2010-06-21 TSC Call Minutes
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TSC Agenda/Minutes
Meeting Info/Attendees
Standing Conference Calls
TSC will hold a Conference Call at 11AM Eastern time, each Monday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at TSC_Minutes_and_Agendas.
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HL7 TSC Meeting Minutes Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 124466# |
Date: 2010-06-21 Time: 11:00 AM U.S. Eastern | ||
Facilitator | Charlie McCay | Note taker(s) | Lynn Laakso |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation | |
regrets | Calvin Beebe | HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair | |
? | Woody Beeler | HL7 FTSD Co-Chair | |
? | Bob Dolin | HL7 Board Chair | |
? | Austin Kreisler | HL7 DESD Co-Chair | |
? | Lynn Laakso | HL7 staff support | |
? | Ken McCaslin | HL7 TSS SD Co-Chair | |
? | Charlie McCay (chair) | HL7 TSC Chair, Affiliate Representative | |
? | Charlie Mead | HL7 ArB Chair | |
? | Ravi Natarajan | HL7 Affiliate Representative | |
? | Ron Parker | HL7 ArB Alternate | |
? | John Quinn | HL7 CTO | |
? | Gregg Seppala | HL7 SSD SD Co-Chair | |
? | Helen Stevens | HL7 TSS SD Co-Chair | |
? | Ed Tripp | HL7 DESD Co-Chair | |
? | D. Mead Walker | HL7 FTSD Co-Chair | |
Quorum Requirements (Chair +5 with 2 SD Reps) Met: (yes/No) |
Agenda Topics
- Introduction of visitors (including declaration of interests)
- Agenda review and approval - Charlie McCay
- Approve 2010-06-14 TSC Call Minutes
- Review action items –
- 1583 Create Project Scope Statement for TSC Communication Plan Project Ravi Natarajan
- 1582 Create Project Scope Statement for TSC Innovations Project Edward Tripp
- 1581 Create Project Scope Statement for TSC T3F Strategic Initiative Review Project Woody Beeler
- 1580 Create Project Scope Statement for TSC U.S. Healthcare Readiness Plan John Quinn and Ken McCaslin
- 1579 Create Project Scope Statement for TSC Product and Services Strategy Project Ken McCaslin
- 1578 Create Project Scope Statement for TSC WGM Development Project Helen Stevens
- 1577 provide the NCI governance to Austin Charlie Mead
- 1576 Work with Project Services to draft a template for Project Communication plan Lynn Laakso
- 1574 Develop Quality Plan project scope statement Austin Kreisler
- 1573 Identify actions needed to be taken by the TSC based on Roadmap subcommittee recommendations. John Quinn
- 1548 From 2010-05-03: John and Charlie Mead will work on a one sheet overview of SAIF vs NIEM, reviewed by ArB with the HL7 position. John Quinn
- 1544 From 2010-02-22: Lynn will look into options for version control for a common approach, with John’s and Austin’s help John Quinn, Austin Kreisler, and Lynn Laakso
- 1539 From 2010-03-29 - Action Item: Ron to pull the elevator pitch out for TSC review. Ron Parker
- 1322 Review and re-confirm ArB membership biannually starting September 2010 Plenary John Quinn
- HL7 Chair or CEO Report – if available
- CTO Report - John Quinn
- ArB Report – Charlie Mead/Ron Parker
- Affiliates Report – Ravi Natarajan
- I have create a doodle poll for the International Affiliate meeting dates.
- Domain Experts Report– Ed Tripp
- DESD has 4 votes currently underway. 3 to approve project scope statements and 1 for a Mission and Charter. Votes to close between 6/24/10 and 7/6/10.
- No other business.
- Foundation & Technology Report– Woody Beeler/Mead Walker
- Structure & Semantic Design Report– Calvin Beebe/Gregg Seppala
- MOTION: Request to Publish DSTU for PA: HL7 Version 3 Standard: Patient Administration, DSTU Release 2; Person Registry Enhancement, Release 1, at TSC Tracker #1586
- Technical & Support Services Report- Ken McCaslin/ Helen Stevens
- T3SD did not meet this week.
- From Project Services: Project Approval Process review for TSC approval.
- Membership Comments on Steering Division Reports
- TSC preparations - Lynn Laakso
- Recommendations for cost savings, for discussion:
- eliminate F&B for Saturday and Monday meetings
- Working Group preparations - agendas
- Organizational Relations Committee update (semiweekly) - Helen Stevens
- Discussion Topics:
- TSC Elections: Ken reports we have at least one nominee for each SD. The last candidate should have their name submitted before Monday because their organization has authorized them to continue to serve.
- Open Issues List
Supporting Documents
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Next Steps
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items