2013-01-14 DESD WGM Agenda

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Return to Domain Experts Meeting Minutes and Agendas


HL7 DESD Agenda

Location: Phoenix 1

Date: 2013-01-14
Time: 7:30-8:30 pm CST
Facilitator Mead Walker Note taker(s) Melva Peters
Attendee Name Affiliation
? Victor Brodsky Anatomic Pathology
? John David Nolen Anatomic Pathology
Yes Terri Monk Anesthesia
Yes Martin Hurrell Anesthesia
Yes Jim McKinley Attachments
Yes Durwin Day Attachments
Yes Craig Gabron Attachments
? Gayle Dolin Child Health
? David Classen Child Health
? Andrew Spooner Child Health
? Mollie Ullman-Cullere Clinical Genomics
? Joyce Hernandez Clinical Genomics
? Amnon Shabo Clinical Genomics
? Mitra Rocca Clinical Interoperability Council
? Edward Hammond Clinical Interoperability Council
Yes Dianne Reeves Clinical Interoperability Council
Yes Anita Walden Clinical Interoperability Council
Yes Walter Suarez Clinical Quality Information
Yes Patricia Craig Clinical Quality Information
Yes Floyd Eisenberg Clinical Quality Information
Yes Crystal Kallem Clinical Quality Information
Yes Suzanne Gonzales-Webb Community Based Collaborative Care
Yes Richard Thoreson Community Based Collaborative Care
? Max Walker Community Based Collaborative Care
Yes Melva Peters Domain Expert Steering Division
Yes Mead Walker Domain Expert Steering Division
? Peter Park Emergency Care
? Laura Heermann Langford Emergency Care
Yes James McClay Emergency Care
? Donald Kamens Emergency Care
Yes Todd Cooper Health Care Devices
? John Garguilo Health Care Devices
Yes John Rhoads Health Care Devices
? Allen Hobbs Health Care Devices
Yes William Goossen Patient Care
? Stephen Chu Patient Care
? Klaus Veil Patient Care
? Kevin Coonan Patient Care
? Ian Townend Patient Care
? Hugh Leslie Patient Care
Yes Mead Walker Patient Safety
? Ali Rashidee Patient Safety
? Tom de Jong Pharmacy
Yes Melva Peters Pharmacy
Yes Hugh Glover Pharmacy
Yes Rob Savage Public Health Emergency Response (PHER)
Yes Ken Pool Public Health Emergency Response (PHER)
Yes Joginder Madra Public Health Emergency Response (PHER)
Yes John Roberts Public Health Emergency Response (PHER)
? Edward Helton Regulated Clinical Research Information Management(RCRIM)
Yes Ed Tripp Regulated Clinical Research Information Management(RCRIM)
? Armando Oliva Regulated Clinical Research Information Management(RCRIM)
Quorum Requirements (Co-chair +7 Work Groups) Met: YES

quorum achieved as defined in the Work Group Decision Making Practices


  1. Roll call
  2. Review Agenda
  3. Announcements
  4. Updates from the TSC
    1. Services Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF) Architecture Program standard language for Mission and Charter Statements
      1. The TSC is recommending that each WG updates their Mission and Charter to include the following wording related to support for the principles and language of the SAIF
      2. The [workgroup name] will develop specifications using the principles and language of the SAIF Canonical Definition (CD) and the restrictions and specializations of the HL7 SAIF Implementation Guide to ensure traceability from Conceptual to Logical to Implementable specifications.
      3. Those workgroups involved in submitting artifacts or methodology to the HL7 SAIF IG will develop this content in compliance with the principles and language of the SAIF CD.
      4. it was suggested that this wording be considered the next time a WG reviews their Mission and Charter
  5. Use of PBS metrics in DESD
    1. Discussion on how they will be used
      1. Each Work Group should be reviewing their PBS metrics when considering taking on new projects to ensure that there are available bandwidth and resources. Also to ensure that projects that have been completed or are falling behind target dates are updated through the Project Management Office
      2. The Steering Division is required to review PBS Metrics when reviewing new Projects brought forward from a WG
  6. Nominations for Work Group Co-Chairs
    1. Work groups must send nominations to HQ within two weeks following the WGM
      1. it is too late to send in nominations when the co-chair statements are sent out
  7. Updates to Work Group DMPs, M&C, SWOTS and Interim Co-Chairs
    1. you must send any updates to these to HQ - they will not review your minutes
    2. please tell them if you review and decide not to make changes as well
  8. Project Scope votes
    1. PHER PSS - Creating Immunization FHIR Resources
      1. PBS Metrics reviewed - are okay
      2. make deliverables based on when resources are complete by PHER rather than tying to the FHIR ballot
      3. Moved by Ken Pool and seconded by Ed Tripp to approve the PHER PSS with the minor updates
      4. Carried 13 For/ 0 Abstain/ 0 Against
      5. Co-Chairs will forward to TSC and FHIR Management Group
    2. PHER OASIS V2
      1. PBS Metrics reviewed - okay
      2. should be updated to clarify what exactly this project will product and forward to SD for review and e-vote
      3. suggested that WG should work with TSC reps to discuss this PSS further
      4. it was noted that this will be balloted and approved separately OASIS
    3. PHER OASIS V3
      1. PBS Metrics reviewed - okay
      2. should be updated to clarify what exactly this project will product and forward to SD for review and e-vote
      3. suggested that WG should work with TSC reps to discuss this PSS further
      4. it was noted that this will be balloted and approved separately OASIS
    4. PHER ELR implementation guide
      1. PBS Metrics reviewed - okay
      2. planning for an informative ballot only, but this will be a requirement for Meaningful Use
        1. There was a discussion about the balloting as informative may de-value the standard. There is a lower "test" for these standards. The co-chairs will forward these comments to the TSC
      3. Moved by Ken Pool - seconded by Walter Suarez to approve the PSS
      4. Carried 13 For/ 0 Abstain/ 0 Against
      5. Co-Chairs will forward to TSC
  9. Mission and Charter votes
    1. none brought forward
  10. Work Group Health Review
    1. DESD Work Group Health January 2013
    2. Changes in Metrics
    3. RED Work Groups (New standing agenda item for all Steering Divisions)
    4. Child Health, Clinical Genomics and Clinical Quality Information - all red
      1. TSC wants to meet with Child Health
        1. discussion of possible dis-banding of Child Health, but paediatricians are complaining that no one is working on their requirements
        2. could fold Child Health into CIC
        3.  ? will follow up with the American Academy of Pediatrics and will copy both DESD Co-Chairs and CIC Co-chair
      2. There was a concern from CQI that they were red when they hadn't even met yet. The DESD co-chairs will forward to the TSC the fact that the CQI group was concerned assignment of a Red category was premature until there is time for a new group to meet. They suggested some time before a measure of health can be assigned to any new group. (updated based on comment from CQI)
      3. Emergency Care - has sent M&C and DMP to HQ but has not been recognized.
        1. EC will forward them to the DESD co-chairs and they will follow up with Lynn L.
  11. PBS Metric Review
    1. DESD PBS Metrics January 2013
    2. a discussion of the PBS metrics and Work Group Health
    3. it was suggested that each work group should consider appointing a Project Facilitator to help them manage activities that related to these
    4. it was noted that there is an issue with the format of the PBS metrics posted - Melva will let Lynn L know about the isse
  12. New Business
    1. Patient Safety - Mead Walker
      1. WG is struggling - main project completed and other project on hold
      2. met with members today with suggestion to disband, but not accepted
      3. WG will discuss with TSC
      4. it was suggested that it may not be a bad thing to disband. If further work comes forward could be brought in under an existing WG or have the WG re-established.

Supporting Documents

  • See links above - hard copies will not be provided


  • Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Update suggested wording for SAIF changes to Mission and Charter to remove acronyms and forward to DESD - Melva
  • PHER FHIR resource PSS
    • PHER to make minor updates and forward to SD Co-chairs - Joginder Madra
    • SD Co-chairs will forward to TSC and FHIR management group - Melva
  • ELR Iguide
    • will be forwarded to TSC - Melva
    • PHER WG will update PSS and forward to SD for review and e-vote
    • PHER WG will update PSS and forward to SD for review and e-vote
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • May 2013 WGM - Atlanta