2015-11-23 TSC Call Agenda

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

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TSC will hold a Conference Call at 11AM Eastern time, each Monday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at TSC_Minutes_and_Agendas.

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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
NEW GoToMeeting ID: 426-505-829

Date: 2015-11-23
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Ken McCaslin Note taker(s): Anne Wizauer
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented yes/no
Chair/CTO ArB International Affiliate Rep Ad-Hoc
x Ken McCaslin x Tony Julian . Jean Duteau x Austin Kreisler
x John Quinn x Lorraine Constable x Giorgio Cangioli .
Domain Experts Foundation and Technology Structure and Semantic Design Technical and Support Services
Regrets Melva Peters . Woody Beeler x Calvin Beebe x Freida Hall
x John Roberts x Paul Knapp x Pat van Dyke x Andy Stechishin
. Russ Hamm . . Sandra Stuart (co-chair elect)
ex officio Invited Guests Observers HL7 Staff
. Stan Huff (HL7 Chair) w/vote . x Lynn Laakso x Anne Wizauer
x Chuck Jaffe (CEO) vote . . . obs2 .

. . . . .



  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval -
  3. Approve Minutes of 2015-11-16 TSC Call Agenda


  1. Approval items:
  2. Discussion topics:
    • Continued Discussion on Standards Maturity/DSTU Clarification - Ken, Chuck (15 minutes)
      • Related open motion from Atlanta meeting: MOTION by Paul to modify guidance on DSTU naming to allow for a major release number, a minor release number, and revision number (major.minor.revision).
    • White Paper Publishing Process
      • PIC representatives here to discuss peer review process and need for project scope statement
    • GOM Peer review - any questions? - Freida (5 minutes)
    • TSC representative to the Board nominating committee


  1. Review action items
    • Anne to share TSC statement on errata with WGs
    • John R. to get more info on document with white paper currently in the title
    • Anne to send TRAC report on referencing external docs to publishing co-chairs for review
  2. Approval items:
  3. Approval Items from Last Week's e-Vote approved 6/0/0 with T3SD, DESD, Jean, Giorgio, SSD-SD, and ArB voting.
  4. Discussion topics:
  5. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
  6. Open Issues List


  • MOTION by Lorraine to nominate John Roberts and Freida Hall to the Board nominating committee; second by John Quinn.
  • VOTE: all in favor
  • Meeting minutes from last week accepted through general consent
  • Ballot item containing white paper in title:
    • John R. talked to the WG and they seemed to like Use Case Guide or User Guide; also suggested "guidance" as in Data Sharing Use Case Guidance. Lorraine notes we already have a Companion Guide; could that provide precedence? Paul confirms it is a user guide that is use-case based. Will try to resolve this item next week after the WG has come back with recommendation from their meeting.
    • ACTION: John R. will follow up and report back on the 30th..
  • Ballot item: concern over another project recently using the ODH and injury/poisoning causation codes
    • Question implies that it is a different project that PI ID 1202.
    • ACTION: Pat will do some research with EHR cochairs and DESD. Will review again on the 30th.
  • Chuck here to discuss standards maturity/DSTU naming. Chuck provides three reasons to abandon the use of DSTU:
    • 1) the term draft confuses the marketplace/large segments of the implementation community
    • 2) ANSI no longer uses the term DSTU
    • 3) The term "working standard" has been embraced by the FMG and accepted by the Board. More easily understood by our community of users.
    • Suggests that we move away from DSTU and move on to something the FHIR development team, FMG, and our stakeholders with to use, which is "Working Standard." A maturity model is being used to identify the maturity level of individual components.
    • Ken suggests letting version number stand as the name. Lorraine summarizes that we're just talking about the term we use for naming as opposed to changing the process; discussion over the trial use portion of the name as opposed to the word draft. Confusion is that specifications aren't ready for implementation because it's a "draft." FHIR Is ready to be implemented. Paul states that people don't want to be early adopters because they might change. Normative means it won't be changed. Chuck states that "working standard" is an expression which he has been using that is easier to explain; some of the elements will be grounded and others will continue to evolve - it's not a stable, unchangeable specification.
    • Freida: are we proposing that this name change goes beyond FHIR? Ken: moving forward, we would apply this to more than FHIR - it would be an across-the-board process. ANSI-approved would be normative; other would be "working."
    • Paul: two things to consider - 1) calling everything a standard and differentiating by version number, and 2) the name itself. Is there actually a discussion to be had if the Board has approved a name? Chuck: the board has accepted the name, but it's not trying to impose a name on the TSC. What if we simply drop the name draft?
    • Ken states publishing and project services have the most at stake.
    • ACTION for Andy, Freida, and Lynn to draft a proposal on how to proceed. Discussion that the change for FHIR has already been announced. We need to figure out how this affects the rest of our products. Draft proposal to be discussed on 21st of December.
  • GOM peer review:
    • Any questions? None registered. Vote next week.
  • Update to WG Health Metrics:
    • Pat describes the three items to be added: agendas, meeting room requests, and WGM minutes. Discussion over deadlines. Perhaps we measure what happened before the previous WGM in terms of agenda posting.
    • MOTION by Pat to accept proposal with adjustment to when agenda posting is measured; second by Austin. Will finalize motion when details are hammered out.
    • ACTION: Anne to add to 12/7 call
    • VOTE: all in favor
  • ACTION item: Anne to add Agenda item on the 14th to discuss WGH ballot item for WGs with FHIR content

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • John R. to follow up with WG on renaming ballot containing "White Paper" in the title
  • Pat to follow up with EHR cochairs/DESD to clear up issue with PI ID 1202
  • Lynn, Andy, Freida to draft proposal on how to proceed on renaming DSTUs; draft to be discussed on 12/21 call
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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