Election correspondence
Revision as of 20:35, 4 January 2007 by Charliemccay (talk | contribs)
Liora’s Document on T3F Organization:
Staff should poll members to determine 2 1-hour meeting times between now and the SD WGM include 3 elected from TSC; Bd liaison (Liora? Hans? other?); affiliate rep (as soon as determined) and Board appointee suggest: noon ET 2nd/4th Monday
For Board agenda: review and comment on initial T3F agenda, per below
Initial T3F agenda:
- leadership: chair or co-chairs: one elected, one appointed? topic for Board to discuss
- self-definition: mission statement
- projects & priorities: see list below; T3F should discuss, set priorities, timelines; suggest the T3F proposes a priority and reviews with BoD and TSC in January if at all possible to a) create awareness, b) get buy-in.
- work structure: within and between WGM; suggest bi-weekly telecons outside WGM; within WGM, suggest M-T-Th-F 8:00-9am;
Projects & priorities:
Technical: (from the original Board charter)
- Define parameters of an HL7 technical architecture including:
- Relationship among HL7 technical work products including specifications, implementation guides and tools.
- Relationship of those products to external products/standards
- Define the relationship of these products to the HL7 Products & Services strategy.
- Establish an approach to meeting new product requirements identified by the Products & Services Task Force.
(added later, as illustrations of the above)
- Harmonization of work products: what are the processes and how are they managed?
- When to create a new specification and when to constrain an existing specification?
- When to use messaging and when to use a service oriented architecture?
- When to use a message and when to use a document?
(issues raised during the discussion of the election)
Technical coordination and structures:
- How will the T3F (and future Technical Directorate) work with the TSC, the Affiliates, MNM and the ARB?
- How will the structure and function of the TSC and ARB change to meet the objectives of the ORC and SITF?
- Continued need to distinguish TCs from SIGs: is this still functional?
- Need for formal project teams managed by TCs (2- or 3-tier organization, but not TC/SIG)?
- Need for RIM TC?
- Need for Clinical Statement &/or TermInfo TC?
- Need for other consolidation/refinement of committee structures?