2016-08-15 TSC Call Agenda
TSC Agenda/Minutes
Meeting Info/Attendees
Standing Conference Calls
TSC will hold a Conference Call at 11AM Eastern time, each Monday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at TSC_Minutes_and_Agendas.
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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes Location: GoToMeeting ID: 426-505-829 |
Date: 2016-08-15 Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern | |
Facilitator: Ken McCaslin | Note taker(s): Anne Wizauer |
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented | yes/no | ||||||
Chair/CTO | ArB | International Affiliate Rep | Ad-Hoc | ||||
x | Ken McCaslin | x | Tony Julian | . | Jean Duteau | x | Austin Kreisler |
x | Wayne Kubick | x | Lorraine Constable | . | Giorgio Cangioli | x | Freida Hall, GOM Expert |
. | . | . | . | Woody Beeler, TSC Member Emeritus | |||
Domain Experts | Foundation and Technology | Structure and Semantic Design | Technical and Support Services | ||||
x | Melva Peters | x | Russ Hamm | x | Calvin Beebe | x | Andy Stechishin |
x | John Roberts | x | Paul Knapp | x | Gora Datta | . | Sandra Stuart |
. | x | Lynnn Laakso | . | . | |||
ex officio | Invited Guests | Observers | HL7 Staff | ||||
. | Pat Van Dyke (HL7 Chair) w/vote | . | . | obs1 | . | Anne Wizauer | |
. | Chuck Jaffe (CEO) |
. | . | . | obs2 | . |
. | . | . | . | . | |||
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Agenda review and approval -
- Approve Minutes of 2016-08-01 TSC Call Agenda and 2016-08-08 TSC Call Agenda
- Review action items –
- Project Approval Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD of HL7 Personal Health Record System Functional Model – Update from Release 1 to Release 2 format at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10253
- Freida: Does this need to be a Joint Initiative Council (JIC) ballot if it is going to ISO? JointInitiativeCouncil.org mentions HL7-ISO Pilot Agreement and joint copyright in §5.b
- ACTION: Wayne to report back to the TSC after an ISO meeting occurs that will discuss the current process
- Freida: Does this need to be a Joint Initiative Council (JIC) ballot if it is going to ISO? JointInitiativeCouncil.org mentions HL7-ISO Pilot Agreement and joint copyright in §5.b
- Project Approval Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD of HL7 Personal Health Record System Functional Model – Update from Release 1 to Release 2 format at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10253
- Approval items from previous weeks with followup:
- Revised Project Approval Request by the CIC WG of the DESD of Common Clinical Registry Framework Domain Analysis Model at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10051
- Voting Status: Approved by DESD, ARB, International, CTO, SSD-SD; (which means quorum was reached)
- last week's discussion on Realm representation - They are recommended to discuss with the US Realm Steering Committee. John will follow up
- Project Approval Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD for EHR System Immunization Functional Profile Release 2 at Project Insight 1276 and TSC Tracker 10414
- 'Dash/Naming Issue' has been resolved per Lynn's ballot entry
- Voting Status: Approved by DESD, ARB, International, SSD-SD;
- They are recommended to discuss with the US Realm Steering Committee.
- Revised Project Approval Request by the CIC WG of the DESD of Common Clinical Registry Framework Domain Analysis Model at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10051
- Approval items for this week:
- Updated DSTU Publication Request by the PHER WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide: Vital Records Death Reporting (US Realm), Release 1 at Project Insight 1208 and TSC Tracker 10372
- Project Approval Request by the Health Care Devices WG of the DESD of FHIR for Device Data Reporting at Project Insight 1277 and TSC Tracker 10464
- Discussion topics:
- For Work Groups in Yellow or Red status, Gora proposes the following process be implemented when a Steering Division reviews a newly submitted PSS:
- SD communicates the Yellow/Red Status to the WG
- WG must acknowledge the notification that they are in Yellow/Red status
- ARB suggested the following draft definition for “Guidance” Product Type: - Tony
- A Guidance is a type of informative document that describes principles, best practices, and general advice but is not directly related to implementation of one or more specifications.
- Introduction of SGB topic to TSC: Standardization of logging issues/comments across standards - Paul, Calvin, Lorraine
- For Work Groups in Yellow or Red status, Gora proposes the following process be implemented when a Steering Division reviews a newly submitted PSS:
- Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
- Parking Lot/Open Issues List
- SeptemberWGM prep
- Q1:
- Review/update
- Essentialism/Strategic planning
- Q2:
- Architecture - Andy
- Simplification
- Q3:
- Organizational structure alignment concepts
- Simplify and Improve
- Q1:
- HL7 documentation formats across standards families - followup from 6-27 call with associated document
- Assignment of outside projects to WGs:
- 1) We need a process for Universal realm projects; 2) We need a model for top down approval process; 3) We need advice published for people coming in with a project from the outside; 4: we need to clearly define role of TSC and steering divisions in this process. Calvin: US Realm should be added to the list for the US things.
- Continue work on multi-year planning items:
- Simplification of location of meeting notifications, minutes, agendas, and other documentation - merged with Standardization of Processes Across WGs
- Evaluate WG/SD structure: Melva, John, Russ
- Evaluate opportunities for member/non-member engagement: John, Lorraine, Russ w/Anne assisting
- Standards organization hierarchy: John
- Standards sharing across realms: Jean, Giorgio
- Standardization of processes across WGs: Sandy, Melva, Ken, Tony, w/Anne assisting - rescheduling call due to harmonization
- Strategy for PSS management throughout the lifecycle: Jean, Calvin, Dave, EST
- Working on scheduling a call
- For Work Groups in Yellow or Red status, Gora proposes the following process be implemented when a Steering Division reviews a newly submitted PSS:
- SD communicates the Yellow/Red Status to the WG
- WG must acknowledge the notification that they are in Yellow/Red status
- SeptemberWGM prep
- Agenda review and approval -
- For upcoming call: PLA would like to discuss next steps for product family management groups (CDA specifically). Ken suggests we discuss it Sunday night in Baltimore. Austin states that will be too late to cancel the larger meeting on CDA in Baltimore if we discuss it on Sunday. Discussion over whether or not to cancel the CDA session.
- MOTION to defer the CDA management group meeting in Baltimore: Calvin/Paul
- VOTE: all in favor
- For upcoming call: PLA would like to discuss next steps for product family management groups (CDA specifically). Ken suggests we discuss it Sunday night in Baltimore. Austin states that will be too late to cancel the larger meeting on CDA in Baltimore if we discuss it on Sunday. Discussion over whether or not to cancel the CDA session.
- Approve Minutes of 2016-08-01 TSC Call Agenda and 2016-08-08 TSC Call Agenda
- Minutes approved via general consent
- Lynn here to discuss potential DAF ballot deferment
- Lynn received word that an editor discovered broken links and missing content in DAF ballot. Suggestion that we give them time to repair the material and do a delayed ballot opening/closing. Lorraine is inclined to give DAF some leeway because of the short review time.
- MOTION to allow DAF to delay ballot opening to Wednesday and investigate root cause to avoid such issues in the future: Lorraine/Calvin.
- Discussion: How long do we delay? Delayed opening would put their close at the beginning of the WGM. Cuts into WG's time to synthesize ballot comments at WGM. Lynn suggests that Wednesday would be the last date. Anne updates motion to reflect. Need to follow up on the cause of this and avoid in the future. Plan B would be an out of cycle ballot if they can't get it fixed on time.
- VOTE: Andy abstains. Remaining in favor.
- Paul discovered FHIR ballot content missing (a profile) as well and is checking to see if the committee agreed to have it removed (was removed on 5/26). If it was unintentionally removed, what do we do? Freida: on V3 we used to do patches on technical errors with notification to balloters. Lynn: Yes, if you've signed up to patches notifications. You could send an email to all those in the consensus group from the ballot desktop. Paul: how do you publish just a few pages from the middle of the FHIR spec though? Would be easier to uncomment and regenerate and end up with the full thing all over again. Calvin: Perhaps we could add a note in pointing people to the missing content.
- MOTION to contact Grahame and appropriate committees to verify if content should have been present and if it should have been, to add a note to point people to the material by Wednesday: Calvin/Paul
- Discussion: Gora asks if it could be included as an errata sheet to avoid the long download time. Lynn: we do have the precedent from V3 that you can upload patches. John: the note could be inside and outside the content.
- VOTE: All in favor
- Lynn received word that an editor discovered broken links and missing content in DAF ballot. Suggestion that we give them time to repair the material and do a delayed ballot opening/closing. Lorraine is inclined to give DAF some leeway because of the short review time.
- Review action items –
- Project Approval Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD of HL7 Personal Health Record System Functional Model – Update from Release 1 to Release 2 format at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10253
- Freida: Does this need to be a Joint Initiative Council (JIC) ballot if it is going to ISO? JointInitiativeCouncil.org mentions HL7-ISO Pilot Agreement and joint copyright in §5.b
- ACTION: Wayne to report back to the TSC after an ISO meeting occurs that will discuss the current process
- No update because the ISO call hasn't happened yet
- ACTION: Wayne to report back to the TSC after an ISO meeting occurs that will discuss the current process
- Freida: Does this need to be a Joint Initiative Council (JIC) ballot if it is going to ISO? JointInitiativeCouncil.org mentions HL7-ISO Pilot Agreement and joint copyright in §5.b
- Project Approval Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD of HL7 Personal Health Record System Functional Model – Update from Release 1 to Release 2 format at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10253
- Approval items from previous weeks with followup:
- Revised Project Approval Request by the CIC WG of the DESD of Common Clinical Registry Framework Domain Analysis Model at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10051
- Voting Status: Approved by DESD, ARB, International, CTO, SSD-SD; (which means quorum was reached)
- last week's discussion on Realm representation - They are recommended to discuss with the US Realm Steering Committee. John will follow up
- WG feels it should be universal.
- MOTION to accept this project as universal realm: John/Calvin
- Discussion: Paul states that he supports the desire to be universal but the lack of universal participants doesn't qualify it. PSS should state that the desire is to go universal but they would need to be US realm until they get universal involvement. When they go to ballot they should mark it as US realm if they haven't gotten participation. So make it US Realm now and then elevate it to universal once they've secured participation.
- AMENDED MOTION to accept the project as US Realm with change to universal once they've secured universal participation: John/Calvin
- VOTE: All in favor
- Project Approval Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD for EHR System Immunization Functional Profile Release 2 at Project Insight 1276 and TSC Tracker 10414
- 'Dash/Naming Issue' has been resolved per Lynn's ballot entry
- Voting Status: Approved by DESD, ARB, International, SSD-SD;
- They are recommended to discuss with the US Realm Steering Committee.
- ACTION: Anne to add to US Realm meeting tomorrow. John will represent.
- Revised Project Approval Request by the CIC WG of the DESD of Common Clinical Registry Framework Domain Analysis Model at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10051
- Approval items for this week:
- Discussion topics:
- For Work Groups in Yellow or Red status, Gora proposes the following process be implemented when a Steering Division reviews a newly submitted PSS:
- SD communicates the Yellow/Red Status to the WG
- WG must acknowledge the notification that they are in Yellow/Red status
- Gora: What should SDs do in terms of approval, and how do we better coordinate between the entities involved? Freida: We do have the guidance document that Project Services wrote; it was intended to describe what steps the SD co-chairs go through when a WG has anything red. One issue is it doesn't really say how you pass the info along to TSC. We need to change it to look at PBS metrics instead of WGH scores. Paul: we look at if things that they're not completing are things that impact their ability to develop and ballot. Gora: Why then have the checks and balances that are not relevant to ballot? Ken asks Gora to take a look at the document Freida is referencing and come back to it next week. Freida will send link to Gora.
- ARB suggested the following draft definition for “Guidance” Product Type: - Tony
- A Guidance is a type of informative document that describes principles, best practices, and general advice but is not directly related to implementation of one or more specifications.
- MOTION to accept definition: Tony/Andy
- Discussion: Calvin asks if it's a sense that the definition precludes referencing any implementations or complete implementations? Tony: the idea is that it's not an implementation guide. Calvin: Could a guidance document apply to the writing of the standard? Or how you implement an aspect of a standard? Decision that these aspects don't change the definition. Discussion over whether past products would fall under this type.
- MOTION to table the motion until next week: Lorraine/Paul
- A Guidance is a type of informative document that describes principles, best practices, and general advice but is not directly related to implementation of one or more specifications.
- Introduction of SGB topic to TSC: Standardization of logging issues/comments across standards - Paul, Calvin, Lorraine
- Add to next week's call
- For Work Groups in Yellow or Red status, Gora proposes the following process be implemented when a Steering Division reviews a newly submitted PSS:
- Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
- Parking Lot/Open Issues List
- SeptemberWGM prep
- Q1:
- Review/update
- Essentialism/Strategic planning
- Q2:
- Architecture - Andy
- Simplification
- Q3:
- Organizational structure alignment concepts
- Simplify and Improve
- Q1:
- HL7 documentation formats across standards families - followup from 6-27 call with associated document
- Assignment of outside projects to WGs:
- 1) We need a process for Universal realm projects; 2) We need a model for top down approval process; 3) We need advice published for people coming in with a project from the outside; 4: we need to clearly define role of TSC and steering divisions in this process. Calvin: US Realm should be added to the list for the US things.
- Continue work on multi-year planning items:
- Simplification of location of meeting notifications, minutes, agendas, and other documentation - merged with Standardization of Processes Across WGs
- Evaluate WG/SD structure: Melva, John, Russ
- Evaluate opportunities for member/non-member engagement: John, Lorraine, Russ w/Anne assisting
- Standards organization hierarchy: John
- Standards sharing across realms: Jean, Giorgio
- Standardization of processes across WGs: Sandy, Melva, Ken, Tony, w/Anne assisting - rescheduling call due to harmonization
- Strategy for PSS management throughout the lifecycle: Jean, Calvin, Dave, EST
- Working on scheduling a call
- SeptemberWGM prep
Next Steps
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items |
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