2011-07-25 TSC Call Minutes

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TSC Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Info/Attendees

Temporary Conference Call coordinates (pilot of new bridge)

Call in number: +1 706-634-4215

Passcode stays the same: 124466#

HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes

'Location: call 770-657-9270 706-634-4215 using code 124466#
GoToMeeting ID: 165-215-206

Date: 2011-07-25
Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Austin Kreisler Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name Affiliation
? Calvin Beebe HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair
? Woody Beeler HL7 FTSD Co-Chair
? Bob Dolin HL7 Board Chair
? Tony Julian HL7 FTSD Co-Chair
? Austin Kreisler HL7 TSC Chair, DESD Co-Chair
? Lynn Laakso HL7 staff support
? Patrick Loyd HL7 T3SD Co-Chair
? Ken McCaslin HL7 T3SD Co-Chair
? Charlie Mead HL7 ArB Chair
? Ravi Natarajan HL7 Affiliate Representative
? Ron Parker HL7 ArB Alternate
regrets John Quinn HL7 CTO
? Gregg Seppala HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair
? Ed Tripp HL7 DESD Co-Chair
? Jay Zimmerman HL7 Affiliate Representative

Quorum Requirements (Chair +5 with 2 SD Reps) Met: (yes/No)


Agenda Topics

  1. Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
  2. Agenda review and approval - Austin Kreisler
  3. Approve Minutes of 2011-07-11 TSC Call Agenda, 2011-07-18 TSC Call Agenda
  4. Review action items
  5. Approval items:
    • Product List Categorization, at TSC Tracker # 1985
    • Motion: Approve Project Scope Statement for Electronic Services of T3SD: Workgroup Scratchpad Webspace at Project Insight ID 794, TSC Tracker # 1996
    • CIC requests a name change for HL7 Version 3 Domain Analysis Model: Cardiology; Acute Coronary Syndrome, Release 2 to HL7 Version 3 Domain Analysis Model: Cardiology, Release 2.
      Rationale: This current ballot is much broader than ACS data elements from the previous ballot and includes a broad scope across various domains of cardiology.
    • O&O of SSDSD requests an out of cycle ballot for Version 2 Release 1 S&I Framework Lab Results Interface Implementation Guide for V2.5.1, requiring endorsement by the TSC and final approval by the EC (externally developed document), at TSC Tracker # 2001
      • Rationale: Due to the timing of US Federal Government HHS mandates are expected to be proposed by the end of 2011. This IG is expected to be part of those proposed rules and therefore this is the requirement for the out of cycle ballot request.
    • O&O of SSDSD requests an out of cycle ballot for Version 2 release 2.7.1 , for approval by the TSC, at TSC Tracker # 2001
      • Rationale: Due to the timing of US Federal Government HHS mandates are expected to be proposed for the end of 2011 with the requirements in this release to be included in the Proposed Implementation Guide (IG) that will be included in the proposed mandated rules.
  6. Discussion topics:
  7. Reports: (attach written reports below from Steering Divisions et al.)
    • T3SD approved an updated Mission and Charter statement for the Project Services Work Group (PSC)
  8. Open Issues List

Supporting Documents

  • See links


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

Please complete the conference calling pilot survey
Please don't forget to hang up from the conference call (VOIP users)

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Please complete the conference calling pilot survey.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .