2013-12-04 TRAC

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TSC Risk Assessment Committee (TRAC) Agenda/Minutes

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Meeting Info/Attendees

TRAC Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: Wednesday, 2013-12-04
Time: 10:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Pat Van Dyke Note taker(s): Lynn
Quorum n/a
Chair/CTO Members Members
regrets Pat Van Dyke x Rick Haddorff regrets Melva Peters
John Quinn x Austin Kreisler Ken McCaslin


  • Agenda review and approval - Pat Van Dyke
  • Review minutes of 2013-11-20 TRAC (did not meet 11/27)
  • Action Items:
    • Pat will work on developing a straw man for separate criteria for informative ballot reconciliation in 6 months, for example.
    • Pat will check with Karen on options for locking down access to pre-publication materials without violating ANSI openness policies
    • Melva will re-review the T3F risks and give a first draft on impact and likelihood for review on the next call.
  • New updated spreadsheet
  • CDA R3 vs CDA R2.1 and impact on US Realm and CCDA reviewed. This needs to be picked up as soon as ONC comes 'back to life', notes John.
  • TSC referred action: Raising the Bar - New Work Group Health metrics - Since the WGs have hit a perfect score on some of these metrics, we might consider new ones
    • Posting Agendas in advance of WGM
    • Submitting meeting room requests by the deadline.


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Pat unable to make it

TRAC asked to consider the alternate ballot date requests for WG Health by TSC on 12/2. This may be part of a more elaborate balloting metric, bundling together other measures including the balloting in previous cycles, making the correct dates, etc. As discussed last week, the agenda posting, meeting room requests etc should be bundled into a WG Meeting metric. Lynn may need to be copied on the emails going to Lillian on meeting room requests to track these.

Adjourned 10:13AM

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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