2018-06-11 TSC Call Agenda
TSC Agenda/Minutes
Meeting Info/Attendees
Standing Conference Calls
TSC will hold a Conference Call at 11AM Eastern time, each Monday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at TSC_Minutes_and_Agendas.
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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes Location: GoToMeeting ID: 426-505-829 |
Date: 2018-06-11 Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern | |
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler | Note taker(s): Anne Wizauer |
Quorum = chair + 5 including 2 SD represented | yes/no | ||||||
Chair/CTO | ArB | International Affiliate Rep | Ad-Hoc | ||||
x | Austin Kreisler | x | Tony Julian | x | Jean Duteau | x | John Roberts, GOM Expert |
x | Wayne Kubick | x | Lorraine Constable | x | Giorgio Cangioli | Regrets | Ken McCaslin |
Domain Experts | Foundation and Technology | Structure and Semantic Design | Technical and Support Services | ||||
Regrets | Melva Peters | Regrets | Russ Hamm | . | Austin Kreisler | x | Andy Stechishin |
x | Floyd Eisenberg | x | Paul Knapp | x | Mary Kay McDaniel | . | Sandra Stuart |
ex officio | Invited Guests | Observers | HL7 Staff | ||||
x | Calvin Beebe (HL7 Chair) w/vote | . | . | obs1 | x | Anne Wizauer | |
. | Chuck Jaffe (CEO) |
. | . | . | obs2 | . |
. | . | . | . | . | |||
- Housekeeping
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Agenda review and approval -
- Approve Minutes of 2018-06-04 TSC Call Agenda
- Review action items –
- Melva to put together an M&C template for steering division cochairs to use to update their M&Cs
- Melva to develop default DMP for steering divisions
- SDs are invited to submit input to organizational SWOT by 2018-06-25
- Anne to update and post updated generic product family mission and charter
- Review ARB definition of guidance document on next week's call
- Approval items from last week's e-vote referred for discussion:
- Project Approval Request by the SOA WG of the ISD for HL7 Cloud Planning Guide at Project Insight 1223 Project Insight 897 and TSC Tracker 17293
- Referred by Giorgio: One of the focal points is “A discussion of security and privacy considerations associated with cloud, with particular focus on the blueprints.” Why the security WG is not a co-sponsor?
- STU Publication Request by the OO WG of the ASD for HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: S&I Framework Laboratory Test Compendium Framework (eDOS) R2, STU Release 3 - US Realm" at Project Insight 973 and TSC Tracker 17286
- Referred by Clinical SD: Need to discuss if it is acceptable to publish with 2 substantive items.
- STU Publication Request by the OO WG of the ASD for "HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Laboratory Orders (LOI) from EHR, Release 1, STU Release 3 - US Realm at Project Insight 922 and TSC Tracker 17287
- Referred by Clinical SD: This project also relied on S&I Framework – Note comment from Riki Merrick “There is also an errata page that is separate from this – normally those are combined – need to check with Lynn on that: http://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=427”. Has this been resolved?
- Project Approval Request by the SOA WG of the ISD for HL7 Cloud Planning Guide at Project Insight 1223 Project Insight 897 and TSC Tracker 17293
- Approval items from last week's e-vote:
- STU Publication Request by the OO WG of the ASD for "HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Laboratory Results Interface (LRI), Release 1, STU Release 3 - US Realm' at Project Insight 973 Project Insight 1294 and TSC Tracker 17288
- STU Publication Requests by the OO WG of the ASD for HL7 Version 2 Implementation Guide: Laboratory Value Set Companion Guide, Release 2 – US Realm at Project Insight 973 and TSC Tracker 17289
- STU Publication Request by the Mobile Health WG of the ISD for HL7 Consumer Mobile Health Application Functional Framework (cMHAFF), Release 1 at Project Insight 1182 Project Insight 1182 and TSC Tracker 17290
- Normative Notification by the Public Health WG of the CSD for HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide for the Messaging of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) at Project Insight 898 Project Insight 898 and TSC Tracker 17291
- Normative Notification by the Public Health WG of the CSD for HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide for the Messaging of Newborn Screening using pulse oximetry devices for Critical Congenital Heart Defects (CCHD) at Project Insight 897 and TSC Tracker 17292
- WG Merge Request by the Clinicial Statement WG of the CSD at TSC Tracker 17294
- Normative Notification by the Public Health WG of the CSD for Vital Records Death Reporting V2.6 at Project Insight 1208 Project Insight 897 and TSC Tracker 17295
- Approval items for this week:
- Review/Approval of Updated TSC Mission and Charter at TSC Tracker 17337
- Review/Approval of Updated Pharmacy WG Mission and Charter at TSC Tracker 17338
- Project Approval Request by the Structured Docs WG of the ISD for CDA XSL update for CDA Release 2.1 at Project Insight 1421 and TSC Tracker 17339
- Project Approval Request by the CDS WG of the CSD for FHIR Resources for Evidence-Based Medicine Knowledge Assets (EBMonFHIR) at Project Insight 1422 and TSC Tracker 17340
- Discussion topics:
- Review/approval of V2 Management Group candidate slate
- From SGB: Redirecting ballot comments
- HL7-TSC SWOT: Weaknesses and Threats (15 min) - Austin
- Open Issues List/Parking Lot
- WG Health task force
- Vocabulary tooling (from SGB)
- Leadership succession planning (from SGB)
- From SGB: Redirecting ballot comments
- Look into ways to integrate new projects into HL7 including resource requirements - MK
- Define organizational function of bringing external projects in – Paul
- Look at ways to determine if projects coming in are HL7-appropriate projects from a resource and scope standpoint - ARB to comment if our current process is comprehensive
- Interest/User Groups
- Substantive change/management group responsibilities
- Housekeeping
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- No visitors
- Agenda review and approval -
- Paul notes we should discuss an issue with VMR XML.
- Approve Minutes of 2018-06-04 TSC Call Agenda
- Approved via general consent
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Review action items –
- Melva to put together an M&C template for steering division cochairs to use to update their M&Cs
- Carry forward
- Melva to develop default DMP for steering divisions
- Carry forward
- SDs are invited to submit input to organizational SWOT by 2018-06-25
- Carry forward
- Anne to update and post updated generic product family mission and charter
- Carry forward
- Review ARB definition of guidance document on next week's call
- Carry forward
- Austin to stand up a naming convention task force
- Carry forward
- Melva to put together an M&C template for steering division cochairs to use to update their M&Cs
- Approval items from last week's e-vote referred for discussion:
- Project Approval Request by the SOA WG of the ISD for HL7 Cloud Planning Guide at Project Insight 1223 Project Insight 897 and TSC Tracker 17293
- Referred by Giorgio: One of the focal points is “A discussion of security and privacy considerations associated with cloud, with particular focus on the blueprints.” Why the security WG is not a co-sponsor?
- Giorgio withdraws the issue.
- Referred by Giorgio: One of the focal points is “A discussion of security and privacy considerations associated with cloud, with particular focus on the blueprints.” Why the security WG is not a co-sponsor?
- STU Publication Request by the OO WG of the ASD for HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: S&I Framework Laboratory Test Compendium Framework (eDOS) R2, STU Release 3 - US Realm" at Project Insight 973 and TSC Tracker 17286
- Referred by Clinical SD: Need to discuss if it is acceptable to publish with 2 substantive items.
- Lorraine notes that it’s okay for STU. Group agrees. Issue resolved.
- Referred by Clinical SD: Need to discuss if it is acceptable to publish with 2 substantive items.
- STU Publication Request by the OO WG of the ASD for "HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Laboratory Orders (LOI) from EHR, Release 1, STU Release 3 - US Realm at Project Insight 922 and TSC Tracker 17287
- Referred by Clinical SD: This project also relied on S&I Framework – Note comment from Riki Merrick “There is also an errata page that is separate from this – normally those are combined – need to check with Lynn on that: http://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=427”. Has this been resolved?
- Lynn states she has what she needs. Issue resolved.
- Referred by Clinical SD: This project also relied on S&I Framework – Note comment from Riki Merrick “There is also an errata page that is separate from this – normally those are combined – need to check with Lynn on that: http://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=427”. Has this been resolved?
- Project Approval Request by the SOA WG of the ISD for HL7 Cloud Planning Guide at Project Insight 1223 Project Insight 897 and TSC Tracker 17293
- Approval items from last week's e-vote:
- STU Publication Request by the OO WG of the ASD for "HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Laboratory Results Interface (LRI), Release 1, STU Release 3 - US Realm' at Project Insight 973 Project Insight 1294 and TSC Tracker 17288
- STU Publication Requests by the OO WG of the ASD for HL7 Version 2 Implementation Guide: Laboratory Value Set Companion Guide, Release 2 – US Realm at Project Insight 973 and TSC Tracker 17289
- STU Publication Request by the Mobile Health WG of the ISD for HL7 Consumer Mobile Health Application Functional Framework (cMHAFF), Release 1 at Project Insight 1182 Project Insight 1182 and TSC Tracker 17290
- Normative Notification by the Public Health WG of the CSD for HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide for the Messaging of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) at Project Insight 898 Project Insight 898 and TSC Tracker 17291
- Normative Notification by the Public Health WG of the CSD for HL7 Version 2.6 Implementation Guide for the Messaging of Newborn Screening using pulse oximetry devices for Critical Congenital Heart Defects (CCHD) at Project Insight 897 and TSC Tracker 17292
- WG Merge Request by the Clinicial Statement WG of the CSD at TSC Tracker 17294
- Normative Notification by the Public Health WG of the CSD for Vital Records Death Reporting V2.6 at Project Insight 1208 Project Insight 897 and TSC Tracker 17295
- MOTION to approve all items: Lorraine/Floyd
- VOTE: All in favor
- Discussion topics:
- Review/approval of V2 Management Group candidate slate
- Group reviews slate. Will continue to solicit for International and Payer representatives.
- MOTION to approve: Paul/John
- VOTE: All in favor
- Group reviews slate. Will continue to solicit for International and Payer representatives.
- From SGB: Redirecting ballot comments
- This is where someone submits comments on the wrong ballot and the comments have to be shuffled over to the correct WG. Formally, the actual vote that was submitted against the wrong ballot can’t be changed/moved. In the past it was handled informally by cutting/pasting spreadsheets from one to another. What has complicated it this cycle with FHIR is that these votes are being submitted in tracker against the wrong ballot, so they all end up as tracker items triaged as not related. Need to have guidance put out to WGs on how to handle this in relation to tracker items. Can’t fix the problem in the wrong specification. Could create a new tracker in the appropriate area but must leave the original vote there with the not related disposition. We also need to have a process for JIRA balloting. If the WG wants to fix the issue that was submitted on the wrong ballot that was marked as not related, they can create a new tracker item against the appropriate resource/artifact and create a link between those two saying “we’re resolving the issue identified here.” Floyd: But there’s no requirement to fix the issue as part of reconciliation? Austin: Yes, that’s where the WG needs to make a decision on whether or not it’s important enough to fix. Floyd: The critical thing is the tracability. Tony: It still says in the GOM that not related means we’re not going to take care of it this time but will fix it in future releases. Paul: That is not intended to be a guarantee.
- ACTION: Austin to craft messaging on the formal process to co-chairs and make sure it gets into the JIRA ballot process
- ACTION: John to get this into the GOC agenda
- This is where someone submits comments on the wrong ballot and the comments have to be shuffled over to the correct WG. Formally, the actual vote that was submitted against the wrong ballot can’t be changed/moved. In the past it was handled informally by cutting/pasting spreadsheets from one to another. What has complicated it this cycle with FHIR is that these votes are being submitted in tracker against the wrong ballot, so they all end up as tracker items triaged as not related. Need to have guidance put out to WGs on how to handle this in relation to tracker items. Can’t fix the problem in the wrong specification. Could create a new tracker in the appropriate area but must leave the original vote there with the not related disposition. We also need to have a process for JIRA balloting. If the WG wants to fix the issue that was submitted on the wrong ballot that was marked as not related, they can create a new tracker item against the appropriate resource/artifact and create a link between those two saying “we’re resolving the issue identified here.” Floyd: But there’s no requirement to fix the issue as part of reconciliation? Austin: Yes, that’s where the WG needs to make a decision on whether or not it’s important enough to fix. Floyd: The critical thing is the tracability. Tony: It still says in the GOM that not related means we’re not going to take care of it this time but will fix it in future releases. Paul: That is not intended to be a guarantee.
- HL7-TSC SWOT: Weaknesses and Threats (15 min) – Austin
- Austin reviews submissions thus far. Weaknesses: 1) An aging volunteer resource pool; 2) Complex rules for many HL7 processes. Threats: 1) Lack of an appropriate business model for open source standards (free IP); consequence is shrinking membership and revenue base. Paul: We have multiple decision making processes – the official ones and the other ones. Lorraine: We have a communication disconnect between the Board and the operational level. Would call that a weakness. Mary Kay: We have complex rules for participation; we don’t make things easy. Need to figure out a way to address that. There is an old boys network at HL7 that is difficult to break through. If someone is new and isn’t sponsored by one of the players in the group, it is hard for them to make it. Not sure how to address it. If we want to broaden participation we need to be more open. Floyd: There tends to be a dismissal of participation if you’re not a tool developer. Lorraine: We have a lot of talented people coming up who we need to encourage to grow into leadership capacities. We do have cliques. Jean: A weakness is that we’re slow to react to changing technologies – ballot process, wikis, Zulip, Confluence, etc. We’re reactive rather than proactive. Lorraine: We have to balance that with maintaining transparency. John: We continue to have a threat from the US government’s need to have standards in a hurry. Floyd: We have a lack of governance in some areas. Lorraine: We should look at our younger talented pool of people as an opportunity to bring them forward. Also need to look at how to bring in the board’s strategic priorities in the operations of the organization. Austin: Have been executing against strategic initiatives from 5-7 years ago. Lorraine: We had a new set of strategic initiatives from Pat, but they haven’t been fully realized yet.
- ACTION: Review board’s strategic goals on upcoming calls
- Austin reviews submissions thus far. Weaknesses: 1) An aging volunteer resource pool; 2) Complex rules for many HL7 processes. Threats: 1) Lack of an appropriate business model for open source standards (free IP); consequence is shrinking membership and revenue base. Paul: We have multiple decision making processes – the official ones and the other ones. Lorraine: We have a communication disconnect between the Board and the operational level. Would call that a weakness. Mary Kay: We have complex rules for participation; we don’t make things easy. Need to figure out a way to address that. There is an old boys network at HL7 that is difficult to break through. If someone is new and isn’t sponsored by one of the players in the group, it is hard for them to make it. Not sure how to address it. If we want to broaden participation we need to be more open. Floyd: There tends to be a dismissal of participation if you’re not a tool developer. Lorraine: We have a lot of talented people coming up who we need to encourage to grow into leadership capacities. We do have cliques. Jean: A weakness is that we’re slow to react to changing technologies – ballot process, wikis, Zulip, Confluence, etc. We’re reactive rather than proactive. Lorraine: We have to balance that with maintaining transparency. John: We continue to have a threat from the US government’s need to have standards in a hurry. Floyd: We have a lack of governance in some areas. Lorraine: We should look at our younger talented pool of people as an opportunity to bring them forward. Also need to look at how to bring in the board’s strategic priorities in the operations of the organization. Austin: Have been executing against strategic initiatives from 5-7 years ago. Lorraine: We had a new set of strategic initiatives from Pat, but they haven’t been fully realized yet.
- Review/approval of V2 Management Group candidate slate
Next Steps
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items |
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