, 2009 11:00 AM (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)
To participate, dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 124466#
GoToMeeting at https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/165215206
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back to TSC Minutes and Agendas




  • Woody Beeler
  • John Koisch
  • Ravi Natarajan
  • Ioana Singureanu
  • Ed Tripp

Roll Call

- The following individuals joined the call:

At Name Affiliation Email Address
x Calvin Beebe HL7 SSD SD cbeebe@mayo.edu
Woody Beeler HL7 FTSD woody@beelers.com
x Jim Case HL7 Ad-Hoc jtcase@ucdavis.edu
x Bob Dolin HL7 Chair-elect BobDolin@gmail.com
x Marc Koehn HL7 EA IP PM marc.koehn@gpinformatics.com
John Koisch HL7 ArB jkoisch@guidewirearchitecture.com
x Austin Kreisler HL7 DESD austin.j.kreisler@saic.com
x Lynn Laakso (scribe) HL7 HQ lynn@hl7.org
x Ken McCaslin HL7 TSS SD Kenneth.H.McCaslin@QuestDiagnostics.com
x Charlie McCay (chair) HL7 TSC Chair charlie@ramseysystems.co.uk
x Charlie Mead HL7 ArB Charlie.mead@booz.com
Ravi Natarajan HL7 Affiliate Ravi.Natarajan@nhs.net
x John Quinn HL7 CTO jquinn@hl7.org
x Gregg Seppala HL7 SSD SD gregg.seppala@va.gov
Ioana Singureanu HL7 FTSD ioana@eversolve.com
x Helen Stevens Love HL7 TSS SD helen.stevens@shaw.ca
Ed Tripp HL7 DESD Edward.tripp@estripp.com

Accept Agenda

agenda modified to have decision making done during Charlie Mead’s presence. Unanimously accepted

Project Approvals

  • Foundation & Technology - Tabled Request for Out-of-Cycle Ballot of Data Types R2 - request from TSC Tracker # 1065
    • FTSD no reps Data types R2 tabled
    • John indicates an update from an email from Grahame to Woody that it can be on regular ballot in September and can be taken off TSC list for out-of-cycle ballot.
  • Structure & Semantic Design -
    1. EHR WG: Diabetes Data Strategy Project Proposal - Request at TSC Tracker 1066 unanimously approved
    2. PA WG: Patient Encounters Project Proposal - Request at TSC Tracker #1067 unanimously approved
    3. PA WG: Registry Enhancements for Social Services Project Proposal Request at TSC Tracker #1069 unanimously approved
    4. CDS WG:Context Aware Information Retrieval (Infobutton) SOA Implementation Guide Project Proposal Request at TSC Tracker # 1075 unanimously approved
      Jim Case joins, Charlie Mead drops off; quorum maintained.
    5. SD WG: Care Record Summary, Release 2: Discharge Summary Project Proposal - Request at TSC Tracker # 1076
      • Discussion: US Realm versus international interest. Affiliate work should likewise be brought into the HL7.org, concurrent and not after-the-fact. Expectation should be universal by default and only US or local Realm if truly constrained. Helen would take that expectation to the Affiliate council. She cautioned that Brazil is implementing lab standards using Canadian implementation guide. Time crunch pressure to approve this quickly. John recounts that much of US payor system tied to discharge summary, and Bob Dolin would be best to comment on impact. Bob indicates that U.S. Realm would likely be starting point and expanding to international realm rather than develop international realm and constrain to U.S. spec. Bob and Calvin both indicate that the project would likely accept that suggestion, to accept a friendly amendment from Helen, to create that expectation to contribute its material to develop an international standard to be published. Calvin accepts the friendly amendment. TSC can accept work subject to Patient Care’s response as co sponsor. Unanimously approved based on those conditions.
    6. SD WG: Electronic Quality Measure Specification, Release 1 Project Proposal Request at TSC Tracker # 1077
      • Discussion: SD project on quality measures also US Realm. Development being funded by National Quality Forum, asking for fast-track to meet HITSP needs. Calvin asks if there are tightly bound realm-specific elements. Bob indicates this is a framework, higher level architecture quality document. Should be universal realm. Bob’s willing to have his arm twisted. Friendly amendment to make it universal realm. Bob would like to talk to project sponsor. TSC will approve as universal. If the sponsor does not agree, will come back for constrained realm approval. Calvin move Helen second. Unanimously approved as amended.
    7. PA WG:Real Time Location Tracking Project Proposal - Request at TSC Tracker #1068
      • RTLS discussion; Real time location tracking scope is to take a DSTU forward without substantive change. More detail is available in the previous project for DSTU. Jim Case asks if generally with other PSS if there are updates requested if the scope statement is sparse upon initial approval. Helen suggests we could ask long term projects of interest we can ask them to attend a TSC call to provide a brief status update. Ken indicates the PSS as presented doesn’t tell you what the detail is, and have to dive through previous project material. Charlie describes the notation of the DSTU will not be changed based on project feedback. Project unanimously approved.

Standing Committee Reports/Approvals

  • EA IP (Marc) update: Charters from three projects have not been produced PASS, CTS2, CDA R3 from StructDocs and NCI projects. NCI producing promising email threads of reviewing their projects for applicability. Will organize seminar-style teleconference to walk through SAEAF and look at concrete examples of artifacts from projects having done similar style work. Alpha project teams will be able to review impacts of artifacts on their projects. Should have some alpha project initiation progress to report by Atlanta.
  • CTO Report: Meaningful use was announced and then ‘fiercely muddled’ on Tuesday. Otherwise a quiet week, anticipating some vacation time.
    • Large Customer Partnerships, International Projects. No update.
  • Domain Experts:
    • Domain Experts has electronic votes underway. JIC project under vote is going down in flames…IDMP having issues. Pharmacy has not responded yet, John will let Ed know, as chair of JIC.
  • Foundation & Technology - not present, no report.
  • Structure and Semantic Design - project approvals addressed, no other report
  • Technical and Support Services -
    • The TSC has been listed as 'Other Interested Party' in scope statement for project request of HL7 Project review and Cleanup at TSC Tracker # 1078
    • Steering division approved by email vote. All projects in project Insight are subject to this project, indicated by Universal realm.
  • Open Issues list to be reviewed for next week.

Adjourn 12:01 pm.