DESD PSS: Clinical Genomics - FHIR Resources

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Return to Domain Experts Electronic Voting Summaries

Please vote on the PSS for the Clinical Genomics Work Group. Enter your name and WG along with your vote. 1 vote per WG. Poll open until June 3, 2014.

Link to PSS: Clinical Genomics PSS

Link to updated PSS based on eVote comments: Updated Clinical Genomics PSS

Link to Doodle Poll


  • Number of participants: 10
  • Most popular option: Affirmative
  • Votes in favor: 7
  • Comments: 3
  • Non-participating work groups counted as abstaining solely for the purpose of counting quorum:
' Affirmative Negative (with comments) Abstain
Craig Gabron (AWG) OK
Jim McClay (ECWG) OK
John Rhoads (HCD/DEV) OK
Floyd Eisenberg (CQIWG) OK
John Walsh (Anesthesia) OK
Laura Heermann Langford (Patient Care) OK
Melva Peters (Pharmacy) OK
Mollie Ullman-Cullere (CG) OK
Dianne Reeves (CIC) OK
Edward Helton BRIDG OK
Count 7 0 3


CIC Monday, June 2, 2014 11:52:02 There is contradictory reference to involvement of SDOs. In section 7 there is the statement '...including OpenEHR, IHE, various affiliates, government organizations and other SDOs.' The inference is that all the organizations mentioned are SDOs, which we don't think is the case. Section 7a. does not include SDOs as external collaborators, and section 7b. states specifically that SDOs will not be included. CIC recommends consistency in this item.
CIC Monday, June 2, 2014 11:23:00 CIC has questions in two areas of this PSS: 1) We do not understand the note made in the implementer section (Note: The implementer requirement will be handled by the “balloting” project. Therefore work groups do not fill out the above section. However, feel free to list implementer resources if you know.) What exactly does that mean? 2) None of the dates in section 3.d. go beyond January of 2014. Isn't current work included? We are willing to change our vote if we understand these two items better.

Review of WG Health and PBS Metrics

  • Work Group Health: Green
  • Review of PBS Metrics: GREEN