2015-01-22 US Realm Task Force Agenda

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US Realm Task Force Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: Blanco

Date: 2015-01-22
Time: 12:30 PM Central
Facilitator Ed/Ken Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee / Name
Calvin Beebe Woody Beeler Keith Boone
Joe Bormel x Lorraine Constable Johnathan Coleman
Julie Crouse John Feikema x Freida Hall (visitor)
Regrets Ed Hammond Tony Julian x Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler x Anne Wizauer x Ken McCaslin
Regrets John Quinn David Susanto Pat VanDyke
x Mark Roche
Visitor / Name
no quorum definition



  1. Action items:
    • Austin to send out SDWG proposal re: authority for value sets in C-CDA
    • Paul to discuss FMG trackers at Thursday lunch
    • USRTF transition


  • Review of other outstanding issues


  • Meeting began at 12:51 central.
  • Agenda review
  • Reviewed Value Set Maintenance and Stewardship PSS from SDWG/Vocabulary (co-sponsor). Should HTA be a co-sponsor? Yes, will add. Discussion over details. Add Mark Roche to the interested parties as conformance facilitator. Paul suggests that in the event that we have an absentee landlord for vocabulary, Vocabulary should own it. Ken states that he is concerned that folks aren't being given peer review so they can comment. SDWG charged to send out to co-chairs for a one-week comment period. Lorraine moves to approve; Mark seconds. None opposed, no abstentions.
  • Board has approved USRTF being a Board committee. Existing membership of the group will remain as transition team. No discussion regarding US Realm requirements. Will be beginning work on mission and charter for approval by the board.
  • FMG Trackers: when FHIR has issues for US Realm, they will create a tracker item which Paul will monitor and bring through.
  • FHIR US Realm issues - does USRTF weigh in? That question is still outstanding until we know the new roles of USRTF as a board committee. The SDWG project may give the answer he's looking for.
  • Adjourned at 1:25 pm Central.

Meeting Outcomes

  • Anne to take off John Feikema
  • Begin work on USRTF Board Committee Mission and Charter
  • Paul to bring through US Realm issues from FHIR trackers
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • [[1]] Tuesday at 1 PM ET

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