2017-10-16 TSC Call Agenda
TSC Agenda/Minutes
Meeting Info/Attendees
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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes Location: GoToMeeting ID: 426-505-829 |
Date: 2017-10-16 Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern | |
Facilitator: Ken McCaslin | Note taker(s): Anne Wizauer |
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented | yes/no | ||||||
Chair/CTO | ArB | International Affiliate Rep | Ad-Hoc | ||||
Regrets | Ken McCaslin | x | Tony Julian | x | Jean Duteau | Regrets | Freida Hall, GOM Expert |
x | Wayne Kubick | . | Lorraine Constable | x | Giorgio Cangioli | . | |
Domain Experts | Foundation and Technology | Structure and Semantic Design | Technical and Support Services | ||||
x | Melva Peters | . | Russ Hamm | Regrets | Calvin Beebe | x | Andy Stechishin |
. | John Roberts | x | Paul Knapp | Regrets | Austin Kreisler | Regrets | Sandra Stuart |
. | . | . | . | ||||
ex officio | Invited Guests | Observers | HL7 Staff | ||||
. | Pat Van Dyke (HL7 Chair) w/vote | . | . | obs1 | x | Anne Wizauer | |
. | Chuck Jaffe (CEO) |
. | . | . | obs2 | . |
. | . | . | . | . | |||
- Housekeeping
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Agenda review and approval -
- Approve Minutes of 2017-10-09 TSC Call Agenda
- Review action items –
- Follow-up on Podiatry Profile/Functional Model PSS - Austin/Calvin
- Updated PSS here
- Addresses the following issues from previous e-vote:
- 3.c Security Risks: production of executables is unknown. Does this indicates that they don’t know or are unsure of their tooling?
- Answer updated to "no"
- 3.k External vocabularies is unknown. Do they actually specify terminology or value sets?
- Answer updated to "SNOMED, LOINC and other ontologies that deal with clinical data. We will also submit codes to SNOMED and LOINC for consideration to fill any identified gaps in coding for Podiatry."
- 3.c Security Risks: production of executables is unknown. Does this indicates that they don’t know or are unsure of their tooling?
- Austin to draft communication to WGs giving them clarification and instructions on how to handle ballot reconciliation using the language currently in the GOM and HL7 ER
- Publication request template
- Freida to forward discrepancy between 13.02.07 and to the GOC for review
- Freida is working on this with the GOC; has submitted the change request which is now under discussion
- Anne to make suggested updates to the template and bring back to TSC for review on 2017-10-23
- Freida to forward discrepancy between 13.02.07 and to the GOC for review
- Follow-up on Podiatry Profile/Functional Model PSS - Austin/Calvin
- Approval items from last week's e-vote approved 6-0-0 with SSD-SD, T3SD, Jean, Giorgio, Wayne, and DESD voting:
- Project Approval Request by the US Realm Steering Committee for US FHIR Core Updates at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 14025
- Approval items for this week:
- Normative Publication Request by the BR&R WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 3 Standard: Structured Product Labeling Release 8 at Project Insight 1314 and TSC Tracker 14039
- Project Approval Request by the Pharmacy WG of the DESD for Reaffirmation of HL7 V3 Medication Statement and Administration Event, R1 at Project Insight 1353 and TSC Tracker 14040
- STU Publication Extension Request by the CQI WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 3 Implementation Guide: Quality Data Model (QDM)-based Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF), Release 1, US Realm, STU Release 1.4 at Project Insight 756 and TSC Tracker 14046
- Project Approval Request by the Public Health WG of the DESD for Reaffirmation of HL7 V3 Standard: Immunization Messaging, Release 1 at Project Insight 1358 and TSC Tracker 14047
- Review/Approval of Proposed 2018 PSS Section 6.d Project Approval Dates at TSC Tracker 14048
- Discussion topics:
- UDI Harmonization Pattern
- GOM changes re: DMP customization (Freida)
- Essentialism
- Open Issues List/Parking Lot
- Housekeeping
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Agenda review and approval -
- Approve Minutes of 2017-10-09 TSC Call Agenda
- Minutes approved via general consent
- Review action items –
- Follow-up on Podiatry Profile/Functional Model PSS - Austin/Calvin
- Updated PSS here
- Addresses the following issues from previous e-vote:
- 3.c Security Risks: production of executables is unknown. Does this indicates that they don’t know or are unsure of their tooling?
- Answer updated to "no"
- 3.k External vocabularies is unknown. Do they actually specify terminology or value sets?
- Answer updated to "SNOMED, LOINC and other ontologies that deal with clinical data. We will also submit codes to SNOMED and LOINC for consideration to fill any identified gaps in coding for Podiatry."
- MOTION to approved updated document: Tony/Andy
- VOTE: All in favor
- Answer updated to "SNOMED, LOINC and other ontologies that deal with clinical data. We will also submit codes to SNOMED and LOINC for consideration to fill any identified gaps in coding for Podiatry."
- 3.c Security Risks: production of executables is unknown. Does this indicates that they don’t know or are unsure of their tooling?
- Austin to draft communication to WGs giving them clarification and instructions on how to handle ballot reconciliation using the language currently in the GOM and HL7 ER
- Publication request template
- Freida to forward discrepancy between 13.02.07 and to the GOC for review
- Freida is working on this with the GOC; has submitted the change request which is now under discussion
- Anne to make suggested updates to the template and bring back to TSC for review on 2017-10-23
- Freida to forward discrepancy between 13.02.07 and to the GOC for review
- Follow-up on Podiatry Profile/Functional Model PSS - Austin/Calvin
- Discussion topics:
- Withdrawal of Core Principles
- Many comments/discussion. Will be moving comment to Zulip or Wiki.
- ACTION: Anne to post a link to January minutes regarding Withdrawal process in these minutes
- Paul notes what withdrawal actually means. It means it ceases to be a standard. Jean: We've got a document (core principles r1) that is wrong and needs to be updated. We've gone through an R2 ballot, but it did not pass. There were a number of negatives that we've lost the reconciliations for that need to be redone. 2012 is when it balloted; 2013 is when they realized that there was a negative they couldn't get withdrawn, and then they took too long to do recirculation and Woody got sick. They have the source for R2. Was going to withdraw R1 and reballot R2 in January but resources are lacking. Wayne: Are there other standards dependent upon this? Jean: It's not the RIM, it's not vocabulary. Andy: Vocabulary is dependent on Core Principles. CDA R2.1 also depends on Core Principles. Jean: Core Principles explains what the things are and defines what a DMIM and RMIM and physical model are. Nothing depends on it, but it explains what the things we have are - the things that existed before the document and will continue to exist. Discussion over lack of resources to complete the project. MnM's position was that 1/3 of R1 is now incorrect so it doesn't make sense to reaffirm, so let's withdraw. If we decide that we'll publish what we've got and add a section saying that concept domains are changing, it's doable but Jean will need help. Andy: If Vocabulary can't get the text reworked in time for January, they could negative ballot and rework it afterwards. Paul is willing to help.
- Wayne notes that as long as it's not 10 years, the ER states you can request an extension of time to ANSI saying they need more time to revise the standard. We should reach out to the people who need the standard to help work on it.
- Jean notes the confusion over what withdrawal means. Discussion over the addition of the term "retired."
- Are objections to the withdrawal covered in the withdrawal process? We should put what withdrawal means in the notification email. Jean notes that Lynn says R1 has expired, so we actually don't need to withdraw it.
- MOTION that MnM withdraw the withdrawal request on R1 and request extension for R2 to complete the ballot activities required: Jean/Andy
- VOTE: All in favor
- ACTION: Jean will send a request for extension for R2; Wayne will check with Karen on how to proceed.
- ACTION: Anne to add review of withdrawal process to next week's agenda
- Many comments/discussion. Will be moving comment to Zulip or Wiki.
- UDI Harmonization Pattern
- Issue is that an Implementation Guide now contains a harmonization specification which will have to come out before publication. Need a formal place to put pattern documents instead of embedding them within other documents.
- MOTION that we will add harmonization documents to our list of HL7 specifications to provide necessary access and visibility; SGB will create necessary precepts to require artifact specification alignment with harmonization patterns: Paul/Andy
- VOTE: All in favor
- ACTION: ARB to consider adding pattern documents to standards grid
- ACTION: SGB to produce a precept requiring that, in order to publish a specification, it has to be conformant to any harmonization patterns that HL7 has published.
- Issue is that an Implementation Guide now contains a harmonization specification which will have to come out before publication. Need a formal place to put pattern documents instead of embedding them within other documents.
- GOM changes re: DMP customization (Freida)
- Group reviews Freida's email. Freida wants to know if we're okay with the five specific changes. Discussion over how this is different from what we do now with the generic and the default DMP templates. This was to avoid the situation we have now where people go wild with changes.
- MOTION that the TSC accepts the proposed changes: Melva/Andy
- VOTE: All in favor
- Melva requests TSC review before the changes go into the GOM.
- Group reviews Freida's email. Freida wants to know if we're okay with the five specific changes. Discussion over how this is different from what we do now with the generic and the default DMP templates. This was to avoid the situation we have now where people go wild with changes.
- Essentialism
- Add to next week
- Withdrawal of Core Principles
- Adjourned at 11:58 AM Eastern
- Open Issues List/Parking Lot
Next Steps
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items |
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