2010-10-02 TSC WGM Minutes
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TSC Saturday meeting for 2010OctWGM, Cambridge MA
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TSC WGM Agenda/Minutes
HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes Location: |
Date:2010-10-02 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm EDT | ||
Facilitator | Charlie McCay | Note taker(s) | Lynn Laakso |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation | |
? | Calvin Beebe | HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair | |
? | Woody Beeler | HL7 FTSD Co-Chair | |
? | Bob Dolin | HL7 Board Chair | |
? | Austin Kreisler | HL7 DESD Co-Chair | |
? | Lynn Laakso | HL7 staff support | |
? | Ken McCaslin | HL7 TSS SD Co-Chair | |
? | Charlie McCay (chair) | HL7 TSC Chair, Affiliate Representative | |
? | Charlie Mead | HL7 ArB Chair | |
? | Ravi Natarajan | HL7 Affiliate Representative | |
? | Ron Parker | HL7 ArB Alternate | |
? | John Quinn | HL7 CTO | |
? | Gregg Seppala | HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair | |
? | Helen Stevens | HL7 TSS SD Co-Chair | |
? | Ed Tripp | HL7 DESD Co-Chair | |
? | D. Mead Walker | HL7 FTSD Co-Chair | |
? | Tony Julian | invited guest, FTSD Co-Chair-elect | |
? | Patrick Loyd | invited guest, TSS SD Co-Chair-elect | |
? | Jay Zimmerman | invited guest, Affiliate Representative-elect |
Quorum Requirements (Co-chair +5 with 2 SD Reps) Met: (yes/No)
Agenda Topics
Q1 - Roadmap and HL7 Strategic Issues: 9 am to 10:30 am
- Roll Call and Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Welcoming new TSC Member-elects!
- ad hoc membership for Affiliate representation?
- Welcoming new TSC Member-elects!
- Additions to, and acceptance of, agenda:
- Roadmap discussion
- HL7 Business Plan
- HL7 Quality Plan
- Product Quality Plan on Project Insight at Project Insight # 647 - Austin
- Status: Austin - Project scope has been approved. Still need to hold the project kickoff and get the project rolling. Meaningful use got in the way of my spending time on this over the summer.
- Product Quality Plan on Project Insight at Project Insight # 647 - Austin
Q2 - TSC Review: 11 am to 12:30 pm
- (45 mins) Review Open Issues List
- TSC Tracker # 984,JIC Project: Harmonised health informatics document registry and glossary:
- Status: Scope statement pending approval by Steering Division
- TSC Tracker # 1364, Foster development of Product Strategy
- Action Item: #1579 - Create Project Scope Statement for TSC Product and Services Strategy Project - Ken and Calvin
- Status: for discussion
- TSC Tracker # 1513, HL7 Security Considerations - Cookbook
- Status: for discussion
- TSC Tracker # 1547, Publishing committee organization; differentiation between V2 and V3
- Status: for discussion
- TSC Tracker # 1600, Neutral Mapping Notation
- Status: Project scope being revised during ITS sessions at WGM, will come back to TSC after update.
- TSC Tracker # 1635, Determine composition of TSC Nomination Committee
- Status: for discussion
- TSC Tracker # 1640, Definition of substantiveness and update of guidance documents
- Status: for discussion
- TSC Tracker # 1643, CMETs need ANSI updates (no ANSI update since R2!) - how to proceed?
- Status: Woody and Karen will meet in Cambridge to talk about how to handle CMETs. Hopefully, we will have a recommendation on moving this forward by the end of next week.
- TSC Tracker # 1647, How to proceed with NCPDP’s request for mapping to the RIM
- Status: John waiting for resource recommendations from Bob Dolin
- TSC Tracker # 984,JIC Project: Harmonised health informatics document registry and glossary:
- Maintenance project: obtain / publish WG updates to M&C, SWOTs and DMPs
- Task: report Work Group Health, and Work Group Visibility
- Requests for updates to Work Group Health - see WGH Tracker
- Tracker # 1569, Suggested enhancement to decouple WGM attendance from out-of-cycle meetings, that meetings conducted Out-of-Cycle be counted separately from (or not counted as) WGM attendance.
- Tracker # 1572, Suggested enhancement that attendance at Steering Division Face-to-Face meetings at the Working Group Meeting should be measured as a separate metric.
- TSC WGH Metrics Tracker # 1645 Suggested enhancement that attendance at conference calls be compared as a ratio against listserv subscribers to note participation.
- Tracker # 1649, Suggested enhancement to Add metrics to WGH for % of projects having next milestone date in the past
- Tracker # 1650, Suggested enhancement to Change WGH metric update for three-year plan
- Tracker # 1651, Suggested enhancement to Investigate work groups not having posted meeting minutes at WGM to revisit metrics on whether the WG has 'met'
- Tracker # 1652, Suggested enhancement to Investigate work groups meeting minutes at WGM to establish metrics on number of active in-person participants when the WG has 'met'
- Requests for updates to Work Group Health - see WGH Tracker
- Task: Report Project Visibility - Project Insight # 633 for Project Services.
- Establish process to update project status at each WGM cycle if balloting - Target: 2010SepWGM (changed from 2010May WGM) - in progress, need to document
- Retroactively find existing projects' information from 4f: Project Document Repository Location - Target: 2010SepWGM - 79% complete
- Develop enhancement to Project Insight Searchable Database to return URL of project-related documentation - Target: 2010SepWGM - COMPLETED
- Develop wiki page layout example for Work Groups to use for project documentation - Target: 2010SeptemberWGM - need example, wiki resource
- Project Archive process documented for wiki resources - Target: 2011JanWGM
- Task: Report Product Visibility
- Task: report Work Group Health, and Work Group Visibility
- Action item TSC Tracker # 1581, Create Project Scope Statement for TSC T3F Strategic Initiative Review Project
Q3 - TSC Project Review: 1:30 pm to 3 pm
- CTO Report
- TSC Continuous Improvement objectives
- Product Quality Plan at Project Insight # 647 - see Q1
- TSC Communication Strategy Project at Project Insight # 696 - Ravi
- Status:
- Innovations Project at Project Insight # 701 - Ed
- Status:
- Product Visibility at Project Insight # 478
- associated Product Strategy Project (Project Insight # 413)
- T3F Strategic Initiative Review
- EA IP project at Project Insight # 469-
- Action item: Calvin and Charlie Mead will have something for a list of the components that need to be governed for review in Cambridge. (From 2010-09-20_TSC_Call_Minutes)
- See http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/download/trackeritem/1648/7575/SAEAFGovernanceTSC.pptx
- Status:
- How often to request reports to the TSC on TSC-sponsored projects?
- What do we do with project facilitators on TSC projects whose terms end in 2010?
Q4 - Architecture and Tooling: 3:30 pm to 5pm
- ArB
- Action Item #1322 - ArB membership needs to be reviewed and re-confirmed biannually starting with this upcoming WGM.
- Tooling
- Quality Plan reprise - if time available
- Summary of Harmonization review of tension between harmonization and balloting - Woody Beeler (there’s a wiki page for reference)
Tuesday lunch
- (September) Review TSC SWOT
- Next WGM Planning - next two WGMs - agenda links for 2011Jan in Sydney Australia and 2011May in Lake Buena Vista (Orlando)
- Schedule:
- (January) Review TSC Mission and Charter, Decision Making Practices
- (January) Review TSC Decision Making Practices
- (May) Review TSC Three-Year Plan
- (May) Review TSC Communications Plan
- (September) Review TSC SWOT
- Schedule:
Supporting Documents
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Q1 - Roadmap and HL7 Strategic Issues: 9 am to 10:30 am
Call to order 9:05 AM by Charlie McCay
- Roll Call and Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Welcoming new TSC Member-elects!
- ad hoc membership for Affiliate representation?
- Motion: Helen moved to name Jay Zimmerman as ad-hoc member for the WGM. Second by Austin.
- Vote: unanimously approved
- Welcoming new TSC Member-elects!
- Additions to, and acceptance of, agenda: agenda accepted by general consent
- Roadmap discussion
- Austin had tossed out the idea of having the strategic initiatives subjected to membership ballot. He liked the idea. Strategic initiatives had feedback from TSC and Ravi, incorporated into the Board packet for review Tuesday night. Anticipate annual review.
- What does the TSC do with that product? Some will come through the business plan. Bob notes the money will come through he business plan and then we’ll look to the strategic initiatives for what to spend the money on.
- Reviewed Strategic Initiatives criteria document – characterized in a tree format with the HL7 vision at the trunk, source for HL7 Mission, then HL7 Strategic Initiatives, then the Strategic Initiative criteria by which we can determine if the initiatives have been met, within the initiatives criteria we initiate Roadmap Projects. Roadmap projects may fit under one or more of the strategic initiatives. Roughly 3 objective criteria were developed for each initiative. Helen asks if the intent that specific projects will be tagged as Roadmap projects with specific provision of resources or will their roadmap tick marks on the strategic initiatives be the same for any project? Ed notes we could develop a matrix view that better indicates how a dashboard reporting view could be created. Jane notes the criteria must align with the strategic initiative. Bob notes that alignment with the objectives as a cross referenced matrix will allow people to adjust their thinking towards how a project meets the objectives. Helen notes that there are many projects executing, but should note the projects in specific supports of the objectives and dashboard those projects and monitor their execution. If they have a ballot milestone they are not going to meet the TSC calls the project reps in and investigates their challenges. Charlie McCay (CMy) notes this will mesh nicely with the discussion on the project visibility project.
- Back to the Strategic Initiative Criteria document; Bob’s hope is to have the Board approve the document and then go through an annual cycle.
- Charlie Mead (CMd) asks if there was internal change management addressed towards achieving the success criteria? CMy asks what issues he has in mind… Bob agrees this should be addressed, noting NHS SMD or SAIF, great ideas but what is the transition strategy? CMy notes we have clear change management in HL7 with Work Groups, products, and projects; should use those tools. SAIF EA IP project as example is failing. Need to address in the context of the Work Group. Transition strategies for key initiatives need to be more efficient. John notes with getting SAIF out of the ArB and into mainstream processes we are challenged. Patrick notes that with SAIF it’s more than one thing, it’s a bunch of pieces in different stages of maturity. Woody observes pressure from the other side, that committees have resource issues, but if they are eager to begin but don’t have guidance from the TSC on how to do so. They have been waiting for governance. CMy notes MnM notes they need a scope on how the methodology is impacted by the SAIF work, so that everyone can see that the activity is actually happening somewhere within HL7. The change management needs to happen within the structure of our project management. Ron says ArB has not reached out actively as they should to obtain support. They haven’t had the cycles to move the agenda forward and he sees based on this discussion the ArB needs to act upon that right away. He sees the potential knowledge is out there, they know where their gaps are but don’t have the resource is to act upon them. Bob notes that with the SI we can see what our organizational priorities are, so that when dollars are available they can flow into it.
- Proposed process; rename Roadmap committee to SI Committee with current membership composition, ballot for comment only on vision, mission, SI and SI criteria. Inspired by comments to IFR by MU effort, he would like to see comments resolved by SI Cmte and draft revision published. TSC and Board would provide input over spring WGM and Board retreat, and in Sept publish another draft revision, take review with Board and submit for Board approval November or December, starting the cycle again in January with membership ballot. Chuck notes the metrics on which projects are evaluated are based on the existing SI criteria not the proposed. Bob notes they reserve the right to act quickly. Austin notes it’s missing a change request process to collect suggestions and requests. Bob notes that the membership ballot also should ask for suggestions and requests, that the wiki page that has been available for suggestions has never been used for such in the two years it’s been out there. CMy asks how are the draft set of initiatives to be used? How to keep the CxO and staff focused on what the issues are right now rather than what we thought the issues were 12 months ago? The Dashboard reporting is expected to provide that visibility. Austin reminds that to ballot, it needs to be formalized as a project with a Project Scope Statement. Calvin asks when the last point in the cycle that something of substance can be changed before it goes to Board approval and then ballot. When the Board approves the document first week of November, it will be put forth for comment and revisions that would be reviewed and left open for approval the next year. Some working in the GOM revisions needs to be made carefully. Mead says he’d rather see it balloted as not part of the normal ballot cycle. Austin notes that those that take time to participate in balloting are already in the mode. Helen adds that out of cycle takes so much more organizational resources. Bob notes that disposition of comments is easier if we follow an existing process.
- Austin had tossed out the idea of having the strategic initiatives subjected to membership ballot. He liked the idea. Strategic initiatives had feedback from TSC and Ravi, incorporated into the Board packet for review Tuesday night. Anticipate annual review.
- HL7 Business Plan
- Chuck noted the Board identified a separation of responsibilities predicated on revenue generation, expenses, and performance. At the Board level decided they needed to provide a business plan and development cycle for raising revenue and provide for process. Task force created around time of the retreat to focus on business plan development and crate RFP. Three groups responded for the creation and implementation of the plan along with metrics around effectiveness of implementation; they had three superb submissions. 15 month process was envisioned. At the Board meeting they will present the findings of the Business Plan task force and the award winner will begin developing the process in concert with the Board. 15 month timeline in concert with intellectual property considerations and other activities. TSC will need to wait to see how they will support the new approach. Bob thinks that the best input is through the strategic initiatives to show what the priorities are. Most approaches suggested that the TSC would be responsible for guidance on implementing the strategies in allocating resources to the projects. Ron notes that knowing how the organization obtains revenue the TSC needs to ensure we provide value back. Chuck notes that each proposal suggests interaction with the TSC in different ways to engage that activity. Calvin notes that this relates to governance of the governance; semantics of business plan may be confusing people. Board leve business plan is more focused toward revenue generation. Bob notes the TSC may be able to formulate exactly what it is we’re selling in our value package. Chuck notes you need to connect the value of what you get from HL7 and what you pay for it for which the perception does not exist today. CMy notes that the steering portion of the TSC for encouraging certain projects, routing others to other SDOs, should be based on the strategic initiatives. Infrastructure and resource to maintain and sustain key projects is tied to budget and needs to interact with business planning group. TSC needs a product strategy to say what our products look like, they fit within an architecture, they are useful and they are used. Chuck asks if we generate products and services that can be used rather than focusing on products that will generate revenue.
- HL7 Quality Plan. CMy notes businesses ask: is it worthwhile (SI), can we do it (viability), can we afford to do it (revenue, sponsorship)? The TSC needs the projects to be responsible for answering those questions. The Working Group needs to generate products not just turnout specifications. Helen notes projects are not typically successful without external organizations committed with resources. Projects that come through the TSC are very ground-up. Ed adds a fourth question that will it get us to where we want to go… Patrick asks if we’ve ever turned anyone down. Not if the CEO asks, and offers resources, but if just a programmer attends a meeting and asks for help with something they may not find others to help. Chuck notes that he’s often discussed with the government agencies that they think they can send resources to work only on their projects but support for the balloting and publishing after the fact has often been overlooked. Also, to have people work on your project you must support the organization by working on other people’s projects. Layoffs have been a problem where key participants lost their organizational support.
- CMy notes the TSC needs guidance on what is the product strategy and what is the financial model, to be receptive to the strategic guidance. We have to wait for the Board decision; Helen notes we should perhaps have the TSC have a special call. Chuck notes that there’s been demand to insert extra meetings in between to promote the business plan. Thinking must be re-cast among the Working Group says Helen, at the ground level.
- Bob notes we will try to sell a value proposition to a sponsor and they may say, that’s nice, but what we really want is xyz. Helen notes we need to identify customers who will pay for the IP developed; Chuck notes he refers to them as stakeholders. Ken thinks it is important to evaluate projects based on our strategy. CMy notes 3 yrs ago it was organic, proposals were useful, but people didn’t know where things were happening and duplication existed. Work Group Health, visibility of minutes, etc. Projects are the next step. Project visibility will help external organizations see what is happening and where they can put their resources as well as expose the holes. Usually attendees sent by organizations saying “I want a specification with an HL7 badge” but won’t pay for anything over and above. Specification development service is major revenue generation, but major cost center for collateral input from HQ and other members. Escrow piece for existing product (IP) has another type of value generation. Chuck notes the old model worked well for a long time but can no longer scale further.
- Having received a better overview of the strategic issues in Q1, we are moving into the next quarter to address issues ‘in the weeds’.
- Product Quality Plan on Project Insight at Project Insight # 647 - Austin
- Status: Austin - Project scope has been approved. Still need to hold the project kickoff and get the project rolling. Meaningful use got in the way of my spending time on this over the summer.
Recessed 10:35am
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items