2016-08-01 TSC Call Agenda
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TSC Agenda/Minutes
Meeting Info/Attendees
Standing Conference Calls
TSC will hold a Conference Call at 11AM Eastern time, each Monday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at TSC_Minutes_and_Agendas.
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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes Location: GoToMeeting ID: 426-505-829 |
Date: 2016-08-01 Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern | |
Facilitator: Ken McCaslin | Note taker(s): Dave Hamill |
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented | yes/no | ||||||
Chair/CTO | ArB | International Affiliate Rep | Ad-Hoc | ||||
. | Ken McCaslin | . | Tony Julian | . | Jean Duteau | . | Austin Kreisler |
. | Wayne Kubick | . | Lorraine Constable | . | Giorgio Cangioli | . | Freida Hall, GOM Expert |
. | . | . | . | Woody Beeler, TSC Member Emeritus | |||
Domain Experts | Foundation and Technology | Structure and Semantic Design | Technical and Support Services | ||||
Regrets | Melva Peters | . | Russ Hamm | . | Calvin Beebe | . | Andy Stechishin |
. | John Roberts | . | Paul Knapp | . | Gora Datta | . | Sandra Stuart |
. | . | . | . | ||||
ex officio | Invited Guests | Observers | HL7 Staff | ||||
. | Pat Van Dyke (HL7 Chair) w/vote | . | . | obs1 | . | Anne Wizauer | |
. | Chuck Jaffe (CEO) |
. | . | . | obs2 | . |
. | . | . | . | . | |||
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Agenda review and approval -
- Approve Minutes of 2016-07-25 TSC Call Agenda
- Review action items –
- Continue to review 2016Sep Ballot items that are unapproved/required followup
- Approval Items from previous weeks with followup:
- Revised Project Approval Request by the CQI WG of the DESD of Common Clinical Registry Framework Domain Analysis Model at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10051
- DESD: Item 2, WG level of involvement is not completed. Items 6c and PBS metrics review not completed. Item 6D, local and state departments of health should be checked.
- ARB: Is this investigative? Otherwise why not balloting?
- Melva to follow up on items 2, 6c and 6d
- UPDATE: Revised PSS submitted; will be in this week's e-vote
- Project Approval Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD of HL7 Personal Health Record System Functional Model – Update from Release 1 to Release 2 format at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10253
- Freida: Does this need to be a Joint Initiative Council (JIC) ballot if it is going to ISO? JointInitiativeCouncil.org mentions HL7-ISO Pilot Agreement and joint copyright in §5.b
- ACTION: Wayne to contact Ed as he is the formal HL7 rep to ISO
- Freida: Does this need to be a Joint Initiative Council (JIC) ballot if it is going to ISO? JointInitiativeCouncil.org mentions HL7-ISO Pilot Agreement and joint copyright in §5.b
- STU Publication Request by the PHER WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide: Vital Records Death Reporting (US Realm), Release 1 at Project Insight 1208 and TSC Tracker 10372
- Referred by Freida: It seems the Project Insight # may be incorrect reference? Per the ballot desktop, the January 2016 ballot was: HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide: Vital Records Death Reporting (US Realm), Release 1 (PI ID: 735) The Publication Request indicates both project ids, don’t know why 735 says “delete?”
- Anne checked with Lynn; she states "Vital Records' project ID was changed with the new PSS. It used to be 735 but is now balloting under 1208."
- ACTION: Anne to talk with Dave to make sure old project (735) is closed.
- UPDATE: Dave has archived project 735
- Revised Project Approval Request by the CQI WG of the DESD of Common Clinical Registry Framework Domain Analysis Model at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10051
- Approval items from last week's e-vote referred for discussion:
- Project Approval Request by the FHIR-I WG of the FTSD of Data Access Framework (DAF) FHIR Implementation Guide(s) at Project Insight 1265 and TSC Tracker 10402
- Referred by T3SD, Giorgio, and DESD: All comments are regarding deferral of vote until cosponsors have approved
- Referred by Freida: Does this need ARB review of externally developed content? PSS needs to better explain when/what ARB needs to review; change request entered for next PSS update.
- Project Approval Request by the FHIR-I WG of the FTSD of Data Access Framework (DAF) FHIR Implementation Guide(s) at Project Insight 1265 and TSC Tracker 10402
- Approval items from last week's e-vote approved 8/0/0 with DESD, FTSD, SSD-SD, T3SD, Giorgio, Melva, Wayne, and Austin voting:
- Informative Publication Request by the Patient Care WG of the DESD for Health Concerns DAM at Project Insight 929 and TSC Tracker 10401
- Approval items for this week:
- Revised Project Approval Request by the CQI WG of the DESD of Common Clinical Registry Framework Domain Analysis Model at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10051
- DSTU Extension Request by the PHER WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide: Critical Congenital Heart Defects (CCHD) pulse oximetry screening results, Release 1 at Project Insight 897 and TSC Tracker 10412
- Informative Publication Request by the Project Services WG of the T3SD of HL7 Policy for Introducint New Processes, Release 1 at Project Insight 1224 and http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=10413&start=0 TSC Tracker 10413]
- Project Approval Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD for EHR System Immunization Functional Profile Release 2 at Project Insight 1276 and TSC Tracker 10414
- Discussion topics:
- 2016Sep Ballot items that are unapproved/required followup
- Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
- Parking Lot/Open Issues List
- SeptemberWGM prep
- HL7 documentation formats across standards families - followup from 6-27 call with associated document
- Assignment of outside projects to WGs:
- 1) We need a process for Universal realm projects; 2) We need a model for top down approval process; 3) We need advice published for people coming in with a project from the outside; 4: we need to clearly define role of TSC and steering divisions in this process. Calvin: US Realm should be added to the list for the US things.
- Continue work on multi-year planning items:
- Simplification of location of meeting notifications, minutes, agendas, and other documentation - merged with Standardization of Processes Across WGs
- Evaluate WG/SD structure: Melva, John, Russ
- Evaluate opportunities for member/non-member engagement: John, Lorraine, Russ w/Anne assisting
- Standards organization hierarchy: John
- Standards sharing across realms: Jean, Giorgio
- Standardization of processes across WGs: Sandy, Melva, Ken, Tony, w/Anne assisting - rescheduling call due to harmonization
- Strategy for PSS management throughout the lifecycle: Jean, Calvin, Dave, EST
- Working on scheduling a call
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Agenda review and approval -
- Approve Minutes of 2016-07-25 TSC Call Agenda
- Accepted by general consent
- Review action items –
- Reviewed 2016Sep Ballot items_20160801 Updates. Motions/Notes captured in the XLS file.
- Approval Items from previous weeks with followup:
- Revised Project Approval Request by the CQI WG of the DESD of Common Clinical Registry Framework Domain Analysis Model at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10051
- DESD: Item 2, WG level of involvement is not completed. Items 6c and PBS metrics review not completed. Item 6D, local and state departments of health should be checked.
- ARB: Is this investigative? Otherwise why not balloting?
- Melva to follow up on items 2, 6c and 6d
- UPDATE: Dave to put in this week's e-vote
- Project Approval Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD of HL7 Personal Health Record System Functional Model – Update from Release 1 to Release 2 format at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10253
- Freida: Does this need to be a Joint Initiative Council (JIC) ballot if it is going to ISO? JointInitiativeCouncil.org mentions HL7-ISO Pilot Agreement and joint copyright in §5.b
- ACTION: Wayne to contact Ed as he is the formal HL7 rep to ISO
- Freida: Does this need to be a Joint Initiative Council (JIC) ballot if it is going to ISO? JointInitiativeCouncil.org mentions HL7-ISO Pilot Agreement and joint copyright in §5.b
- STU Publication Request by the PHER WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide: Vital Records Death Reporting (US Realm), Release 1 at Project Insight 1208 and TSC Tracker 10372
- Referred by Freida: It seems the Project Insight # may be incorrect reference? Per the ballot desktop, the January 2016 ballot was: HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide: Vital Records Death Reporting (US Realm), Release 1 (PI ID: 735) The Publication Request indicates both project ids, don’t know why 735 says “delete?”
- Anne checked with Lynn; she states "Vital Records' project ID was changed with the new PSS. It used to be 735 but is now balloting under 1208."
- ACTION: Anne to talk with Dave to make sure old project (735) is closed.
- UPDATE: Dave conveyed Michelle Williamson's explanation regarding project 735 vs 1208: Our first IG (DSTU 1) was a V2.5.1 Vital Records Death Reporting IG. 735; The current IG is DSTU 2 – V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG. 1208
- TSC was fine with archiving 735. Dave to put in this week's e-vote
- Revised Project Approval Request by the CQI WG of the DESD of Common Clinical Registry Framework Domain Analysis Model at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10051
- Approval items from last week's e-vote referred for discussion:
- Project Approval Request by the FHIR-I WG of the FTSD of Data Access Framework (DAF) FHIR Implementation Guide(s) at Project Insight 1265 and TSC Tracker 10402
- Referred by T3SD, Giorgio, and DESD: All comments are regarding deferral of vote until cosponsors have approved
- Referred by Freida: Does this need ARB review of externally developed content? PSS needs to better explain when/what ARB needs to review; change request entered for next PSS update.
- Project Approval Request by the FHIR-I WG of the FTSD of Data Access Framework (DAF) FHIR Implementation Guide(s) at Project Insight 1265 and TSC Tracker 10402
- Approval items from last week's e-vote approved 8/0/0 with DESD, FTSD, SSD-SD, T3SD, Giorgio, Melva, Wayne, and Austin voting:
- Informative Publication Request by the Patient Care WG of the DESD for Health Concerns DAM at Project Insight 929 and TSC Tracker 10401
- Approval items for this week:
- Revised Project Approval Request by the CQI WG of the DESD of Common Clinical Registry Framework Domain Analysis Model at Project Insight TBD and TSC Tracker 10051
- DSTU Extension Request by the PHER WG of the DESD for HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide: Critical Congenital Heart Defects (CCHD) pulse oximetry screening results, Release 1 at Project Insight 897 and TSC Tracker 10412
- Informative Publication Request by the Project Services WG of the T3SD of HL7 Policy for Introducint New Processes, Release 1 at Project Insight 1224 and http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/tsc/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=10413&start=0 TSC Tracker 10413]
- Project Approval Request by the EHR WG of the SSD-SD for EHR System Immunization Functional Profile Release 2 at Project Insight 1276 and TSC Tracker 10414
- Discussion topics:
- 2016Sep Ballot items that are unapproved/required followup
- Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
- Parking Lot/Open Issues List
- SeptemberWGM prep
- HL7 documentation formats across standards families - followup from 6-27 call with associated document
- Assignment of outside projects to WGs:
- 1) We need a process for Universal realm projects; 2) We need a model for top down approval process; 3) We need advice published for people coming in with a project from the outside; 4: we need to clearly define role of TSC and steering divisions in this process. Calvin: US Realm should be added to the list for the US things.
- Continue work on multi-year planning items:
- Simplification of location of meeting notifications, minutes, agendas, and other documentation - merged with Standardization of Processes Across WGs
- Evaluate WG/SD structure: Melva, John, Russ
- Evaluate opportunities for member/non-member engagement: John, Lorraine, Russ w/Anne assisting
- Standards organization hierarchy: John
- Standards sharing across realms: Jean, Giorgio
- Standardization of processes across WGs: Sandy, Melva, Ken, Tony, w/Anne assisting - rescheduling call due to harmonization
- Strategy for PSS management throughout the lifecycle: Jean, Calvin, Dave, EST
- Working on scheduling a call
Next Steps
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items |
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