T3F - Transitional Technical Task Force
Face-to-Face Meeting is scheduled for 1.0 hour
Monday Apr 30, 2007 7:00 AM (Central European Summer Time, UTC/GMT +2)
Working Group Meeting in Cologne (Room to be assigned)
Beeler, Blobel, Buitendijk, Case, McCay, Lorenzi, Parker
Preliminary Agenda
- (05 min) Roll Call
- (05 min) Approve Minues & Accept Agenda
- (20 min) FINAL Review of "T3F Cologne Deliverable". Before presentation to Board.
- (10 min) FINAL Review of 5-minute General Session Presentation, (and TSC??)
- (10 min) Logistics for "Open mic" session Monday evening
- (10 min) Other business TDB