Technical Leadership

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WGM Cycle 2013 Technical Leadership call notes

  • 2013-10-04 Ken, John, Tony
  • DAF, SDC, UDI, vMR - Lorraine noted another initiative-based project in a thread to Ken on Clinical Note Attachments, previously Additional Attachment Templates. Need to add to the US Realm Task Force radar. Ken forwards the email to John and will add to US Realm Task Force.
  • Lorraine: moving fast enough with FHIR to keep the interest and not leave the WGs behind. Needs to find out where the BAM assignments got left. Need to set up ArB process for content review and 'sniff test'.
  • Tony: need to insert a checkpoint in the project approval process for the content review.
  • John will reach out to Durwin to see if Attachments has been approached. Ken will also notify Feik.
  • Tony is one year into his FTSD term ending December 2014 - he and Woody will solicit a volunteer interim replacement.
  • Lorraine will be participating in the AUS connectathon in October using the balloted version. Code freeze for January WGM would come in one month with DSTU content. She expresses a Process concern of setting these timelines. This would be the FGB. She will talk to him and bring back update next Friday. There will be another connectathon in NL in the spring.
  • Tony notes a concern of the content of the ballot was not controlled and changes were not announced and Grahame fixed things on the fly. FGB needs to set a governance process and FMG needs to manage/control/implement it.
  • Consider adding TSC Chair to FGB and chair-elect.
  • Lorraine reports that SAIF AP has good action items coming out of it. Keith presented the ECCF matrix applied to projects in SDWG.
  • Approach with Ken participation with ArB and using the Friday call as the communication vehicle discussed.

Jan - May

2013-04-13 Austin, Lorraine

  • Product directorate discussed based on Cecil's assertion that we need an overarching governance structure over FHIR, CDA R2 IG, other product governance.
  • Their job is to understand where the product line is going and how to effectively use the assets of the organization.
  • Management trigger when x occurs the product director kicks in. Conformity assessment also to monitor the process to ensure traceability and whatever level of production what level of conformance can be expected. How does the consolidated governance manifest as a focal point is unknown.
  • Austin reports that Calvin felt this is a strategic initiative along with requirements traceability to be addressed by this. Lorraine notes two levels of methodology - consistency in payloads and information content and production methodology of V3 vs cda vs V2.
  • What happens when I have a problem, how do I escalate, to whom do I escalate. What are the Principles and precepts to make that decision. Need consistency and coherence definitions in methodology. When you cross a boundary with ECCF you need to address the responsibility to define the traceability and coherence.
  • Harmonization has avoided the concept of governance and focuses on methodology. It exercises governance on the RIM and not the products that are derived from the RIM. Work Groups at the WGM are more about silo development and not about harmonization. Co-sponsoring work groups need more involvement (generally) - maybe we need more in the scope statement on what the deliverables from the cosponsoring groups, input and output of interactions with cosponsors. Lorraine notes that some PSS make it through to TSC without the cosponsors voting to participate.
  • Ron asks Lorraine to have ArB enumerate in ATL where conformance and consistency occurs in the business modeling itself.
  • TSC harmonization metric failure needs brainstorming on how this fits into the BAM and how to evolve in future, roles of Steering Divisions and affiliates etc. ArB can then take this into their Sunday session.

2013-03-15 Austin, Ron, Tony

  • Austin's presentation to Board on machine processible artifacts was not what Don wanted, but a list of the artifacts to be held back from non-members. Without criteria he'll have individual board members arguing for their artifacts of interest. In-depth Knowledge areas such as related to forking or areas of ongoing change might be considered instead of the frame of "machine processable".
  • Perceptions and expectations on Tooling also. Chuck was on vacation this week. We created strategic goals and objectives to hang projects from. Don expressed the desire for a high-level vision statement instead. However the Tooling WG is unaware of the considerations of the membership model.
  • SAIF matrix for the artifacts to be distributed in the publication package, as part of SAIF artifact definition. Charlie says no right way to do it but must be done consistently. You can keep tabs on what is the state of the art on a certain representation. Definition by example rather than by methodology. Need criteria around review of the list of those things. They may need to engage with an MnM resource to make those placements. MnM might keep track of where things are manifesting. 'Here's the MnM site that defines artifacts for V3' and reference that as you populate your matrix. CDA IGs have their own release packages with a set of artifacts - ask SDWG for an example for where schematron lays. SAIF AP could take on in a pilot to make a definition.
  • Need to discuss ArB composition before May once Charlie gets back.

2013-02-22 Austin, Tony, Ron

  • Article on PLA to be written for next week
  • What do we do for continuity without Charlie or Jane
  • Loss of thought leadership - Charlie brings a lot of horsepower to ArB
  • Jane already resigned Tooling chair, may be retiring.
  • ArB operating as methodology group for this PLA effort.
  • In a week or two they will have the first steps done enough to walk through with CDA IG product line proponents.
  • Staffing a marketing perspective discussed
  • Value proposition for vendors to see HL7 as key tool to reach their customer base.
  • Austin asks Ron if a Product Director role has been addressed in the models. Not yet.Not yet thinking about maintenance or sustaining. Woody for V3, maybe Tony and others acting as such for 2.x. Can't continue to have John on each governance board or management group but have others who report to him.
  • IP benefits for members. Consultant members advocate free IP to promote activity they can participate in, where their customers have access. Academic membership segment has same attitude. Jane is quoted saying participation in HL7 is pre-competitive analysis. How do we describe that suite of benefits, Strategic engagement. HL7 must be 'seen' as having the thought leadership that represents the cutting edge of the industry and controls the direction of where such assets will go. HL7 needs to become again the place where solution providers (vendors) go to shape the marketplace.
  • John joins 9:53.
  • Marketing the true value of membership which is participation in HL7. Members can shape products/product lines. ONC discussed.

2013-02-08 Austin, Charlie, Tony, John

  • ArB discussion yesterday on the BAM.
  • CMET was trying to achieve this but did not succeed.
  • Need to identify what amount of governance is sufficient, but not go beyond.
  • Product families may be nested - need consistency across product lines.
  • Activity diagrams need color coding by Gov, Mgmt, Methodlgy
  • Need to get the GOC involved - FMG and FGB need formal standing.
  • John will bring up Chuck Meyer's involvement on the next EC call. Need someone from PLA on GOC. Maybe bring Freida into PLA.
  • Non standard queries in FHIR related to public health and HQMF is disquieting to John.
  • Tony notes that UTF-8 at Mayo has been determined to meet all character needs. Jamie Ferguson had asked that our affiliates consider the ISO standard.
  • Add this as a management topic to TSC agenda, Austin will forward email from Jamie. Have SD cochairs bring up to their groups and allow them to self-select.

2013-02-01 Austin, Charlie, Ron

  • Datatypes recommendation is going to the Board on Monday. Presented to EC earlier this week.
  • Ron addresses Grahames concern on IP/patents, and the relationship with IHE, and has John discussed with Chuck. John notes that anything but IP and membership model is hard to bring into Chuck's radar right now. Can't push Grahame too hard for the narrative as he's really exhausted.
  • DICOM relationship is different from IHE. IHE owned by HIMSS but DICOM is not, though RSNA association has dominated the IHE agenda. While Chuck officially owns the relationship but need something down the stack. He needs to let someone else carry the ball on some of these discussions. John describes an issue where IHE needs to initiate a joint ballot with HL7 (for an ONC issue). Question is how do we get an authoritative statement of position from IHE where we have an interest?
  • Also need to be able to take things from the connectathon (after ballot close) and bring them into ballot reconciliation. IHE having their own approval processes is different from FHIR. Need to maintain ANSI accreditation processes.
  • First we need to get Chuck on board with our efforts to establish mechanism with IHE, where he can confirm with Joyce. She may wish to delegate to Keith. Once plan is developed bring back to Joyce and Chuck for ratification. This should not be a one-off process for FHIR but should be a governance precept with interoperability development using FHIR as an asset to retain the authority over the expression of these assets. Need to establish the channels used for change to the asset. Each organization must have their role defined in the governance, management, methodology space as well as the development. Must formalize their participation as a stakeholder.
  • Keith will make assertions but he may not be moving action items up the IHE channel, but likely will confirm his assertions.
  • DSTU - ballot pool is not closed. May not necessarily be a problem for adding comments from the connectathon. Need transparency of attribute source to identify where the comments came from. Austin notes that RIM harmonization tees up changes for the ballot process. There will be a process like this for connectathons that feed into the next normative release.
  • What about membership for participation in connectathons as we have for participation in balloting? Comments come up as a fusion of process between people solving a problem. Attributing such changes to an individual is difficult. We need to have a member acting as the consolidation point for issues that arise to have accountability. Need to address a proposed approach with GOC. Ron will propose that to FGB. Austin suggests Ron ping Freida to consult. There is also a process for approving new processes in HL7 that might be utilized in addressing connectathons as a source of changes for updating a standard, maybe on the same level of peer review. Perhaps we update that process definition to include connectathons as a type of peer review.
  • Monday call, Ron has conflict for FMG and can join second half. Austin won't be there as Board call overlaps. Too early for TSC agenda, but once a draft available can discuss there.
  • Grahame's concern on IP /Patents. If you have to use someone's patented IP to implement a certain HL7 standard. Chuck is aware of the issue.

2013-01-25 Austin, John, Ron, Charlie, Tony

  • Lost minutes from Sunday night - discussion on state vs activity diagrams
  • Austin recounted Calvin noted modeling consistency across product families. Charlie thinks that was on Monday.
  • Also want to bring out distinction between roles and participations.
  • Bring to SDWG for CDA IGs to flesh out the content of the model after TSC/Steering Divisions take a first crack at it. Ron agrees their organizational perspective rather than a WG perspective would be useful.
  • Austin would like to set up additional calls to start work on this. For PLA need TSC and ArB participation to move forward - ACTION ITEM: add to Monday's call.
  • Austin reports that Ken has requested a US Realm Laboratory Product line. Need to write an article for newsletter on this whole thing. Deadline for article is Feb 27th. We can work on that collectively to review on the Friday calls.
  • Datatypes task force resolution goes to EC on Monday and then presumably forward to the Board.
  • TSC needs to create a list of machine-processible artifacts for membership benefit (adjunct to standard not necessarily core components of standard), check with ITS on V2.x schemas. Woody working on the list for V3. ACTION ITEM: Add to Monday's agenda


2013-09-13 Austin, Ken, Lorraine, John, Tony

  • Invite Chuck to Saturday instead of Sunday night.
  • Status of ONC/CDS ballots discussed.
  • If SDC thinks they're balloting, they need a PSS immediately, a lead WG and definition of the products they intend to ballot. Getting it through in one cycle is overly optimistic. Mitigation of expectations or education discussed. Need funding to HL7 not ONC funding of their own PM.
  • Lorraine asks Austin/Ken to join ArB Sunday Q3.
  • 3 FMG candidates; if Josh is not a member he cannot serve on FMG. Austin will follow up.

2013-09-06 Ken, Tony, John, Ron

  • Reassign trackers for members no longer on TSC - ORC liaison responsibilities; reassign to Freida. WGM effectiveness is now Jean.

2013-08-30 - Ken, Austin, John, Lorraine, Ron

  • US Realm task force status update
    • Out of crisis management mode. CDS team to get their content to Don today. Budget for funding a project manager for US Product Line manager is not likely. TRAC reviewing the CDS situation's issues. Thursday lunch will work for the WGM session for US Realm Task Force.
  • Help desk pilot - Will be an agenda topic for Sep 9th. FAQ questions arising in CDA could be answered in RIM FAQ and need more careful vetting than answers given solely by SDWG. Austin will forward the thread to the group.
  • User group task force TSC representative - Austin found out about time commitment, about 1 concall plus 1 hour outside call per week. TSC representation and concern discussed. Ken volunteers.
  • S&I Structured Data Capture - Austin forwards an email - ONC needs to get SDC off the ground, and have reached out to various work groups for time on their agendas. EHR, SDWG, PHER. They need to know that if they intend to ballot, especially in the January cycle, they need a PSS in ASAP and probably too late already due to short cycle and should plan for May. They are scrambling to reverse the problems created by generating their own standards in S&I Framework not through HL7.
  • ArB leadership - Tony volunteered. If named, he cannot hold two voting positions on TSC, need new FTSD cochair. Would also like to get Calvin, Paul Knapp on ArB. Paul might be a good FTSD cochair. Need to avoid bandwidth saturation for self-funded participants. Need to discuss on Sunday ArB meeting and have nominations for Sunday night. Ron will send a note to the ArB informing them of his intent to resign, noting Tony's name as potential chair and soliciting others to volunteer.

2013-08-23: Austin, Ron, Lorraine, Tony

  • ArB leadership discussed. Ron's participation in question. FHIR participation will still proceed but overall product governance group would not be advisable. That leadership needs visibility/credibility to other product lines.
  • Concern over faction fighting in ONC with CDS ballot level. Threat has been issued they will create a competitive US Realm SDO.
  • Ken notes he needs to pull off the WGM Room assignment project from the TSC agenda.
  • Agenda topics for Cambridge: work has been overtaken by events; not having focused on long term but on crisis management. Ron had a list of people to approach after Atlanta that he needs to follow up on. Need to look at underlying mission of ArB and make it more visible to see if it captures the interest of volunteers.
  • Weds AM general session agenda time has been limited to 5 minutes; not enough time. Communication issues at stake; e.g. Austin would like to see sponsor and cosponsor groups emailed when a NIB is filed. Project facilitator must also facilitate the project to ensure it is approved by SD in a timely fashion, and the TSC approves and so on.
  • Cambridge topics: ArB Sunday night. BAM would be one topic but not the only one.

2013-08-16: Austin, Tony, Lorraine, Ken

  • CDS project issue progress discussed.
  • Templates participation lacking, Kai's timezone problematic.
  • Could invite Keith but risk exposing the whole discourse on his blog.
  • He attended FMG this week as an invited guest. MU Stage 3 related standards on the hot seat
  • HQMF an opposing camp for use in regulation than the CDS stuff
  • Jean shouldn't ask why they're coming to HL7 at all though Woody and he don't necessarily want an HL7 label on it.
  • Content review team needs to look beyond Datatypes issue.
  • One alternative is to require them to choose an existing framework FHIR, V2.x, V3 to move forward in their migration plan.
  • What about a US Affiliate WG asks Ken. Governance group for that product line might be the answer notes Lorraine. Calvin didn't think it was a product line.
  • Paid support for US Realm coordination between 25% to 40% FTE.

2013-08-09 Austin, John, Ken, Lorraine

  • CDS project issues continued. Need to rip the V3 label off of vMR.
  • Jean resigned from FMG,
  • concern with FHIR DSTU readiness
  • may want to encourage vMR go-forward plan to work with FHIR as migration path.
  • TRAC is also looking at precepts, mitigations for issues like CDS, ballots from old projects with broad scopes
  • Regular review of projects by outside reviewers e.g. Steering Division. How to make it real from Project Insight management; project aging is masked by updated milestones. Vitality trigger, e.g. time based or event based. Specificity of projects for balloting is another. Receipt of the NIB prior to the PSS is another problem, which has been addressed by Dave to distribute all NIB PSS's to the Steering Divisions whether or not they are approved.
  • Steering Division project reviews, driven by NIBs and publication requests. SDs will have to start meeting regularly. May set up a Steering Division project review board - sounds like the cross-product family governance process (for BAM) for Cambridge
  • Monday, dealing with these issues under Management
  • Governance - DSTU update vs reballot
  • vMR DAM UV Realm due to AUS involvement

2013-08-02 Austin, John, Ron, Lorraine, Woody

  • CDS project issues
  • IG label for an ITS built on a DAM made it to level of ballot approval. Now trying to block publication of the DAM. Not appropriate to publish just to meet ONC's deadlines. John notes ONC had a misconception that reconciliation could only be done at the WGM. He suggested he have weekly calls with ONC leadership to aid their understanding.
  • Lorraine's concern on publishing the earlier release; is it so fundamentally 'off' that we can't fix it? It can be fixed but it was scope creep under the old project scope statement. UV realm also was not argued. Should not be an IG but an ITS.
  • Plan is to do an assessment (by a smaller content review group) in the next week or so and hoping they can go to ballot after fixing it within a month… problematic. Paul has been on vacation. Need a templates cochair as well, maybe Kai.
  • Need US Realm product line project to manage these projects in flight.
  • The Vmr has to do more with clinical research and quality tracking and not MU 2.
  • Data exchange for decision support a better title, not vMR. Kickoff of content group in the need to oversee execution of the plan. TSC task force oversees the issue, content team will examine the content.

2013-06-14 Austin, John, Ron, Lorraine

  • Austin's Aha moment acknowledging T3SD WGs as management groups for product families e.g. V2 Publishing, V3 Publishing. This would be a location for a FMG WG. A working group, managing the asset, etc would be a WG but the governance is separate. They would be the first WG in T3SD that ballots, however. Publishing groups coordinate with other WGs that take the responsibility for managing the ballot project. Does the Steering Division then house the governance aspect? May have to allow governance to span SDs as the development does.
  • FGB needs heads-up. Ron will address with them as there has been some hesitation. HE can also attend Monday's FMG call and raise the issue. Ron will sound out the groups and report back. Austin/John won't be available.
  • Austin suggests we might consider a governance steering division composed of governance boards across product lines. The SD would have representation on the TSC. A key aspect of the governance SD is to deal with cross-product line development issues. WGs like SDWG may have to divide the hats they wear. SDWG/Publishing has already spun off a subgroup on CDA IG quality. There is also CDA R3 subgroup, templates. 95% of it is working on IGs. OO does the same and focuses a great deal on methodology.
  • Austin suggests the ArB might be the convenor of the steering division. ArB would be the methodology group for the governance SD. ArB has always been the TSC's methodology arm. Using a framework people already comfortable with will ease acceptance. They wouldn't generate projects so much as governance principles to be used by other WGs as they execute projects.
  • ACTION ITEMS: Ron will send email and Austin will talk to T3SD on Monday
  • May use this opportunity to figure out better metrics for WGH having balloting groups in T3SD.
  • Ron is invited to join TRAC next week to discuss forming governance points. He needs to document this for FHIR as well and will work on something
  • Nominations: all 4 SDs have candidates, no international affiliate nominee. How to address the chair selection process? Lorraine suggests chairmanship be similar to SD where the chair elected should have experience as a prior TSC member.
  • ACTION ITEM: Austin to review TSC Chair vs GOM list.
  • Lynn to put ballot 12 month timeline on Monday agenda

2013-06-07 Austin, John, Lorraine, Ron

  • Austin sent an article on brand leadership and relates it to the HL7 brands/products.
  • Positioning new products in the market in terms of your brand.
  • CDA R2 CCDA with Datatypes R1, upgrade to CCDA with CDA R3/ DTR2
  • Federal Health Architecture selected VMI for something instead of CDA and will have to map back and forth to CDA.
  • John to raise at Board retreat the dysfunctional relationship between HL7 member vendors who won't cooperate. Common Well consortium does not include Epic with 90% market share. Need to engage market leadership to collaborate more effectively. What is role of advisory council in this? Austin should forward article to Board list and Ticia.
  • CDISC challenges discussed WRT Becky's recent experience.
  • Do we want to put some narrative around this? How do we position FHIR within the HL7 brand? FHIR efforts need to include HL7 in the brand. Make it a branding precept.
  • SAIF CD product brief was one of top pages on HL7 web site last month but not in top ten downloads. Lorraine suggests that they're looking for an implementation guide and finding only the CD. Arden Syntax remains at the top of the download list.
  • TSC list, Austin finding himself running the key projects instead of delegating. How do you solve this. Top risks is overloading key people.
  • IHE ballot announcement may not go out today without description from Lori.
  • Lynn forward Austin new email introduction to Ticia and new marketing person.

2013-05-31: John, Austin, Ron

  • Ron will not be available for Wednesday's call
  • DS4P will have guests on on Monday's call
  • ONC/MU projects stalled in SSD SD with Calvin on vacation and Pat unavailable.
  • Dave looked up projects US Realm or not, of 100+ there were 16 US Realm.
  • EHR Usability claims to be universal
  • BAM product line/product family - added to ArB to-do lists. Assigning folks to areas of expertise
  • Issue escalating through FMG for Vocab, to test appeal/escalation process. Vocabulary binding theory versus implementation practice.
  • Need issues list to work through call by call
  • Threads to wrap up for next trimester
    • Nominations committee having some success
    • Product Director role is a lot of what Austin's been working on and what he's defining.
    • IHE has path forward for immediate future but needs clarity on more formalized balloting past comment. Will need to be built into MOU.
    • Lynn will send the history of notes from which to build the list

2013-05-17 Austin, John, Ron, Tony, Lorraine

  • TSC Nominations committee and candidate slate discussed. "Able and willing to meet chair criteria".
  • Austin notes PHER call discussed IHE content ballot through HL7; Keith wants to move rapidly. Discussion of who would be in the ballot pool. HL7 comments to be considered by IHE, potential ANSI status considered. IHE comment period does not have regular schedule. Healthy weight profile in competition with BMI IG from last cycle. Needs a project scope statement in order to weed out duplicate projects. IP rights discussed. John will close the loop with Karen and invite her to the call.
  • 2.8 recon before 2.8.1; Tony reports that they are concerned about balloters that won't withdraw negatives until they see the revised content.
  • CDS effectively developing their own ITS with a new release of the vMR. We don't have a mitigation strategy in place for this risk. Need to document the rationale carefully to avoid angering stakeholders.
  • Need to focus on closing threads before the next WGM. Change in leadership needs attention to rebuilding sound foundation.
  • Artifact definition: MnM meet with WGs that own pieces of the artifacts to iron out the ISM. Put off ECCF-ISM new project to give that a chance.
  • Nomination committee needs to discuss with TSC chair nominees what the overarching agenda will be of their reign if significantly different from Austin's.
  • TRAC scope includes identifying governance points to the mitigations of risk. Ron notes ArB needs to develop some facilitation capacity to assist.
  • Next week discuss which threads to wrap up for next trimester.

Prior Leadership discussion notes

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