2018-07-09 TSC Call Agenda

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

Standing Conference Calls

TSC will hold a Conference Call at 11AM Eastern time, each Monday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at TSC_Minutes_and_Agendas.

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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: GoToMeeting ID: 426-505-829

Date: 2018-07-09
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler Note taker(s): Anne Wizauer
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes/no
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
. Austin Kreisler . Tony Julian . Jean Duteau . John Roberts, GOM Expert
. Wayne Kubick . Lorraine Constable . Giorgio Cangioli . Ken McCaslin
Clinical Infrastructure Administrative Organizational Support
. Melva Peters . Russ Hamm . Austin Kreisler . Andy Stechishin
. Floyd Eisenberg . Paul Knapp . Mary Kay McDaniel . Sandra Stuart
ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Calvin Beebe (HL7 Chair) w/vote . . obs1 . Anne Wizauer
. Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote . . . obs2 .

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  1. Housekeeping
    1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
    2. Agenda review and approval -
    3. Approve Minutes of 2018-06-25 TSC Call Agenda
  2. Review action items
    1. All to send any comments to Austin regarding co-chair message draft on the formal process of redirecting ballot comments
    2. Paul to ask the proponents of the FHIR Implementation Guide for Coverage Requirements Discovery project to consider the comments from 2018-06-25, make appropriate updates, and resubmit to TSC
    3. ARB/Austin to look at crafting boilerplate statement to replace current SAIF statements.
  3. Approval items from previous weeks referred for discussion:
    1. Project Approval Request by the Attachments WG of the Administrative SD for Attachments Frequently asked Questions (FAQ) living document at Project Insight 1415 and TSC Tracker 17372
      • Referred by ARB
    2. Review/Comment on Board Strategic Goals
      • Referred by ARB: "Establish FHIR as the primary standard for global health data interoperability." Effectively tells the community that all of the other work is no longer supported. FHIR is not mature enough. If this is in fact the direction, why would one remain an HL7 member unless they are on FHIR? The use case of large-scale implementation has not been achieved. 99% of our day-to-day operations are V2, and if HL7 is committing all of the resources to FHIR, then there is no perceived organizational support.
  4. Approval items from last week's e-vote:
  5. Approval items for this week:
  6. Discussion topics:
    1. Further discussion of Updated Withdrawal Request Template
    2. TSC SWOT
  7. Open Issues List/Parking Lot


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • .
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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