Roadmap Project SubGroup 1
Revision as of 18:54, 11 March 2010 by WoodyBeeler (talk | contribs)
Ed Tripp, Woody Beeler, Gregg Seppala, John Quinn, Charlie McCay
Mini Mail List
Edward Tripp <>, Charlie McCay <>, Gregg Seppala <>, Woody Beeler <>, John Quinn <>, "Karen Van Hentenryck (HL7)" <>
Near term assigned task
- Were assigned Strategic Initiatives 2 and 4 in TSC Smart Objectives for Strategic Initiatives (Caution: The format of this document is "fragile" and Word will restructure it if you attempt to change the bullet lists.)
- Meet in between Roadmap Committee meetings; meet twice before April.
- Come up with 3-4 SMART objective per Strategic Initiative
- SMART is: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, trackable
SI 2. Streamline the HL7 standards development process
Optimize HL7 internal processes to more effectively deliver global and realm-specific standards particularly in response to new "customer" requirements.
SMART Objectives
Initial topic list for SMART objectives:
- Process and quality improvement
- Enhance ability to quickly develop low-error "output" products
- Configuration management in development process
- Requirements and traceability -
- How to understand the customer needs and document them
- How to trace the requirements to the end result (and back)
- Templates -
- Finish the definition of templates and position them relative to (in contrast to) full-blown "domain-topic" specification.
SI 4. Define an overarching and internally consistent interoperability framework
Maximize design reuse by ensuring consistency of models across HL7 specifications
SMART Objectives
Initial topic list for SMART objectives:
- Identify and "manage" inconsistency within a product "family" and between families (CDA, messages, services)
- Set Architecture to use "common" models for all three families
- Establish process for eliminating extant inconsistencies over time.